using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension;
namespace UnityEngine.Purchasing
/// Maps store specific Product identifiers to one
/// or more store identifiers.
/// The name is deliberately terse for use as a collection initializer.
public class IDs : IEnumerable>
private Dictionary m_Dic = new Dictionary();
/// Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
/// An IEnumerator object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return m_Dic.GetEnumerator();
/// Add a product identifier to a list of store names with string.
/// Product identifier.
/// List of stores by string, to which we the id will be mapped to.
public void Add(string id, params string[] stores)
foreach (var store in stores)
m_Dic[store] = id;
/// Add a product identifier to a list of store names with non strings such as Enums.
/// Product identifier.
/// List of stores by other object, to which we the id will be mapped to.
public void Add(string id, params object[] stores)
foreach (var store in stores)
m_Dic[store.ToString()] = id;
internal string SpecificIDForStore(string store, string defaultValue)
if (m_Dic.ContainsKey(store))
return m_Dic[store];
return defaultValue;
/// Retrieve an Enumerator with which can be used to iterate through the internal map structure.
/// Enumerator as a Key/Value pair.
public IEnumerator> GetEnumerator()
return m_Dic.GetEnumerator();
/// Builds configuration for Unity Purchasing,
/// consisting of products and store specific configuration details.
public class ConfigurationBuilder
private PurchasingFactory m_Factory;
private HashSet m_Products = new HashSet();
internal ConfigurationBuilder(PurchasingFactory factory)
m_Factory = factory;
/// Obsolete. Please use useCatalogProvider instead.
/// True it the project will use the catalog stored on the cloud.
[Obsolete("This property has been renamed 'useCatalogProvider'", false)]
public bool useCloudCatalog
/// Whether or not the project will use the catalog stored on the cloud or the one cached locally.
/// True if the project will use the catalog stored on the cloud.
public bool useCatalogProvider
/// The set of products in the catalog.
public HashSet products
get { return m_Products; }
internal PurchasingFactory factory
get { return m_Factory; }
/// Configure the store as specified by the template parameter.
/// Implementation of IStoreConfiguration
/// The store configuration as an object.
public T Configure() where T : IStoreConfiguration
return m_Factory.GetConfig();
/// Create an instance of the configuration builder.
/// The first purchasing module.
/// The remaining purchasing modules, excluding the one passes as first.
/// The instance of the configuration builder as specified.
public static ConfigurationBuilder Instance(IPurchasingModule first, params IPurchasingModule[] rest)
PurchasingFactory factory = new PurchasingFactory(first, rest);
return new ConfigurationBuilder(factory);
/// Add a product to the configuration builder.
/// The id of the product.
/// The type of the product.
/// The instance of the configuration builder with the new product added.
public ConfigurationBuilder AddProduct(string id, ProductType type)
return AddProduct(id, type, null);
/// Add a product to the configuration builder.
/// The id of the product.
/// The type of the product.
/// The object representing store IDs the product is to be added to.
/// The instance of the configuration builder with the new product added.
public ConfigurationBuilder AddProduct(string id, ProductType type, IDs storeIDs)
return AddProduct(id, type, storeIDs, (IEnumerable)null);
/// Add a product to the configuration builder.
/// The id of the product.
/// The type of the product.
/// The object representing store IDs the product is to be added to.
/// The payout definition of the product.
/// The instance of the configuration builder with the new product added.
public ConfigurationBuilder AddProduct(string id, ProductType type, IDs storeIDs, PayoutDefinition payout)
return AddProduct(id, type, storeIDs, new List { payout });
/// Add a product to the configuration builder.
/// The id of the product.
/// The type of the product.
/// The object representing store IDs the product is to be added to.
/// The enumerator of the payout definitions of the product.
/// The instance of the configuration builder with the new product added.
public ConfigurationBuilder AddProduct(string id, ProductType type, IDs storeIDs, IEnumerable payouts)
var specificId = id;
// Extract our store specific ID if present, according to the current store.
if (storeIDs != null)
specificId = storeIDs.SpecificIDForStore(factory.storeName, id);
var product = new ProductDefinition(id, specificId, type);
return this;
/// Add multiple products to the configuration builder.
/// The enumerator of the product definitions to be added.
/// The instance of the configuration builder with the new product added.
public ConfigurationBuilder AddProducts(IEnumerable products)
foreach (var product in products) {
return this;