# Unity In-App Purchasing (IAP) Unity IAP makes it easy to implement in-app purchases in your application across the most popular App stores. Supported platforms include: * iOS App Store * Mac App Store * Google Play * Universal Windows Platform * Amazon Appstore * Samsung Galaxy Apps * Facebook Gameroom For instructions on using the features in the Purchasing package, refer to the [Unity IAP section of the Unity Manual](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityIAP.html). The package is supported by Unity 2018.4.18f1+ and includes functionality previously included in earlier Package Manager packages. When upgrading existing projects to 2018.4 or later, older, redundant packages should be removed from the project. ## Installing the Purchasing Package Use the Unity Package Manager (menu: **Window** > **Package Manager**) to disable or enable the package. ## Document revision history |Date|Reason| |---|---| |November 12, 2018|Document created. Matches package version 2.0.4.| |August 28, 2020|Document updated. Matches package version 2.1.1.|