using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; using Lightmapping = UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Lightmapping; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { public enum MixedLightingSetup { None, ShadowMask, Subtractive, }; /// /// Enumeration that indicates what kind of image scaling is occurring if any /// internal enum ImageScalingMode { /// No scaling None, /// Upscaling to a larger image Upscaling, /// Downscaling to a smaller image Downscaling } /// /// Enumeration that indicates what kind of upscaling filter is being used /// internal enum ImageUpscalingFilter { /// Bilinear filtering Linear, /// Nearest-Neighbor filtering Point, /// FidelityFX Super Resolution FSR } public struct RenderingData { public CullingResults cullResults; public CameraData cameraData; public LightData lightData; public ShadowData shadowData; public PostProcessingData postProcessingData; public bool supportsDynamicBatching; public PerObjectData perObjectData; /// /// True if post-processing effect is enabled while rendering the camera stack. /// public bool postProcessingEnabled; } public struct LightData { public int mainLightIndex; public int additionalLightsCount; public int maxPerObjectAdditionalLightsCount; public NativeArray visibleLights; internal NativeArray originalIndices; public bool shadeAdditionalLightsPerVertex; public bool supportsMixedLighting; public bool reflectionProbeBoxProjection; public bool reflectionProbeBlending; public bool supportsLightLayers; /// /// True if additional lights enabled. /// public bool supportsAdditionalLights; } public struct CameraData { // Internal camera data as we are not yet sure how to expose View in stereo context. // We might change this API soon. Matrix4x4 m_ViewMatrix; Matrix4x4 m_ProjectionMatrix; internal void SetViewAndProjectionMatrix(Matrix4x4 viewMatrix, Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix) { m_ViewMatrix = viewMatrix; m_ProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix; } /// /// Returns the camera view matrix. /// /// public Matrix4x4 GetViewMatrix(int viewIndex = 0) { #if ENABLE_VR && ENABLE_XR_MODULE if (xr.enabled) return xr.GetViewMatrix(viewIndex); #endif return m_ViewMatrix; } /// /// Returns the camera projection matrix. /// /// public Matrix4x4 GetProjectionMatrix(int viewIndex = 0) { #if ENABLE_VR && ENABLE_XR_MODULE if (xr.enabled) return xr.GetProjMatrix(viewIndex); #endif return m_ProjectionMatrix; } /// /// Returns the camera GPU projection matrix. This contains platform specific changes to handle y-flip and reverse z. /// Similar to GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix but queries URP internal state to know if the pipeline is rendering to render texture. /// For more info on platform differences regarding camera projection check: /// /// /// public Matrix4x4 GetGPUProjectionMatrix(int viewIndex = 0) { return GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(GetProjectionMatrix(viewIndex), IsCameraProjectionMatrixFlipped()); } public Camera camera; public CameraRenderType renderType; public RenderTexture targetTexture; public RenderTextureDescriptor cameraTargetDescriptor; internal Rect pixelRect; internal int pixelWidth; internal int pixelHeight; internal float aspectRatio; public float renderScale; internal ImageScalingMode imageScalingMode; internal ImageUpscalingFilter upscalingFilter; internal bool fsrOverrideSharpness; internal float fsrSharpness; public bool clearDepth; public CameraType cameraType; public bool isDefaultViewport; public bool isHdrEnabled; public bool requiresDepthTexture; public bool requiresOpaqueTexture; /// /// Returns true if post processing passes require depth texture. /// public bool postProcessingRequiresDepthTexture; #if ENABLE_VR && ENABLE_XR_MODULE public bool xrRendering; #endif internal bool requireSrgbConversion { get { #if ENABLE_VR && ENABLE_XR_MODULE if (xr.enabled) return !xr.renderTargetDesc.sRGB && (QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear); #endif return targetTexture == null && Display.main.requiresSrgbBlitToBackbuffer; } } /// /// True if the camera rendering is for the scene window in the editor /// public bool isSceneViewCamera => cameraType == CameraType.SceneView; /// /// True if the camera rendering is for the preview window in the editor /// public bool isPreviewCamera => cameraType == CameraType.Preview; internal bool isRenderPassSupportedCamera => (cameraType == CameraType.Game || cameraType == CameraType.Reflection); /// /// True if the camera device projection matrix is flipped. This happens when the pipeline is rendering /// to a render texture in non OpenGL platforms. If you are doing a custom Blit pass to copy camera textures /// (_CameraColorTexture, _CameraDepthAttachment) you need to check this flag to know if you should flip the /// matrix when rendering with for cmd.Draw* and reading from camera textures. /// public bool IsCameraProjectionMatrixFlipped() { // Users only have access to CameraData on URP rendering scope. The current renderer should never be null. var renderer = ScriptableRenderer.current; Debug.Assert(renderer != null, "IsCameraProjectionMatrixFlipped is being called outside camera rendering scope."); if (renderer != null) { bool renderingToBackBufferTarget = renderer.cameraColorTarget == BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget; #if ENABLE_VR && ENABLE_XR_MODULE if (xr.enabled) renderingToBackBufferTarget |= renderer.cameraColorTarget == xr.renderTarget && !xr.renderTargetIsRenderTexture; #endif bool renderingToTexture = !renderingToBackBufferTarget || targetTexture != null; return SystemInfo.graphicsUVStartsAtTop && renderingToTexture; } return true; } public SortingCriteria defaultOpaqueSortFlags; internal XRPass xr; [Obsolete("Please use xr.enabled instead.")] public bool isStereoEnabled; public float maxShadowDistance; public bool postProcessEnabled; public IEnumerator> captureActions; public LayerMask volumeLayerMask; public Transform volumeTrigger; public bool isStopNaNEnabled; public bool isDitheringEnabled; public AntialiasingMode antialiasing; public AntialiasingQuality antialiasingQuality; /// /// Returns the current renderer used by this camera. /// /// public ScriptableRenderer renderer; /// /// True if this camera is resolving rendering to the final camera render target. /// When rendering a stack of cameras only the last camera in the stack will resolve to camera target. /// public bool resolveFinalTarget; /// /// Camera position in world space. /// public Vector3 worldSpaceCameraPos; } public struct ShadowData { public bool supportsMainLightShadows; [Obsolete("Obsolete, this feature was replaced by new 'ScreenSpaceShadows' renderer feature")] public bool requiresScreenSpaceShadowResolve; public int mainLightShadowmapWidth; public int mainLightShadowmapHeight; public int mainLightShadowCascadesCount; public Vector3 mainLightShadowCascadesSplit; /// /// Main light last cascade shadow fade border. /// Value represents the width of shadow fade that ranges from 0 to 1. /// Where value 0 is used for no shadow fade. /// public float mainLightShadowCascadeBorder; public bool supportsAdditionalLightShadows; public int additionalLightsShadowmapWidth; public int additionalLightsShadowmapHeight; public bool supportsSoftShadows; public int shadowmapDepthBufferBits; public List bias; public List resolution; internal bool isKeywordAdditionalLightShadowsEnabled; internal bool isKeywordSoftShadowsEnabled; } // Precomputed tile data. public struct PreTile { // Tile left, right, bottom and top plane equations in view space. // Normals are pointing out. public Unity.Mathematics.float4 planeLeft; public Unity.Mathematics.float4 planeRight; public Unity.Mathematics.float4 planeBottom; public Unity.Mathematics.float4 planeTop; } // Actual tile data passed to the deferred shaders. public struct TileData { public uint tileID; // 2x 16 bits public uint listBitMask; // 32 bits public uint relLightOffset; // 16 bits is enough public uint unused; } // Actual point/spot light data passed to the deferred shaders. public struct PunctualLightData { public Vector3 wsPos; public float radius; // TODO remove? included in attenuation public Vector4 color; public Vector4 attenuation; // .xy are used by DistanceAttenuation - .zw are used by AngleAttenuation (for SpotLights) public Vector3 spotDirection; // for spotLights public int flags; public Vector4 occlusionProbeInfo; public uint layerMask; } internal static class ShaderPropertyId { public static readonly int glossyEnvironmentColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_GlossyEnvironmentColor"); public static readonly int subtractiveShadowColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_SubtractiveShadowColor"); public static readonly int glossyEnvironmentCubeMap = Shader.PropertyToID("_GlossyEnvironmentCubeMap"); public static readonly int glossyEnvironmentCubeMapHDR = Shader.PropertyToID("_GlossyEnvironmentCubeMap_HDR"); public static readonly int ambientSkyColor = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_AmbientSky"); public static readonly int ambientEquatorColor = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_AmbientEquator"); public static readonly int ambientGroundColor = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_AmbientGround"); public static readonly int time = Shader.PropertyToID("_Time"); public static readonly int sinTime = Shader.PropertyToID("_SinTime"); public static readonly int cosTime = Shader.PropertyToID("_CosTime"); public static readonly int deltaTime = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_DeltaTime"); public static readonly int timeParameters = Shader.PropertyToID("_TimeParameters"); public static readonly int scaledScreenParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_ScaledScreenParams"); public static readonly int worldSpaceCameraPos = Shader.PropertyToID("_WorldSpaceCameraPos"); public static readonly int screenParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_ScreenParams"); public static readonly int projectionParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_ProjectionParams"); public static readonly int zBufferParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_ZBufferParams"); public static readonly int orthoParams = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_OrthoParams"); public static readonly int globalMipBias = Shader.PropertyToID("_GlobalMipBias"); public static readonly int screenSize = Shader.PropertyToID("_ScreenSize"); public static readonly int viewMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_MatrixV"); public static readonly int projectionMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("glstate_matrix_projection"); public static readonly int viewAndProjectionMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_MatrixVP"); public static readonly int inverseViewMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_MatrixInvV"); public static readonly int inverseProjectionMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_MatrixInvP"); public static readonly int inverseViewAndProjectionMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_MatrixInvVP"); public static readonly int cameraProjectionMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_CameraProjection"); public static readonly int inverseCameraProjectionMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_CameraInvProjection"); public static readonly int worldToCameraMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_WorldToCamera"); public static readonly int cameraToWorldMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_CameraToWorld"); public static readonly int cameraWorldClipPlanes = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes"); public static readonly int billboardNormal = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_BillboardNormal"); public static readonly int billboardTangent = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_BillboardTangent"); public static readonly int billboardCameraParams = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_BillboardCameraParams"); public static readonly int sourceTex = Shader.PropertyToID("_SourceTex"); public static readonly int scaleBias = Shader.PropertyToID("_ScaleBias"); public static readonly int scaleBiasRt = Shader.PropertyToID("_ScaleBiasRt"); // Required for 2D Unlit Shadergraph master node as it doesn't currently support hidden properties. public static readonly int rendererColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_RendererColor"); } public struct PostProcessingData { public ColorGradingMode gradingMode; public int lutSize; /// /// True if fast approximation functions are used when converting between the sRGB and Linear color spaces, false otherwise. /// public bool useFastSRGBLinearConversion; } public static class ShaderKeywordStrings { public static readonly string MainLightShadows = "_MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS"; public static readonly string MainLightShadowCascades = "_MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS_CASCADE"; public static readonly string MainLightShadowScreen = "_MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS_SCREEN"; public static readonly string CastingPunctualLightShadow = "_CASTING_PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_SHADOW"; // This is used during shadow map generation to differentiate between directional and punctual light shadows, as they use different formulas to apply Normal Bias public static readonly string AdditionalLightsVertex = "_ADDITIONAL_LIGHTS_VERTEX"; public static readonly string AdditionalLightsPixel = "_ADDITIONAL_LIGHTS"; internal static readonly string ClusteredRendering = "_CLUSTERED_RENDERING"; public static readonly string AdditionalLightShadows = "_ADDITIONAL_LIGHT_SHADOWS"; public static readonly string ReflectionProbeBoxProjection = "_REFLECTION_PROBE_BOX_PROJECTION"; public static readonly string ReflectionProbeBlending = "_REFLECTION_PROBE_BLENDING"; public static readonly string SoftShadows = "_SHADOWS_SOFT"; public static readonly string MixedLightingSubtractive = "_MIXED_LIGHTING_SUBTRACTIVE"; // Backward compatibility public static readonly string LightmapShadowMixing = "LIGHTMAP_SHADOW_MIXING"; public static readonly string ShadowsShadowMask = "SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK"; public static readonly string LightLayers = "_LIGHT_LAYERS"; public static readonly string RenderPassEnabled = "_RENDER_PASS_ENABLED"; public static readonly string BillboardFaceCameraPos = "BILLBOARD_FACE_CAMERA_POS"; public static readonly string LightCookies = "_LIGHT_COOKIES"; public static readonly string DepthNoMsaa = "_DEPTH_NO_MSAA"; public static readonly string DepthMsaa2 = "_DEPTH_MSAA_2"; public static readonly string DepthMsaa4 = "_DEPTH_MSAA_4"; public static readonly string DepthMsaa8 = "_DEPTH_MSAA_8"; public static readonly string LinearToSRGBConversion = "_LINEAR_TO_SRGB_CONVERSION"; internal static readonly string UseFastSRGBLinearConversion = "_USE_FAST_SRGB_LINEAR_CONVERSION"; public static readonly string DBufferMRT1 = "_DBUFFER_MRT1"; public static readonly string DBufferMRT2 = "_DBUFFER_MRT2"; public static readonly string DBufferMRT3 = "_DBUFFER_MRT3"; public static readonly string DecalNormalBlendLow = "_DECAL_NORMAL_BLEND_LOW"; public static readonly string DecalNormalBlendMedium = "_DECAL_NORMAL_BLEND_MEDIUM"; public static readonly string DecalNormalBlendHigh = "_DECAL_NORMAL_BLEND_HIGH"; public static readonly string SmaaLow = "_SMAA_PRESET_LOW"; public static readonly string SmaaMedium = "_SMAA_PRESET_MEDIUM"; public static readonly string SmaaHigh = "_SMAA_PRESET_HIGH"; public static readonly string PaniniGeneric = "_GENERIC"; public static readonly string PaniniUnitDistance = "_UNIT_DISTANCE"; public static readonly string BloomLQ = "_BLOOM_LQ"; public static readonly string BloomHQ = "_BLOOM_HQ"; public static readonly string BloomLQDirt = "_BLOOM_LQ_DIRT"; public static readonly string BloomHQDirt = "_BLOOM_HQ_DIRT"; public static readonly string UseRGBM = "_USE_RGBM"; public static readonly string Distortion = "_DISTORTION"; public static readonly string ChromaticAberration = "_CHROMATIC_ABERRATION"; public static readonly string HDRGrading = "_HDR_GRADING"; public static readonly string TonemapACES = "_TONEMAP_ACES"; public static readonly string TonemapNeutral = "_TONEMAP_NEUTRAL"; public static readonly string FilmGrain = "_FILM_GRAIN"; public static readonly string Fxaa = "_FXAA"; public static readonly string Dithering = "_DITHERING"; public static readonly string ScreenSpaceOcclusion = "_SCREEN_SPACE_OCCLUSION"; public static readonly string PointSampling = "_POINT_SAMPLING"; public static readonly string Rcas = "_RCAS"; public static readonly string Gamma20 = "_GAMMA_20"; public static readonly string HighQualitySampling = "_HIGH_QUALITY_SAMPLING"; public static readonly string DOWNSAMPLING_SIZE_2 = "DOWNSAMPLING_SIZE_2"; public static readonly string DOWNSAMPLING_SIZE_4 = "DOWNSAMPLING_SIZE_4"; public static readonly string DOWNSAMPLING_SIZE_8 = "DOWNSAMPLING_SIZE_8"; public static readonly string DOWNSAMPLING_SIZE_16 = "DOWNSAMPLING_SIZE_16"; public static readonly string _SPOT = "_SPOT"; public static readonly string _DIRECTIONAL = "_DIRECTIONAL"; public static readonly string _POINT = "_POINT"; public static readonly string _DEFERRED_STENCIL = "_DEFERRED_STENCIL"; public static readonly string _DEFERRED_FIRST_LIGHT = "_DEFERRED_FIRST_LIGHT"; public static readonly string _DEFERRED_MAIN_LIGHT = "_DEFERRED_MAIN_LIGHT"; public static readonly string _GBUFFER_NORMALS_OCT = "_GBUFFER_NORMALS_OCT"; public static readonly string _DEFERRED_MIXED_LIGHTING = "_DEFERRED_MIXED_LIGHTING"; public static readonly string LIGHTMAP_ON = "LIGHTMAP_ON"; public static readonly string DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON = "DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON"; public static readonly string _ALPHATEST_ON = "_ALPHATEST_ON"; public static readonly string DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED = "DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED"; public static readonly string _DETAIL_MULX2 = "_DETAIL_MULX2"; public static readonly string _DETAIL_SCALED = "_DETAIL_SCALED"; public static readonly string _CLEARCOAT = "_CLEARCOAT"; public static readonly string _CLEARCOATMAP = "_CLEARCOATMAP"; public static readonly string DEBUG_DISPLAY = "DEBUG_DISPLAY"; public static readonly string _EMISSION = "_EMISSION"; public static readonly string _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF = "_RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF"; public static readonly string _SURFACE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT = "_SURFACE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT"; public static readonly string _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON = "_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON"; public static readonly string _ALPHAMODULATE_ON = "_ALPHAMODULATE_ON"; public static readonly string _NORMALMAP = "_NORMALMAP"; public static readonly string EDITOR_VISUALIZATION = "EDITOR_VISUALIZATION"; // XR public static readonly string UseDrawProcedural = "_USE_DRAW_PROCEDURAL"; } public sealed partial class UniversalRenderPipeline { // Holds light direction for directional lights or position for punctual lights. // When w is set to 1.0, it means it's a punctual light. static Vector4 k_DefaultLightPosition = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); static Vector4 k_DefaultLightColor =; // Default light attenuation is setup in a particular way that it causes // directional lights to return 1.0 for both distance and angle attenuation static Vector4 k_DefaultLightAttenuation = new Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); static Vector4 k_DefaultLightSpotDirection = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); static Vector4 k_DefaultLightsProbeChannel = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); static List m_ShadowBiasData = new List(); static List m_ShadowResolutionData = new List(); /// /// Checks if a camera is a game camera. /// /// Camera to check state from. /// true if given camera is a game camera, false otherwise. public static bool IsGameCamera(Camera camera) { if (camera == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("camera"); return camera.cameraType == CameraType.Game || camera.cameraType == CameraType.VR; } /// /// Checks if a camera is rendering in stereo mode. /// /// Camera to check state from. /// Returns true if the given camera is rendering in stereo mode, false otherwise. [Obsolete("Please use CameraData.xr.enabled instead.")] public static bool IsStereoEnabled(Camera camera) { if (camera == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("camera"); return IsGameCamera(camera) && (camera.stereoTargetEye == StereoTargetEyeMask.Both); } /// /// Returns the current render pipeline asset for the current quality setting. /// If no render pipeline asset is assigned in QualitySettings, then returns the one assigned in GraphicsSettings. /// public static UniversalRenderPipelineAsset asset { get => GraphicsSettings.currentRenderPipeline as UniversalRenderPipelineAsset; } /// /// Checks if a camera is rendering in MultiPass stereo mode. /// /// Camera to check state from. /// Returns true if the given camera is rendering in multi pass stereo mode, false otherwise. [Obsolete("Please use CameraData.xr.singlePassEnabled instead.")] static bool IsMultiPassStereoEnabled(Camera camera) { if (camera == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("camera"); return false; } Comparison cameraComparison = (camera1, camera2) => { return (int)camera1.depth - (int)camera2.depth; }; #if UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER void SortCameras(List cameras) { if (cameras.Count > 1) cameras.Sort(cameraComparison); } #else void SortCameras(Camera[] cameras) { if (cameras.Length > 1) Array.Sort(cameras, cameraComparison); } #endif static GraphicsFormat MakeRenderTextureGraphicsFormat(bool isHdrEnabled, bool needsAlpha) { if (isHdrEnabled) { if (!needsAlpha && RenderingUtils.SupportsGraphicsFormat(GraphicsFormat.B10G11R11_UFloatPack32, FormatUsage.Linear | FormatUsage.Render)) return GraphicsFormat.B10G11R11_UFloatPack32; if (RenderingUtils.SupportsGraphicsFormat(GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat, FormatUsage.Linear | FormatUsage.Render)) return GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat; return SystemInfo.GetGraphicsFormat(DefaultFormat.HDR); // This might actually be a LDR format on old devices. } return SystemInfo.GetGraphicsFormat(DefaultFormat.LDR); } static RenderTextureDescriptor CreateRenderTextureDescriptor(Camera camera, float renderScale, bool isHdrEnabled, int msaaSamples, bool needsAlpha, bool requiresOpaqueTexture) { RenderTextureDescriptor desc; if (camera.targetTexture == null) { desc = new RenderTextureDescriptor(camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight); desc.width = (int)((float)desc.width * renderScale); desc.height = (int)((float)desc.height * renderScale); desc.graphicsFormat = MakeRenderTextureGraphicsFormat(isHdrEnabled, needsAlpha); desc.depthBufferBits = 32; desc.msaaSamples = msaaSamples; desc.sRGB = (QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear); } else { desc = camera.targetTexture.descriptor; desc.width = camera.pixelWidth; desc.height = camera.pixelHeight; if (camera.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView && !isHdrEnabled) { desc.graphicsFormat = SystemInfo.GetGraphicsFormat(DefaultFormat.LDR); } // SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat(camera.targetTexture.descriptor.colorFormat) // will assert on R8_SINT since it isn't a valid value of RenderTextureFormat. // If this is fixed then we can implement debug statement to the user explaining why some // RenderTextureFormats available resolves in a black render texture when no warning or error // is given. } // Make sure dimension is non zero desc.width = Mathf.Max(1, desc.width); desc.height = Mathf.Max(1, desc.height); desc.enableRandomWrite = false; desc.bindMS = false; desc.useDynamicScale = camera.allowDynamicResolution; // The way RenderTextures handle MSAA fallback when an unsupported sample count of 2 is requested (falling back to numSamples = 1), differs fom the way // the fallback is handled when setting up the Vulkan swapchain (rounding up numSamples to 4, if supported). This caused an issue on Mali GPUs which don't support // 2x MSAA. // The following code makes sure that on Vulkan the MSAA unsupported fallback behaviour is consistent between RenderTextures and Swapchain. // TODO: we should review how all backends handle MSAA fallbacks and move these implementation details in engine code. if (SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == GraphicsDeviceType.Vulkan) { // if the requested number of samples is 2, and the supported value is 1x, it means that 2x is unsupported on this GPU. // Then we bump up the requested value to 4. if (desc.msaaSamples == 2 && SystemInfo.GetRenderTextureSupportedMSAASampleCount(desc) == 1) desc.msaaSamples = 4; } // check that the requested MSAA samples count is supported by the current platform. If it's not supported, // replace the requested desc.msaaSamples value with the actual value the engine falls back to desc.msaaSamples = SystemInfo.GetRenderTextureSupportedMSAASampleCount(desc); // if the target platform doesn't support storing multisampled RTs and we are doing a separate opaque pass, using a Load load action on the subsequent passes // will result in loading Resolved data, which on some platforms is discarded, resulting in losing the results of the previous passes. // As a workaround we disable MSAA to make sure that the results of previous passes are stored. (fix for Case 1247423). if (!SystemInfo.supportsStoreAndResolveAction && requiresOpaqueTexture) desc.msaaSamples = 1; return desc; } private static Lightmapping.RequestLightsDelegate lightsDelegate = (Light[] requests, NativeArray lightsOutput) => { LightDataGI lightData = new LightDataGI(); #if UNITY_EDITOR // Always extract lights in the Editor. for (int i = 0; i < requests.Length; i++) { Light light = requests[i]; var additionalLightData = light.GetUniversalAdditionalLightData(); LightmapperUtils.Extract(light, out Cookie cookie); switch (light.type) { case LightType.Directional: DirectionalLight directionalLight = new DirectionalLight(); LightmapperUtils.Extract(light, ref directionalLight); if (light.cookie != null) { // Size == 1 / Scale cookie.sizes = additionalLightData.lightCookieSize; // Offset, Map cookie UV offset to light position on along local axes. if (additionalLightData.lightCookieOffset != { var r = light.transform.right * additionalLightData.lightCookieOffset.x; var u = light.transform.up * additionalLightData.lightCookieOffset.y; var offset = r + u; directionalLight.position += offset; } } lightData.Init(ref directionalLight, ref cookie); break; case LightType.Point: PointLight pointLight = new PointLight(); LightmapperUtils.Extract(light, ref pointLight); lightData.Init(ref pointLight, ref cookie); break; case LightType.Spot: SpotLight spotLight = new SpotLight(); LightmapperUtils.Extract(light, ref spotLight); spotLight.innerConeAngle = light.innerSpotAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad; spotLight.angularFalloff = AngularFalloffType.AnalyticAndInnerAngle; lightData.Init(ref spotLight, ref cookie); break; case LightType.Area: RectangleLight rectangleLight = new RectangleLight(); LightmapperUtils.Extract(light, ref rectangleLight); rectangleLight.mode = LightMode.Baked; lightData.Init(ref rectangleLight); break; case LightType.Disc: DiscLight discLight = new DiscLight(); LightmapperUtils.Extract(light, ref discLight); discLight.mode = LightMode.Baked; lightData.Init(ref discLight); break; default: lightData.InitNoBake(light.GetInstanceID()); break; } lightData.falloff = FalloffType.InverseSquared; lightsOutput[i] = lightData; } #else // If Enlighten realtime GI isn't active, we don't extract lights. if ( == false || ((int) | (int)LightmapBakeType.Realtime) == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < requests.Length; i++) { Light light = requests[i]; lightData.InitNoBake(light.GetInstanceID()); lightsOutput[i] = lightData; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < requests.Length; i++) { Light light = requests[i]; switch (light.type) { case LightType.Directional: DirectionalLight directionalLight = new DirectionalLight(); LightmapperUtils.Extract(light, ref directionalLight); lightData.Init(ref directionalLight); break; case LightType.Point: PointLight pointLight = new PointLight(); LightmapperUtils.Extract(light, ref pointLight); lightData.Init(ref pointLight); break; case LightType.Spot: SpotLight spotLight = new SpotLight(); LightmapperUtils.Extract(light, ref spotLight); spotLight.innerConeAngle = light.innerSpotAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad; spotLight.angularFalloff = AngularFalloffType.AnalyticAndInnerAngle; lightData.Init(ref spotLight); break; case LightType.Area: // Rect area light is baked only in URP. lightData.InitNoBake(light.GetInstanceID()); break; case LightType.Disc: // Disc light is baked only. lightData.InitNoBake(light.GetInstanceID()); break; default: lightData.InitNoBake(light.GetInstanceID()); break; } lightData.falloff = FalloffType.InverseSquared; lightsOutput[i] = lightData; } } #endif }; // called from DeferredLights.cs too public static void GetLightAttenuationAndSpotDirection( LightType lightType, float lightRange, Matrix4x4 lightLocalToWorldMatrix, float spotAngle, float? innerSpotAngle, out Vector4 lightAttenuation, out Vector4 lightSpotDir) { lightAttenuation = k_DefaultLightAttenuation; lightSpotDir = k_DefaultLightSpotDirection; // Directional Light attenuation is initialize so distance attenuation always be 1.0 if (lightType != LightType.Directional) { // Light attenuation in universal matches the unity vanilla one. // attenuation = 1.0 / distanceToLightSqr // We offer two different smoothing factors. // The smoothing factors make sure that the light intensity is zero at the light range limit. // The first smoothing factor is a linear fade starting at 80 % of the light range. // smoothFactor = (lightRangeSqr - distanceToLightSqr) / (lightRangeSqr - fadeStartDistanceSqr) // We rewrite smoothFactor to be able to pre compute the constant terms below and apply the smooth factor // with one MAD instruction // smoothFactor = distanceSqr * (1.0 / (fadeDistanceSqr - lightRangeSqr)) + (-lightRangeSqr / (fadeDistanceSqr - lightRangeSqr) // distanceSqr * oneOverFadeRangeSqr + lightRangeSqrOverFadeRangeSqr // The other smoothing factor matches the one used in the Unity lightmapper but is slower than the linear one. // smoothFactor = (1.0 - saturate((distanceSqr * 1.0 / lightrangeSqr)^2))^2 float lightRangeSqr = lightRange * lightRange; float fadeStartDistanceSqr = 0.8f * 0.8f * lightRangeSqr; float fadeRangeSqr = (fadeStartDistanceSqr - lightRangeSqr); float oneOverFadeRangeSqr = 1.0f / fadeRangeSqr; float lightRangeSqrOverFadeRangeSqr = -lightRangeSqr / fadeRangeSqr; float oneOverLightRangeSqr = 1.0f / Mathf.Max(0.0001f, lightRange * lightRange); // On untethered devices: Use the faster linear smoothing factor (SHADER_HINT_NICE_QUALITY). // On other devices: Use the smoothing factor that matches the GI. lightAttenuation.x = GraphicsSettings.HasShaderDefine(Graphics.activeTier, BuiltinShaderDefine.SHADER_API_MOBILE) || SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == GraphicsDeviceType.Switch ? oneOverFadeRangeSqr : oneOverLightRangeSqr; lightAttenuation.y = lightRangeSqrOverFadeRangeSqr; } if (lightType == LightType.Spot) { Vector4 dir = lightLocalToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(2); lightSpotDir = new Vector4(-dir.x, -dir.y, -dir.z, 0.0f); // Spot Attenuation with a linear falloff can be defined as // (SdotL - cosOuterAngle) / (cosInnerAngle - cosOuterAngle) // This can be rewritten as // invAngleRange = 1.0 / (cosInnerAngle - cosOuterAngle) // SdotL * invAngleRange + (-cosOuterAngle * invAngleRange) // If we precompute the terms in a MAD instruction float cosOuterAngle = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * spotAngle * 0.5f); // We neeed to do a null check for particle lights // This should be changed in the future // Particle lights will use an inline function float cosInnerAngle; if (innerSpotAngle.HasValue) cosInnerAngle = Mathf.Cos(innerSpotAngle.Value * Mathf.Deg2Rad * 0.5f); else cosInnerAngle = Mathf.Cos((2.0f * Mathf.Atan(Mathf.Tan(spotAngle * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (64.0f - 18.0f) / 64.0f)) * 0.5f); float smoothAngleRange = Mathf.Max(0.001f, cosInnerAngle - cosOuterAngle); float invAngleRange = 1.0f / smoothAngleRange; float add = -cosOuterAngle * invAngleRange; lightAttenuation.z = invAngleRange; lightAttenuation.w = add; } } public static void InitializeLightConstants_Common(NativeArray lights, int lightIndex, out Vector4 lightPos, out Vector4 lightColor, out Vector4 lightAttenuation, out Vector4 lightSpotDir, out Vector4 lightOcclusionProbeChannel) { lightPos = k_DefaultLightPosition; lightColor = k_DefaultLightColor; lightOcclusionProbeChannel = k_DefaultLightsProbeChannel; lightAttenuation = k_DefaultLightAttenuation; lightSpotDir = k_DefaultLightSpotDirection; // When no lights are visible, main light will be set to -1. // In this case we initialize it to default values and return if (lightIndex < 0) return; VisibleLight lightData = lights[lightIndex]; if (lightData.lightType == LightType.Directional) { Vector4 dir = -lightData.localToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(2); lightPos = new Vector4(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, 0.0f); } else { Vector4 pos = lightData.localToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(3); lightPos = new Vector4(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1.0f); } // VisibleLight.finalColor already returns color in active color space lightColor = lightData.finalColor; GetLightAttenuationAndSpotDirection( lightData.lightType, lightData.range, lightData.localToWorldMatrix, lightData.spotAngle, lightData.light?.innerSpotAngle, out lightAttenuation, out lightSpotDir); Light light = lightData.light; if (light != null && light.bakingOutput.lightmapBakeType == LightmapBakeType.Mixed && 0 <= light.bakingOutput.occlusionMaskChannel && light.bakingOutput.occlusionMaskChannel < 4) { lightOcclusionProbeChannel[light.bakingOutput.occlusionMaskChannel] = 1.0f; } } } internal enum URPProfileId { // CPU UniversalRenderTotal, UpdateVolumeFramework, RenderCameraStack, // GPU AdditionalLightsShadow, ColorGradingLUT, CopyColor, CopyDepth, DepthNormalPrepass, DepthPrepass, // DrawObjectsPass DrawOpaqueObjects, DrawTransparentObjects, // RenderObjectsPass //RenderObjects, LightCookies, MainLightShadow, ResolveShadows, SSAO, // PostProcessPass StopNaNs, SMAA, GaussianDepthOfField, BokehDepthOfField, MotionBlur, PaniniProjection, UberPostProcess, Bloom, LensFlareDataDriven, MotionVectors, FinalBlit } }