# ![Bezier Shape Icon](images/icons/NewBezierSpline.png) Bezier Shape tool The Bezier Shape tool uses a Bezier spline (curve) and extrudes along it to create a 3D version of the curve. You fine-tune the shape by using the tangent handles on the control points to bend the shape. ![Default Bezier shape](images/BezierShape_HeaderImage.png) To define a Mesh based on a bezier (curve) shape: 1. Make sure the [Experimental Features Enabled](preferences.md#experimental) preference is enabled (go to **Edit** > **Preferences** in Windows or **Unity** > **Preferences** in macOS from the main menu in Unity, then select the **ProBuilder** category from the list). 2. Open the ProBuilder window (in Unity's top menu: **Tools** > **ProBuilder window**). The [Edit Mode toolbar](edit-mode-toolbar.md) and the [ProBuilder toolbar](toolbar.md) appear. 3. From the ProBuilder toolbar, click ![Bezier Shape icon](images/icons/NewBezierSpline.png) **New Bezier Shape**. > **Tip:** You can also access this tool from the ProBuilder menu (**Tools** > **ProBuilder** > **Editors** > **New Bezier Shape**). The initial curve has two control points with tangent handles to control the curve's bend. By default, ProBuilder creates the curve [in editing mode](bezier.md) so you can continue to reshape it.