# UV Editor toolbar ![UV Editor toolbar](images/UVToolbar.png) **(A)** This first group of buttons contains shortcuts to the standard Unity manipulation tools. These have the same effect as the [main Unity toolbar buttons](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PositioningGameObjects.html). **(B)** The second button group contains shortcuts to ProBuilder's [Element Edit modes](edit-mode-toolbar.md). When you use [Manual UV Editing](manual-uvs-actions.md), this allows you to select and manipulate UVs by Vertex, Edge, or Face. > **Note:** When you use [Auto UVs](auto-uvs-actions.md), you can only edit UVs by face. If you edit an Edge or Vertex, ProBuilder converts the selected UVs to [Manual UVs](manual-uvs-actions.md). **(C)** The third group of buttons contain buttons to perform the following actions: * ![In-Scene ON](images/icons/ProBuilderGUI_UV_Manip_On.png) __Scope controls__: Control how Unity's standard [transform tools](#Scope) behave. * ![In-Scene ON](images/icons/ProBuilderGUI_UV_ShowTexture_On.png) __Texture preview__: Toggle whether the UV Viewer displays the face's [Texture](#Texture). * ![Render UV Template button](images/icons/ProBuilderGUI_UV_RenderUVTemplate.png) __Save UV image__: Create [UV Templates](#SaveUV) from the current UV mapping. ## ![In-Scene ON](images/icons/ProBuilderGUI_UV_Manip_On.png) Scope controls When Scope controls are **on** (![In-Scene ON](images/icons/ProBuilderGUI_UV_Manip_On.png)), you can use Unity's standard Move, Rotate, and Scale tools to directly manipulate UVs in the scene, without affecting geometry. When Scope controls are **off** (![In-Scene OFF](images/icons/ProBuilderGUI_UV_Manip_Off.png)), the Move, Rotate, and Scale tools return to normal geometry actions. ![Move, Rotate, and Scale tools on a Mesh](images/UV_InSceneControls.png) When you use the Transform tools in the UV Viewer, you can snap to increments with the **Ctrl** (Windows) or **Cmd** (macOS) modifiers. To customize the size of these increment values, set the [UV Snap Increment](preferences.md#uvs) preference. ## ![In-Scene ON](images/icons/ProBuilderGUI_UV_ShowTexture_On.png) Texture preview When Texture preview is **on** (![In-Scene ON](images/icons/ProBuilderGUI_UV_ShowTexture_On.png)), the selected face's Texture appears in the UV Viewer. This preview makes it easier to fit the UV to the Texture. When Texture preview is **off** (![In-Scene OFF](images/icons/ProBuilderGUI_UV_ShowTexture_Off.png)), the Texture does not appear in the UV Viewer. ![Toggle the Texture preview (OFF - ON)](images/ShowTexturePreview_Example.png) ## ![Render UV Template button](images/icons/ProBuilderGUI_UV_RenderUVTemplate.png) Save UV image Click the Camera icon (![Render UV Template button](images/icons/ProBuilderGUI_UV_RenderUVTemplate.png)) to open the **Save UV Image** window. You can use this window to render a UV Template for texture map painting, atlasing, and sprite sheets. ![Render UVs Panel](images/RenderUVsPanel.png) |**Property:** |**Function:** | |:---|:---| |__Image Size__|Choose the total size for the rendered template. ProBuilder always renders the image as a square.| |__Hide Grid__|Enable this option to prevent the grid from appearing in the rendered image.| |__Line Color__|Choose the color that you want ProBuilder to use for rendering the UV lines.| |__Transparent Background__|Enable this option to render a transparent background.| |__Background Color__|Choose the color that you want ProBuilder to use for the background. This option is only available when the __Transparent Background__ property is disabled.| When you are satisfied with the options on this window, click the __Save UV Template__ button. A file browser opens so you can choose the filename and location where you want to save the file.