# The ProBuilder menu Use the ProBuilder menu to access most of the ProBuilder editors, actions, tools, and a few special features that are only available through this menu. For example, you can repair and debug ProBuilder, or access the experimental [Boolean operations](boolean.md). ![The ProBuilder menu](images/pb_menu.png) The ProBuilder menu items include the following: * [ProBuilder Window](menu-open.md) * [Editors](menu-editors.md) * [Dimensions Overlay](menu-dimover.md) * [Selection](menu-selection.md) * [Interaction](menu-interaction.md) * [Object](menu-object.md) * [Geometry](menu-geometry.md) * [Materials](menu-materials.md) * [Vertex Colors](menu-vertexcolors.md) * [Experimental](menu-experimental.md) (only available when you enable the [experimental features preference](preferences.md#experimental)) * [Repair](menu-repair.md) * [Export](menu-export.md) * [Debug](menu-debug.md) * [Actions](menu-actions.md)