# Interaction This sub-menu provides access to selection interaction actions. ![Tools > ProBuilder > Interaction menu](images/menu-interaction.png) ## Toggle Drag Rect Mode Use this to set the **Rect** action to **Complete**. This means that drag selection only selects elements that are fully inside the drag rectangle. For more information, see the [Rect](Selection_Rect_Intersect.md) action documentation. ## Toggle Drag Selection Mode Use this to set the **Rect** action to **Intersect**. This means that drag selection selects any elements that intersect with the drag rectangle. For more information, see the [Rect](Selection_Rect_Intersect.md) action documentation. ## Toggle Handle Orientation Use this to toggle between the three orientation states for Scene handles (__Global__, __Local__, or __Normal__). For more information, see the [Orientation](HandleAlign.md) action documentation. ## Toggle Select Back Faces Use the **Select Hidden** action to define whether drag selection selects or ignores hidden elements. For more information, see the [Select Hidden](Selection_SelectHidden.md) action documentation. ## Toggle X Ray Use this to switch between showing and hiding any selected hidden geometry. This menu item provides access to the [Selection X-Ray](preferences.md#sel-xray) preference.