# ![Offset Elements icon](images/icons/Offset_Elements.png) Offset Elements The __Offset Elements__ action moves the selected element(s) according to the default values. You can change the default values with the **Offset Settings**. This tool is available in Vertex, Edge, and Face edit mode and appears as **Offset Vertices**, **Offset Edges**, and **Offset Faces** on the text buttons on the ProBuilder toolbar. ![Examples of offsetting a vertex on the y-axis (A), 2 edges on the y-axis (B), and a face on the z-axis (C)](images/OffsetElements_Example.png) > **Tip:** You can also launch this action from the ProBuilder menu (**Tools** > **ProBuilder** > **Geometry** > **Offset Elements**). ## Offset Elements options Using the Offset Settings lets you enter a precise value to move vertices, edges, and faces. ![Offset Elements options](images/Offset_Elements_props.png)
Property: Description:
Coordinate Space Select the relative space for moving the elements.
World Move the element in world space. This is the default.
Local Move the element relative to the GameObject.
Element Move the element relative to the itself.
Handle Moves the element relative to the handle.
Translate Set positive or negative values to move for each axis. By default, X and Z are set to 0 and Y is set to 1.