# Inset To create a new face set into the currently selected face, you can use the [Extrude Faces](Face_Extrude.md) action and scale the extruded face. ![Inset face on top of cube](images/InsetFace_Example.png) Inset faces give you a lot of flexibility for building more sophisticated shapes. For example, you can extrude an inset face inwards to create interior walls, or extrude outwards for a more detailed exterior. To create an inset face: 1. Activate the [Face mode](modes.md). 2. Select the face you want to add the inset to. 3. Activate the [Scale action](https://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/PositioningGameObjects.html). 4. Hold **Shift** and scale along either axis of the face, and let go when you are satisfied. For example, if you want to inset the top face of a cube, you can scale along either the x-axis or the z-axis. 5. Scale along the other axis of the face to complete the inset. For example, if you extruded along the z-axis in step 4, then scale in the x-axis.