using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UObject = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder.AssetIdRemapUtility { [Serializable] sealed class AssetIdentifierTuple { public AssetId source; public AssetId destination; public AssetIdentifierTuple() { source = null; destination = null; } public AssetIdentifierTuple(AssetId src, AssetId dest) { source = src ?? new AssetId(); destination = dest ?? new AssetId(); } public bool AssetEquals(AssetIdentifierTuple other) { return AssetId.IsValid(source) == AssetId.IsValid(other.source) && source.AssetEquals(other.source) && AssetId.IsValid(destination) == AssetId.IsValid(other.destination) && destination.AssetEquals(other.destination); } } [Serializable] class StringTuple { public string key; public string value; public StringTuple(string k, string v) { key = k; value = v; } } enum Origin { Source, Destination } [Serializable] class AssetIdRemapObject { public List sourceDirectory = new List(); public string destinationDirectory = null; public List map = new List(); public AssetIdentifierTuple this[int i] { get { return map[i]; } set { map[i] = value; } } public void Clear(Origin origin) { switch (origin) { case Origin.Source: sourceDirectory.Clear(); for (int i = 0, c = map.Count; i < c; i++) map[i].source.Clear(); break; case Origin.Destination: destinationDirectory = ""; for (int i = 0, c = map.Count; i < c; i++) map[i].destination.Clear(); break; } map = map.Where(x => AssetId.IsValid(x.source) || AssetId.IsValid(x.destination)).ToList(); } public void Delete(IEnumerable entries) { map.RemoveAll(entries.Contains); } public void Merge(IEnumerable entries) { var types = entries.SelectMany(x => new[] { x.source.assetType, x.destination.assetType }); if (types.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).Distinct().Count() > 1) { Debug.LogError("Attempting to map entries of multiple types! This is not allowed."); return; } var arr = entries as AssetIdentifierTuple[] ?? entries.ToArray(); var src = arr.Where(x => AssetId.IsValid(x.source) && !AssetId.IsValid(x.destination)).ToArray(); var dst = arr.Where(x => AssetId.IsValid(x.destination)).ToArray(); if (dst.Count() != 1) { Debug.LogError("Merging AssetId entries requires only one valid destination entry be selected."); return; } var d = dst.First().destination; foreach (var s in src) map.Add(new AssetIdentifierTuple(new AssetId(s.source), new AssetId(d))); map.RemoveAll(src.Contains); map.RemoveAll(x => dst.Contains(x) && !AssetId.IsValid(x.source)); } } [Serializable] class AssetId : IEquatable { const string k_MonoScriptTypeString = "UnityEditor.MonoScript"; static readonly string[] k_MonoScriptTypeSplit = new string[1] {"::"}; enum AssetType { Unknown = 0, Default = 1, MonoScript = 2, // add more as special cases require } /// /// A path relative to the root asset directory (ex, ProBuilder/About/Hello.cs). /// Stored per-asset because the path may change between upgrades. A single file name is stored at the tuple /// level. /// public string localPath { get { return m_LocalPath; } } public string name { get { return m_Name; } } /// /// Return the backing type of this asset. If the asset is a MonoScript, the associated mono class will be /// returned. To get the Unity asset type use assetType. /// public string type { get { return IsMonoScript() ? m_MonoScriptClass : m_Type; } } public string assetType { get { return IsMonoScript() ? k_MonoScriptTypeString : m_Type; } } /// /// File Ids associated with this asset. /// public string fileId { get { return m_FileId; } } /// /// Asset GUID. /// public string guid { get { return m_Guid; } } [SerializeField] string m_Guid; [SerializeField] string m_FileId; [SerializeField] string m_LocalPath; [SerializeField] string m_Name; [SerializeField] string m_Type; // the remaining properties are only relevant to monoscript files AssetType m_InternalType = AssetType.Unknown; string m_MonoScriptClass = null; #pragma warning disable 414 bool m_IsEditorScript = false; #pragma warning restore 414 public AssetId() { Clear(); } public AssetId(AssetId other) { m_Guid = other.m_Guid; m_FileId = other.m_FileId; m_LocalPath = other.m_LocalPath; m_Name = other.m_Name; m_Type = other.m_Type; } public AssetId(UObject obj, string file, string guid, string localPath = null) { if (obj == null) throw new SystemException("Cannot initialize an AssetIdentifier with a null object"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) throw new SystemException("Cannot initialize an AssetIdentifier without a GUID"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) throw new SystemException("Cannot initialize an AssetIdentifier without a FileId"); m_FileId = file; m_Guid = guid; m_Name =; m_LocalPath = localPath; m_Type = GetUObjectTypeString(obj); } static string GetUObjectTypeString(UObject obj) { MonoScript ms = obj as MonoScript; if (ms != null) return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", obj.GetType().ToString(), k_MonoScriptTypeSplit[0], ms.GetClass()); return obj.GetType().ToString(); } public bool Equals(AssetId other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false; if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; return string.Equals(m_Guid, other.m_Guid) && string.Equals(m_FileId, other.m_FileId) && string.Equals(m_LocalPath, other.m_LocalPath); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false; if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true; var id = obj as AssetId; if (id != null) return Equals(id); return false; } public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 0; unchecked { hash = (hash * 7) + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Guid) ? 0 : m_Guid.GetHashCode()); hash = (hash * 7) + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_FileId) ? 0 : m_FileId.GetHashCode()); hash = (hash * 7) + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_LocalPath) ? 0 : m_LocalPath.GetHashCode()); } return hash; } public void Clear() { m_Guid = ""; m_FileId = ""; m_LocalPath = ""; m_Name = ""; m_Type = ""; m_InternalType = AssetType.Unknown; m_MonoScriptClass = null; m_IsEditorScript = false; } public void SetPathRelativeTo(string dir) { m_LocalPath = m_LocalPath.Replace(dir, ""); } public static bool IsValid(AssetId id) { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id == null ? null : id.m_Guid); } public bool IsMonoScript() { if (m_InternalType == AssetType.Unknown) { if (m_Type.StartsWith(k_MonoScriptTypeString)) { m_InternalType = AssetType.MonoScript; try { m_MonoScriptClass = m_Type.Split(k_MonoScriptTypeSplit, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]; if (m_LocalPath.EndsWith(".dll", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) m_IsEditorScript = m_LocalPath.StartsWith("Editor/") || m_LocalPath.Contains("/Editor/") || PackageImporter.IsEditorPluginEnabled(guid); else m_IsEditorScript = m_LocalPath.StartsWith("Editor/") || m_LocalPath.Contains("/Editor/"); } catch { m_MonoScriptClass = "null"; // pb_Log.Debug("Failed parsing type from monoscript \"" + m_Name + "\" (" + m_Type + ")"); } } else { m_InternalType = AssetType.Default; } } return m_InternalType == AssetType.MonoScript; } bool GetNamespaceAndType(string classType, out string namespaceString, out string typeString) { namespaceString = null; typeString = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(classType)) return false; int last = classType.LastIndexOf('.'); if (last < 0) { typeString = classType; return true; } namespaceString = classType.Substring(0, last); typeString = classType.Substring(last + 1, (classType.Length - last) - 1); return true; } public bool AssetEquals(AssetId other) { if (!assetType.Equals(other.assetType)) return false; return localPath.Equals(other.localPath); } /// /// Does the object this id reference exist in the project? /// /// public bool ExistsInProject() { string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(m_Guid); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath)) return false; var assetObj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath); if (assetObj == null) return false; return m_Type.Equals(GetUObjectTypeString(assetObj)); } } }