using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Packages.Rider.Editor.ProjectGeneration; using Packages.Rider.Editor.Util; using Unity.CodeEditor; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; namespace Packages.Rider.Editor { [InitializeOnLoad] internal class RiderScriptEditor : IExternalCodeEditor { IDiscovery m_Discoverability; static IGenerator m_ProjectGeneration; RiderInitializer m_Initiliazer = new RiderInitializer(); static RiderScriptEditor() { try { // todo: make ProjectGeneration lazy var projectGeneration = new ProjectGeneration.ProjectGeneration(); var editor = new RiderScriptEditor(new Discovery(), projectGeneration); CodeEditor.Register(editor); var path = GetEditorRealPath(CurrentEditor); if (IsRiderInstallation(path)) { RiderPathLocator.RiderInfo[] installations = null; if (!RiderScriptEditorData.instance.initializedOnce) { installations = RiderPathLocator.GetAllRiderPaths().OrderBy(a => a.BuildNumber).ToArray(); // is likely outdated if (installations.Any() && installations.All(a => GetEditorRealPath(a.Path) != path)) { if (RiderPathLocator.GetIsToolbox(path)) // is toolbox - update { var toolboxInstallations = installations.Where(a => a.IsToolbox).ToArray(); if (toolboxInstallations.Any()) { var newEditor = toolboxInstallations.Last().Path; CodeEditor.SetExternalScriptEditor(newEditor); path = newEditor; } else { var newEditor = installations.Last().Path; CodeEditor.SetExternalScriptEditor(newEditor); path = newEditor; } } else // is non toolbox - notify { var newEditorName = installations.Last().Presentation; Debug.LogWarning($"Consider updating External Editor in Unity to {newEditorName}."); } } ShowWarningOnUnexpectedScriptEditor(path); RiderScriptEditorData.instance.initializedOnce = true; } if (!FileSystemUtil.EditorPathExists(path)) // previously used rider was removed { if (installations == null) installations = RiderPathLocator.GetAllRiderPaths().OrderBy(a => a.BuildNumber).ToArray(); if (installations.Any()) { var newEditor = installations.Last().Path; CodeEditor.SetExternalScriptEditor(newEditor); path = newEditor; } } RiderScriptEditorData.instance.Init(); editor.CreateSolutionIfDoesntExist(); if (RiderScriptEditorData.instance.shouldLoadEditorPlugin) { editor.m_Initiliazer.Initialize(path); } // can't switch to non-deprecated api, because UnityEditor.Build.BuildPipelineInterfaces.processors is internal #pragma warning disable 618 EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTargetChanged += () => #pragma warning restore 618 { RiderScriptEditorData.instance.hasChanges = true; }; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } private static void ShowWarningOnUnexpectedScriptEditor(string path) { // Show warning, when Unity was started from Rider, but external editor is different try { var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); var commandlineParser = new CommandLineParser(args); if (commandlineParser.Options.ContainsKey("-riderPath")) { var originRiderPath = commandlineParser.Options["-riderPath"]; var originRealPath = GetEditorRealPath(originRiderPath); var originVersion = RiderPathLocator.GetBuildNumber(originRealPath); var version = RiderPathLocator.GetBuildNumber(path); if (originVersion != null && originVersion != version) { Debug.LogWarning("Unity was started by a version of Rider that is not the current default external editor. Advanced integration features cannot be enabled."); Debug.Log($"Unity was started by Rider {originVersion}, but external editor is set to: {path}"); } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } internal static string GetEditorRealPath(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return path; } if (!FileSystemUtil.EditorPathExists(path)) return path; if (SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily != OperatingSystemFamily.Windows) { var realPath = FileSystemUtil.GetFinalPathName(path); // case of snap installation if (SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily == OperatingSystemFamily.Linux) { if (new FileInfo(path).Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "rider" && new FileInfo(realPath).Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "snap") { var snapInstallPath = "/snap/rider/current/bin/"; if (new FileInfo(snapInstallPath).Exists) return snapInstallPath; } } // in case of symlink return realPath; } return path; } public RiderScriptEditor(IDiscovery discovery, IGenerator projectGeneration) { m_Discoverability = discovery; m_ProjectGeneration = projectGeneration; } public void OnGUI() { if (RiderScriptEditorData.instance.shouldLoadEditorPlugin) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); var style =; var text = "Customize handled extensions in"; EditorGUILayout.LabelField(text, style, GUILayout.Width(style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text)).x)); if (PluginSettings.LinkButton("Project Settings | Editor | Additional extensions to include")) { SettingsService.OpenProjectSettings("Project/Editor"); // how do I focus "Additional extensions to include"? } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Generate .csproj files for:"); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; SettingsButton(ProjectGenerationFlag.Embedded, "Embedded packages", ""); SettingsButton(ProjectGenerationFlag.Local, "Local packages", ""); SettingsButton(ProjectGenerationFlag.Registry, "Registry packages", ""); SettingsButton(ProjectGenerationFlag.Git, "Git packages", ""); SettingsButton(ProjectGenerationFlag.BuiltIn, "Built-in packages", ""); #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER SettingsButton(ProjectGenerationFlag.LocalTarBall, "Local tarball", ""); #endif SettingsButton(ProjectGenerationFlag.Unknown, "Packages from unknown sources", ""); SettingsButton(ProjectGenerationFlag.PlayerAssemblies, "Player projects", "For each player project generate an additional csproj with the name 'project-player.csproj'"); RegenerateProjectFiles(); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } void RegenerateProjectFiles() { var rect = EditorGUI.IndentedRect(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(new GUILayoutOption[] {})); rect.width = 252; if (GUI.Button(rect, "Regenerate project files")) { m_ProjectGeneration.Sync(); } } void SettingsButton(ProjectGenerationFlag preference, string guiMessage, string toolTip) { var prevValue = m_ProjectGeneration.AssemblyNameProvider.ProjectGenerationFlag.HasFlag(preference); var newValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent(guiMessage, toolTip), prevValue); if (newValue != prevValue) { m_ProjectGeneration.AssemblyNameProvider.ToggleProjectGeneration(preference); } } public void SyncIfNeeded(string[] addedFiles, string[] deletedFiles, string[] movedFiles, string[] movedFromFiles, string[] importedFiles) { m_ProjectGeneration.SyncIfNeeded(addedFiles.Union(deletedFiles).Union(movedFiles).Union(movedFromFiles), importedFiles); } public void SyncAll() { AssetDatabase.Refresh(); m_ProjectGeneration.SyncIfNeeded(new string[] { }, new string[] { }); } [UsedImplicitly] public static void SyncSolution() // generate-the-sln-file-via-script-or-command-line { m_ProjectGeneration.Sync(); } [UsedImplicitly] // called from Rider EditorPlugin with reflection public static void SyncIfNeeded(bool checkProjectFiles) { AssetDatabase.Refresh(); m_ProjectGeneration.SyncIfNeeded(new string[] { }, new string[] { }, checkProjectFiles); } [UsedImplicitly] public static void SyncSolutionAndOpenExternalEditor() { m_ProjectGeneration.Sync(); CodeEditor.CurrentEditor.OpenProject(); } public void Initialize(string editorInstallationPath) // is called each time ExternalEditor is changed { var prevEditorBuildNumber = RiderScriptEditorData.instance.prevEditorBuildNumber; RiderScriptEditorData.instance.Invalidate(editorInstallationPath, true); if (prevEditorBuildNumber.ToVersion() != RiderScriptEditorData.instance.editorBuildNumber.ToVersion()) // in Unity 2019.3 any change in preference causes `Initialize` call { m_ProjectGeneration.Sync(); // regenerate csproj and sln for new editor #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER EditorUtility.RequestScriptReload(); // EditorPlugin would get loaded #else UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.RequestScriptReload(); #endif } } public bool OpenProject(string path, int line, int column) { var projectGeneration = (ProjectGeneration.ProjectGeneration) m_ProjectGeneration; // Assets - Open C# Project passes empty path here if (path != "" && !projectGeneration.HasValidExtension(path)) { return false; } if (!IsUnityScript(path)) { m_ProjectGeneration.SyncIfNeeded(affectedFiles: new string[] { }, new string[] { }); var fastOpenResult = EditorPluginInterop.OpenFileDllImplementation(path, line, column); if (fastOpenResult) return true; } if (SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily == OperatingSystemFamily.MacOSX) { return OpenOSXApp(path, line, column); } var solution = GetSolutionFile(path); // TODO: If solution file doesn't exist resync. solution = solution == "" ? "" : $"\"{solution}\""; var process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = CodeEditor.CurrentEditorInstallation, Arguments = $"{solution} -l {line} \"{path}\"", UseShellExecute = true, } }; process.Start(); return true; } private bool OpenOSXApp(string path, int line, int column) { var solution = GetSolutionFile(path); solution = solution == "" ? "" : $"\"{solution}\""; var pathArguments = path == "" ? "" : $"-l {line} \"{path}\""; var process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "open", Arguments = $"-n -j \"{CodeEditor.CurrentEditorInstallation}\" --args {solution} {pathArguments}", CreateNoWindow = true, UseShellExecute = true, } }; process.Start(); return true; } private string GetSolutionFile(string path) { if (IsUnityScript(path)) { return Path.Combine(GetBaseUnityDeveloperFolder(), "Projects/CSharp/Unity.CSharpProjects.gen.sln"); } var solutionFile = m_ProjectGeneration.SolutionFile(); if (File.Exists(solutionFile)) { return solutionFile; } return ""; } static bool IsUnityScript(string path) { if (UnityEditor.Unsupported.IsDeveloperBuild()) { var baseFolder = GetBaseUnityDeveloperFolder().Replace("\\", "/"); var lowerPath = path.ToLowerInvariant().Replace("\\", "/"); if (lowerPath.Contains((baseFolder + "/Runtime").ToLowerInvariant()) || lowerPath.Contains((baseFolder + "/Editor").ToLowerInvariant())) { return true; } } return false; } static string GetBaseUnityDeveloperFolder() { return Directory.GetParent(EditorApplication.applicationPath).Parent.Parent.FullName; } public bool TryGetInstallationForPath(string editorPath, out CodeEditor.Installation installation) { if (FileSystemUtil.EditorPathExists(editorPath) && IsRiderInstallation(editorPath)) { var info = new RiderPathLocator.RiderInfo(editorPath, false); installation = new CodeEditor.Installation { Name = info.Presentation, Path = info.Path }; return true; } installation = default; return false; } public static bool IsRiderInstallation(string path) { if (IsAssetImportWorkerProcess()) return false; #if UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER if (UnityEditor.MPE.ProcessService.level == UnityEditor.MPE.ProcessLevel.Secondary) return false; #elif UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER if (UnityEditor.MPE.ProcessService.level == UnityEditor.MPE.ProcessLevel.Slave) return false; #elif UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER if (Unity.MPE.ProcessService.level == Unity.MPE.ProcessLevel.UMP_SLAVE) return false; #endif if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) return false; var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); var filename = fileInfo.Name.ToLowerInvariant(); return filename.StartsWith("rider", StringComparison.Ordinal); } private static bool IsAssetImportWorkerProcess() { #if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER return UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsAssetImportWorkerProcess(); #elif UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER return UnityEditor.Experimental.AssetDatabaseExperimental.IsAssetImportWorkerProcess(); #else return false; #endif } public static string CurrentEditor // works fast, doesn't validate if executable really exists => EditorPrefs.GetString("kScriptsDefaultApp"); public CodeEditor.Installation[] Installations => m_Discoverability.PathCallback(); private void CreateSolutionIfDoesntExist() { if (!m_ProjectGeneration.HasSolutionBeenGenerated()) { m_ProjectGeneration.Sync(); } } } }