using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.Play.Publisher.Editor
/// Represents an event ("action") that can be dispatched when something happens.
/// Base class for all actions.
public class PublisherAction { }
/// Represents the event sent to start the publishing process
/// Dispatch this action to start the publishing process
public class PublishStartAction : PublisherAction
/// Title of the build
public string title;
/// Path where the build is located
public string buildPath;
/// Represents the event sent at the end of the build process
/// Dispatch this action when the build process ends
public class BuildFinishAction : PublisherAction
/// Output directory of the build
public string outputDir;
/// GUID of the build
public string buildGUID;
/// Represents the event sent at the end of the zipping process
/// Dispatch this action when the zipping process ends
public class ZipPathChangeAction : PublisherAction
/// Path of the zipped build
public string zipPath;
/// Represents the event sent to start the upload process
/// Dispatch this action to start the upload process
public class UploadStartAction : PublisherAction
/// GUID of the build
public string buildGUID;
/// Represents the event sent to query progress data about the upload process
/// Dispatch this action to query progress data about the upload process
public class UploadProgressAction : PublisherAction
/// The progress made until now
public int progress;
/// Represents the event sent to query progress data
/// Dispatch this action to query progress data
public class QueryProgressAction : PublisherAction
/// A key that identifies the action
public string key;
/// Represents the event sent to query progress response data
/// Dispatch this action to query progress response data
public class QueryProgressResponseAction : PublisherAction
/// The response
public GetProgressResponse response;
/// Represents the event sent to change the title of the build
/// Dispatch this action to change the title of the build
public class TitleChangeAction : PublisherAction
/// The new title
public string title;
/// Represents the event sent to destroy the state of the application and reset it
/// Dispatch this action to destroy the state of the application and reset it
public class DestroyAction : PublisherAction { }
/// Represents the event sent when an error occurs
/// Dispatch this action when an error occurs
public class OnErrorAction : PublisherAction
/// The error message
public string errorMsg;
/// Represents the event sent to stop the upload process
/// Dispatch this action to stop the upload process
public class StopUploadAction : PublisherAction { }
/// Represents the event sent when the user is not logged in
/// Dispatch this action when the user is not logged in
public class NotLoginAction : PublisherAction { }
/// Represents the event sent when the user logs in
/// Dispatch this action when the user logs in
public class LoginAction : PublisherAction { }
/// Updates the state of the application when an action is dispatched
public class PublisherReducer
/// Processes the state of the app according to an action
/// old state
/// dispatched action
/// Returns an updated AppState
public static AppState Reducer(AppState old, object action)
switch (action)
case BuildFinishAction build:
return old.CopyWith(
buildOutputDir: build.outputDir,
buildGUID: build.buildGUID
case ZipPathChangeAction zip:
return old.CopyWith(
zipPath: zip.zipPath,
step: PublisherState.Zip
case UploadStartAction upload:
return old.CopyWith(step: PublisherState.Upload);
case QueryProgressAction query:
return old.CopyWith(
step: PublisherState.Process,
key: query.key
case UploadProgressAction upload:
return old;
case QueryProgressResponseAction queryResponse:
PublisherState? step = null;
if (queryResponse.response.progress == 100)
step = PublisherState.Idle;
return old.CopyWith(url: queryResponse.response.url, step: step);
case TitleChangeAction titleChangeAction: return old.CopyWith(title: titleChangeAction.title);
case DestroyAction destroyAction: return new AppState(buildOutputDir: old.buildOutputDir, buildGUID: old.buildGUID);
case OnErrorAction errorAction: return old.CopyWith(errorMsg: errorAction.errorMsg);
case StopUploadAction stopUploadAction: return new AppState(buildOutputDir: old.buildOutputDir, buildGUID: old.buildGUID);
case NotLoginAction login: return old.CopyWith(step: PublisherState.Login);
case LoginAction login: return old.CopyWith(step: PublisherState.Idle);
return old;