using System; using System.Reflection; using NUnit.Framework; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using Unity.Burst; using Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests.Helpers; #if BURST_TESTS_ONLY using Burst.Compiler.IL.DebugInfo; using Burst.Compiler.IL.Jit; namespace Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe { internal class DisposeSentinel { } } #endif namespace Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests { /// /// Tests related to usage of partial managed objects (e.g loading null or storing null /// reference to a struct, typically used by NativeArray DisposeSentinel) /// internal class PartialManaged { #if BURST_TESTS_ONLY || ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS [TestCompiler] public static int TestWriteNullReference() { var element = new Element(); WriteNullReference(out element.Reference); return element.Value; } [BurstDiscard] private static void WriteNullReference(out DisposeSentinel reference) { reference = null; } private struct Element { #pragma warning disable 0649 public int Value; public DisposeSentinel Reference; #pragma warning restore 0649 } #endif [TestCompiler] public static void AssignNullToLocalVariableClass() { MyClass x = null; #pragma warning disable 0219 MyClass value = x; #pragma warning restore 0219 } #if BURST_TESTS_ONLY [Test] public void TestThrowExceptionOnNonExistingMethod() { MethodInfo info = typeof(PartialManaged).GetMethod("NonExistingMethod"); using JitCompiler compiler = JitCompilerHelper.CreateJitCompiler("NonExistingMethod"); Assert.Throws(() => compiler.CompileMethod(info)); } #endif [TestCompiler(ExpectCompilerException = true, ExpectedDiagnosticId = DiagnosticId.ERR_CallingManagedMethodNotSupported)] public static int GetIndexOfCharFomString() { return "abc".IndexOf('b'); } struct StructWithManaged { #pragma warning disable 0649 public MyClass myClassValue; public string stringValue; public object objectValue; public float[] arrayValue; public int value; #pragma warning restore 0649 } [TestCompiler(ExpectCompilerException = true, ExpectedDiagnosticId = DiagnosticId.ERR_TypeNotSupported)] public static int AccessClassFromStruct() { var val = new StructWithManaged(); val.myClassValue.value = val.value; return val.myClassValue.value; } [TestCompiler(ExpectCompilerException = true, ExpectedDiagnosticId = DiagnosticId.ERR_TypeNotSupported)] public static void AccessStringFromStruct() { var val = new StructWithManaged(); #pragma warning disable 0219 var p = val.stringValue = "abc"; #pragma warning restore 0219 } [TestCompiler(ExpectCompilerException = true, ExpectedDiagnosticId = DiagnosticId.ERR_TypeNotSupported)] public static void AccessObjectFromStruct() { var val = new StructWithManaged(); #pragma warning disable 0219 var p = val.objectValue; p = new object(); #pragma warning restore 0219 } [TestCompiler(ExpectCompilerException = true, ExpectedDiagnosticId = DiagnosticId.ERR_TypeNotSupported)] public static void AccessArrayFromStruct() { var val = new StructWithManaged(); var p = val.arrayValue; p[0] = val.value; } [TestCompiler(ExpectCompilerException = true, ExpectedDiagnosticId = DiagnosticId.ERR_TypeNotSupported)] public static int GetValueFromStructWithClassField() { var val = new StructWithManaged(); val.value = 5; return val.value; } [TestCompiler(ExpectCompilerException = true, ExpectedDiagnosticId = DiagnosticId.ERR_InstructionNewobjWithManagedTypeNotSupported)] public static void NewMyClass() { #pragma warning disable 0219 var value = new MyClass(); #pragma warning restore 0219 } private class MyClass { public int value; } private class SomeClassWithMixedStatics { public static int SomeInt = 42; public static readonly SharedStatic SomeSharedStatic = SharedStatic.GetOrCreate(); [BurstDiscard] private static void DoSomethingWithStaticInt(ref int x) => x = SomeInt; public static int DoSomething() { ref var data = ref SomeSharedStatic.Data; DoSomethingWithStaticInt(ref data); return SomeSharedStatic.Data; } } [TestCompiler(OverrideManagedResult = 0)] public static int DoSomethingThatUsesMixedStatics() { return SomeClassWithMixedStatics.DoSomething(); } private class SomeClassWithMixedStaticsWithExplicitStaticConstructor { public static int SomeInt = 42; public static readonly SharedStatic SomeSharedStatic = SharedStatic.GetOrCreate(); static SomeClassWithMixedStaticsWithExplicitStaticConstructor() { SomeInt = 1; } [BurstDiscard] private static void DoSomethingWithStaticInt(ref int x) => x = SomeInt; public static int DoSomething() { ref var data = ref SomeSharedStatic.Data; DoSomethingWithStaticInt(ref data); return SomeSharedStatic.Data; } } [TestCompiler(OverrideManagedResult = 0)] public static int DoSomethingThatUsesMixedStaticsWithExplicitStaticConstructor() { return SomeClassWithMixedStaticsWithExplicitStaticConstructor.DoSomething(); } } }