using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Tutorials.Core.Editor;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine.AI;
namespace Unity.Tutorials
/// Implement your Tutorial callbacks here.
public class TutorialCallbacks : ScriptableObject
public FutureObjectReference futureRoomInstance = default;
public FutureObjectReference futureBotInstance = default;
NavMeshSurface navMeshSurface = default;
public bool NavMeshIsBuilt()
return navMeshSurface.navMeshData != null;
public void ClearAllNavMeshes()
if (!navMeshSurface)
navMeshSurface = GameObject.FindObjectOfType();
navMeshSurface.navMeshData = null;
/// Keeps the Room selected during a tutorial.
public void KeepRoomSelected()
/// Keeps the Room selected during a tutorial.
public void KeepBotSelected()
/// Selects a GameObject in the scene, marking it as the active object for selection
public void SelectSpawnedGameObject(FutureObjectReference futureObjectReference)
if (futureObjectReference.SceneObjectReference == null) { return; }
Selection.activeObject = futureObjectReference.SceneObjectReference.ReferencedObjectAsGameObject;
public void SelectMoveTool()
Tools.current = Tool.Move;
public void SelectRotateTool()
Tools.current = Tool.Rotate;
public void StartTutorial(Tutorial tutorial)