using Unity.FPS.Game; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace Unity.FPS.Gameplay { [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterController), typeof(PlayerInputHandler), typeof(AudioSource))] public class PlayerCharacterController : MonoBehaviour { [Header("References")] [Tooltip("Reference to the main camera used for the player")] public Camera PlayerCamera; [Tooltip("Audio source for footsteps, jump, etc...")] public AudioSource AudioSource; [Header("General")] [Tooltip("Force applied downward when in the air")] public float GravityDownForce = 20f; [Tooltip("Physic layers checked to consider the player grounded")] public LayerMask GroundCheckLayers = -1; [Tooltip("distance from the bottom of the character controller capsule to test for grounded")] public float GroundCheckDistance = 0.05f; [Header("Movement")] [Tooltip("Max movement speed when grounded (when not sprinting)")] public float MaxSpeedOnGround = 10f; [Tooltip( "Sharpness for the movement when grounded, a low value will make the player accelerate and decelerate slowly, a high value will do the opposite")] public float MovementSharpnessOnGround = 15; [Tooltip("Max movement speed when crouching")] [Range(0, 1)] public float MaxSpeedCrouchedRatio = 0.5f; [Tooltip("Max movement speed when not grounded")] public float MaxSpeedInAir = 10f; [Tooltip("Acceleration speed when in the air")] public float AccelerationSpeedInAir = 25f; [Tooltip("Multiplicator for the sprint speed (based on grounded speed)")] public float SprintSpeedModifier = 2f; [Tooltip("Height at which the player dies instantly when falling off the map")] public float KillHeight = -50f; [Header("Rotation")] [Tooltip("Rotation speed for moving the camera")] public float RotationSpeed = 200f; [Range(0.1f, 1f)] [Tooltip("Rotation speed multiplier when aiming")] public float AimingRotationMultiplier = 0.4f; [Header("Jump")] [Tooltip("Force applied upward when jumping")] public float JumpForce = 9f; [Header("Stance")] [Tooltip("Ratio (0-1) of the character height where the camera will be at")] public float CameraHeightRatio = 0.9f; [Tooltip("Height of character when standing")] public float CapsuleHeightStanding = 1.8f; [Tooltip("Height of character when crouching")] public float CapsuleHeightCrouching = 0.9f; [Tooltip("Speed of crouching transitions")] public float CrouchingSharpness = 10f; [Header("Audio")] [Tooltip("Amount of footstep sounds played when moving one meter")] public float FootstepSfxFrequency = 1f; [Tooltip("Amount of footstep sounds played when moving one meter while sprinting")] public float FootstepSfxFrequencyWhileSprinting = 1f; [Tooltip("Sound played for footsteps")] public AudioClip FootstepSfx; [Tooltip("Sound played when jumping")] public AudioClip JumpSfx; [Tooltip("Sound played when landing")] public AudioClip LandSfx; [Tooltip("Sound played when taking damage froma fall")] public AudioClip FallDamageSfx; [Header("Fall Damage")] [Tooltip("Whether the player will recieve damage when hitting the ground at high speed")] public bool RecievesFallDamage; [Tooltip("Minimun fall speed for recieving fall damage")] public float MinSpeedForFallDamage = 10f; [Tooltip("Fall speed for recieving th emaximum amount of fall damage")] public float MaxSpeedForFallDamage = 30f; [Tooltip("Damage recieved when falling at the mimimum speed")] public float FallDamageAtMinSpeed = 10f; [Tooltip("Damage recieved when falling at the maximum speed")] public float FallDamageAtMaxSpeed = 50f; public UnityAction OnStanceChanged; public Vector3 CharacterVelocity { get; set; } public bool IsGrounded { get; private set; } public bool HasJumpedThisFrame { get; private set; } public bool IsDead { get; private set; } public bool IsCrouching { get; private set; } public float RotationMultiplier { get { if (m_WeaponsManager.IsAiming) { return AimingRotationMultiplier; } return 1f; } } Health m_Health; PlayerInputHandler m_InputHandler; CharacterController m_Controller; PlayerWeaponsManager m_WeaponsManager; Actor m_Actor; Vector3 m_GroundNormal; Vector3 m_CharacterVelocity; Vector3 m_LatestImpactSpeed; float m_LastTimeJumped = 0f; float m_CameraVerticalAngle = 0f; float m_FootstepDistanceCounter; float m_TargetCharacterHeight; const float k_JumpGroundingPreventionTime = 0.2f; const float k_GroundCheckDistanceInAir = 0.07f; void Awake() { ActorsManager actorsManager = FindObjectOfType(); if (actorsManager != null) actorsManager.SetPlayer(gameObject); } void Start() { // fetch components on the same gameObject m_Controller = GetComponent(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullGetComponent(m_Controller, this, gameObject); m_InputHandler = GetComponent(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullGetComponent(m_InputHandler, this, gameObject); m_WeaponsManager = GetComponent(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullGetComponent( m_WeaponsManager, this, gameObject); m_Health = GetComponent(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullGetComponent(m_Health, this, gameObject); m_Actor = GetComponent(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullGetComponent(m_Actor, this, gameObject); m_Controller.enableOverlapRecovery = true; m_Health.OnDie += OnDie; // force the crouch state to false when starting SetCrouchingState(false, true); UpdateCharacterHeight(true); } void Update() { // check for Y kill if (!IsDead && transform.position.y < KillHeight) { m_Health.Kill(); } HasJumpedThisFrame = false; bool wasGrounded = IsGrounded; GroundCheck(); // landing if (IsGrounded && !wasGrounded) { // Fall damage float fallSpeed = -Mathf.Min(CharacterVelocity.y, m_LatestImpactSpeed.y); float fallSpeedRatio = (fallSpeed - MinSpeedForFallDamage) / (MaxSpeedForFallDamage - MinSpeedForFallDamage); if (RecievesFallDamage && fallSpeedRatio > 0f) { float dmgFromFall = Mathf.Lerp(FallDamageAtMinSpeed, FallDamageAtMaxSpeed, fallSpeedRatio); m_Health.TakeDamage(dmgFromFall, null); // fall damage SFX AudioSource.PlayOneShot(FallDamageSfx); } else { // land SFX AudioSource.PlayOneShot(LandSfx); } } // crouching if (m_InputHandler.GetCrouchInputDown()) { SetCrouchingState(!IsCrouching, false); } UpdateCharacterHeight(false); HandleCharacterMovement(); } void OnDie() { IsDead = true; // Tell the weapons manager to switch to a non-existing weapon in order to lower the weapon m_WeaponsManager.SwitchToWeaponIndex(-1, true); EventManager.Broadcast(Events.PlayerDeathEvent); } void GroundCheck() { // Make sure that the ground check distance while already in air is very small, to prevent suddenly snapping to ground float chosenGroundCheckDistance = IsGrounded ? (m_Controller.skinWidth + GroundCheckDistance) : k_GroundCheckDistanceInAir; // reset values before the ground check IsGrounded = false; m_GroundNormal = Vector3.up; // only try to detect ground if it's been a short amount of time since last jump; otherwise we may snap to the ground instantly after we try jumping if (Time.time >= m_LastTimeJumped + k_JumpGroundingPreventionTime) { // if we're grounded, collect info about the ground normal with a downward capsule cast representing our character capsule if (Physics.CapsuleCast(GetCapsuleBottomHemisphere(), GetCapsuleTopHemisphere(m_Controller.height), m_Controller.radius, Vector3.down, out RaycastHit hit, chosenGroundCheckDistance, GroundCheckLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { // storing the upward direction for the surface found m_GroundNormal = hit.normal; // Only consider this a valid ground hit if the ground normal goes in the same direction as the character up // and if the slope angle is lower than the character controller's limit if (Vector3.Dot(hit.normal, transform.up) > 0f && IsNormalUnderSlopeLimit(m_GroundNormal)) { IsGrounded = true; // handle snapping to the ground if (hit.distance > m_Controller.skinWidth) { m_Controller.Move(Vector3.down * hit.distance); } } } } } void HandleCharacterMovement() { // horizontal character rotation { // rotate the transform with the input speed around its local Y axis transform.Rotate( new Vector3(0f, (m_InputHandler.GetLookInputsHorizontal() * RotationSpeed * RotationMultiplier), 0f), Space.Self); } // vertical camera rotation { // add vertical inputs to the camera's vertical angle m_CameraVerticalAngle += m_InputHandler.GetLookInputsVertical() * RotationSpeed * RotationMultiplier; // limit the camera's vertical angle to min/max m_CameraVerticalAngle = Mathf.Clamp(m_CameraVerticalAngle, -89f, 89f); // apply the vertical angle as a local rotation to the camera transform along its right axis (makes it pivot up and down) PlayerCamera.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(m_CameraVerticalAngle, 0, 0); } // character movement handling bool isSprinting = m_InputHandler.GetSprintInputHeld(); { if (isSprinting) { isSprinting = SetCrouchingState(false, false); } float speedModifier = isSprinting ? SprintSpeedModifier : 1f; // converts move input to a worldspace vector based on our character's transform orientation Vector3 worldspaceMoveInput = transform.TransformVector(m_InputHandler.GetMoveInput()); // handle grounded movement if (IsGrounded) { // calculate the desired velocity from inputs, max speed, and current slope Vector3 targetVelocity = worldspaceMoveInput * MaxSpeedOnGround * speedModifier; // reduce speed if crouching by crouch speed ratio if (IsCrouching) targetVelocity *= MaxSpeedCrouchedRatio; targetVelocity = GetDirectionReorientedOnSlope(targetVelocity.normalized, m_GroundNormal) * targetVelocity.magnitude; // smoothly interpolate between our current velocity and the target velocity based on acceleration speed CharacterVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(CharacterVelocity, targetVelocity, MovementSharpnessOnGround * Time.deltaTime); // jumping if (IsGrounded && m_InputHandler.GetJumpInputDown()) { // force the crouch state to false if (SetCrouchingState(false, false)) { // start by canceling out the vertical component of our velocity CharacterVelocity = new Vector3(CharacterVelocity.x, 0f, CharacterVelocity.z); // then, add the jumpSpeed value upwards CharacterVelocity += Vector3.up * JumpForce; // play sound AudioSource.PlayOneShot(JumpSfx); // remember last time we jumped because we need to prevent snapping to ground for a short time m_LastTimeJumped = Time.time; HasJumpedThisFrame = true; // Force grounding to false IsGrounded = false; m_GroundNormal = Vector3.up; } } // footsteps sound float chosenFootstepSfxFrequency = (isSprinting ? FootstepSfxFrequencyWhileSprinting : FootstepSfxFrequency); if (m_FootstepDistanceCounter >= 1f / chosenFootstepSfxFrequency) { m_FootstepDistanceCounter = 0f; AudioSource.PlayOneShot(FootstepSfx); } // keep track of distance traveled for footsteps sound m_FootstepDistanceCounter += CharacterVelocity.magnitude * Time.deltaTime; } // handle air movement else { // add air acceleration CharacterVelocity += worldspaceMoveInput * AccelerationSpeedInAir * Time.deltaTime; // limit air speed to a maximum, but only horizontally float verticalVelocity = CharacterVelocity.y; Vector3 horizontalVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(CharacterVelocity, Vector3.up); horizontalVelocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(horizontalVelocity, MaxSpeedInAir * speedModifier); CharacterVelocity = horizontalVelocity + (Vector3.up * verticalVelocity); // apply the gravity to the velocity CharacterVelocity += Vector3.down * GravityDownForce * Time.deltaTime; } } // apply the final calculated velocity value as a character movement Vector3 capsuleBottomBeforeMove = GetCapsuleBottomHemisphere(); Vector3 capsuleTopBeforeMove = GetCapsuleTopHemisphere(m_Controller.height); m_Controller.Move(CharacterVelocity * Time.deltaTime); // detect obstructions to adjust velocity accordingly m_LatestImpactSpeed =; if (Physics.CapsuleCast(capsuleBottomBeforeMove, capsuleTopBeforeMove, m_Controller.radius, CharacterVelocity.normalized, out RaycastHit hit, CharacterVelocity.magnitude * Time.deltaTime, -1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { // We remember the last impact speed because the fall damage logic might need it m_LatestImpactSpeed = CharacterVelocity; CharacterVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(CharacterVelocity, hit.normal); } } // Returns true if the slope angle represented by the given normal is under the slope angle limit of the character controller bool IsNormalUnderSlopeLimit(Vector3 normal) { return Vector3.Angle(transform.up, normal) <= m_Controller.slopeLimit; } // Gets the center point of the bottom hemisphere of the character controller capsule Vector3 GetCapsuleBottomHemisphere() { return transform.position + (transform.up * m_Controller.radius); } // Gets the center point of the top hemisphere of the character controller capsule Vector3 GetCapsuleTopHemisphere(float atHeight) { return transform.position + (transform.up * (atHeight - m_Controller.radius)); } // Gets a reoriented direction that is tangent to a given slope public Vector3 GetDirectionReorientedOnSlope(Vector3 direction, Vector3 slopeNormal) { Vector3 directionRight = Vector3.Cross(direction, transform.up); return Vector3.Cross(slopeNormal, directionRight).normalized; } void UpdateCharacterHeight(bool force) { // Update height instantly if (force) { m_Controller.height = m_TargetCharacterHeight; = Vector3.up * m_Controller.height * 0.5f; PlayerCamera.transform.localPosition = Vector3.up * m_TargetCharacterHeight * CameraHeightRatio; m_Actor.AimPoint.transform.localPosition =; } // Update smooth height else if (m_Controller.height != m_TargetCharacterHeight) { // resize the capsule and adjust camera position m_Controller.height = Mathf.Lerp(m_Controller.height, m_TargetCharacterHeight, CrouchingSharpness * Time.deltaTime); = Vector3.up * m_Controller.height * 0.5f; PlayerCamera.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(PlayerCamera.transform.localPosition, Vector3.up * m_TargetCharacterHeight * CameraHeightRatio, CrouchingSharpness * Time.deltaTime); m_Actor.AimPoint.transform.localPosition =; } } // returns false if there was an obstruction bool SetCrouchingState(bool crouched, bool ignoreObstructions) { // set appropriate heights if (crouched) { m_TargetCharacterHeight = CapsuleHeightCrouching; } else { // Detect obstructions if (!ignoreObstructions) { Collider[] standingOverlaps = Physics.OverlapCapsule( GetCapsuleBottomHemisphere(), GetCapsuleTopHemisphere(CapsuleHeightStanding), m_Controller.radius, -1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); foreach (Collider c in standingOverlaps) { if (c != m_Controller) { return false; } } } m_TargetCharacterHeight = CapsuleHeightStanding; } if (OnStanceChanged != null) { OnStanceChanged.Invoke(crouched); } IsCrouching = crouched; return true; } } }