using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.FPS.Game; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace Unity.FPS.Gameplay { [RequireComponent(typeof(PlayerInputHandler))] public class PlayerWeaponsManager : MonoBehaviour { public enum WeaponSwitchState { Up, Down, PutDownPrevious, PutUpNew, } [Tooltip("List of weapon the player will start with")] public List StartingWeapons = new List(); [Header("References")] [Tooltip("Secondary camera used to avoid seeing weapon go throw geometries")] public Camera WeaponCamera; [Tooltip("Parent transform where all weapon will be added in the hierarchy")] public Transform WeaponParentSocket; [Tooltip("Position for weapons when active but not actively aiming")] public Transform DefaultWeaponPosition; [Tooltip("Position for weapons when aiming")] public Transform AimingWeaponPosition; [Tooltip("Position for innactive weapons")] public Transform DownWeaponPosition; [Header("Weapon Bob")] [Tooltip("Frequency at which the weapon will move around in the screen when the player is in movement")] public float BobFrequency = 10f; [Tooltip("How fast the weapon bob is applied, the bigger value the fastest")] public float BobSharpness = 10f; [Tooltip("Distance the weapon bobs when not aiming")] public float DefaultBobAmount = 0.05f; [Tooltip("Distance the weapon bobs when aiming")] public float AimingBobAmount = 0.02f; [Header("Weapon Recoil")] [Tooltip("This will affect how fast the recoil moves the weapon, the bigger the value, the fastest")] public float RecoilSharpness = 50f; [Tooltip("Maximum distance the recoil can affect the weapon")] public float MaxRecoilDistance = 0.5f; [Tooltip("How fast the weapon goes back to it's original position after the recoil is finished")] public float RecoilRestitutionSharpness = 10f; [Header("Misc")] [Tooltip("Speed at which the aiming animatoin is played")] public float AimingAnimationSpeed = 10f; [Tooltip("Field of view when not aiming")] public float DefaultFov = 60f; [Tooltip("Portion of the regular FOV to apply to the weapon camera")] public float WeaponFovMultiplier = 1f; [Tooltip("Delay before switching weapon a second time, to avoid recieving multiple inputs from mouse wheel")] public float WeaponSwitchDelay = 1f; [Tooltip("Layer to set FPS weapon gameObjects to")] public LayerMask FpsWeaponLayer; public bool IsAiming { get; private set; } public bool IsPointingAtEnemy { get; private set; } public int ActiveWeaponIndex { get; private set; } public UnityAction OnSwitchedToWeapon; public UnityAction OnAddedWeapon; public UnityAction OnRemovedWeapon; WeaponController[] m_WeaponSlots = new WeaponController[9]; // 9 available weapon slots PlayerInputHandler m_InputHandler; PlayerCharacterController m_PlayerCharacterController; float m_WeaponBobFactor; Vector3 m_LastCharacterPosition; Vector3 m_WeaponMainLocalPosition; Vector3 m_WeaponBobLocalPosition; Vector3 m_WeaponRecoilLocalPosition; Vector3 m_AccumulatedRecoil; float m_TimeStartedWeaponSwitch; WeaponSwitchState m_WeaponSwitchState; int m_WeaponSwitchNewWeaponIndex; void Start() { ActiveWeaponIndex = -1; m_WeaponSwitchState = WeaponSwitchState.Down; m_InputHandler = GetComponent(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullGetComponent(m_InputHandler, this, gameObject); m_PlayerCharacterController = GetComponent(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullGetComponent( m_PlayerCharacterController, this, gameObject); SetFov(DefaultFov); OnSwitchedToWeapon += OnWeaponSwitched; // Add starting weapons foreach (var weapon in StartingWeapons) { AddWeapon(weapon); } SwitchWeapon(true); } void Update() { // shoot handling WeaponController activeWeapon = GetActiveWeapon(); if (activeWeapon != null && activeWeapon.IsReloading) return; if (activeWeapon != null && m_WeaponSwitchState == WeaponSwitchState.Up) { if (!activeWeapon.AutomaticReload && m_InputHandler.GetReloadButtonDown() && activeWeapon.CurrentAmmoRatio < 1.0f) { IsAiming = false; activeWeapon.StartReloadAnimation(); return; } // handle aiming down sights IsAiming = m_InputHandler.GetAimInputHeld(); // handle shooting bool hasFired = activeWeapon.HandleShootInputs( m_InputHandler.GetFireInputDown(), m_InputHandler.GetFireInputHeld(), m_InputHandler.GetFireInputReleased()); // Handle accumulating recoil if (hasFired) { m_AccumulatedRecoil += Vector3.back * activeWeapon.RecoilForce; m_AccumulatedRecoil = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(m_AccumulatedRecoil, MaxRecoilDistance); } } // weapon switch handling if (!IsAiming && (activeWeapon == null || !activeWeapon.IsCharging) && (m_WeaponSwitchState == WeaponSwitchState.Up || m_WeaponSwitchState == WeaponSwitchState.Down)) { int switchWeaponInput = m_InputHandler.GetSwitchWeaponInput(); if (switchWeaponInput != 0) { bool switchUp = switchWeaponInput > 0; SwitchWeapon(switchUp); } else { switchWeaponInput = m_InputHandler.GetSelectWeaponInput(); if (switchWeaponInput != 0) { if (GetWeaponAtSlotIndex(switchWeaponInput - 1) != null) SwitchToWeaponIndex(switchWeaponInput - 1); } } } // Pointing at enemy handling IsPointingAtEnemy = false; if (activeWeapon) { if (Physics.Raycast(WeaponCamera.transform.position, WeaponCamera.transform.forward, out RaycastHit hit, 1000, -1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { if (hit.collider.GetComponentInParent() != null) { IsPointingAtEnemy = true; } } } } // Update various animated features in LateUpdate because it needs to override the animated arm position void LateUpdate() { UpdateWeaponAiming(); UpdateWeaponBob(); UpdateWeaponRecoil(); UpdateWeaponSwitching(); // Set final weapon socket position based on all the combined animation influences WeaponParentSocket.localPosition = m_WeaponMainLocalPosition + m_WeaponBobLocalPosition + m_WeaponRecoilLocalPosition; } // Sets the FOV of the main camera and the weapon camera simultaneously public void SetFov(float fov) { m_PlayerCharacterController.PlayerCamera.fieldOfView = fov; WeaponCamera.fieldOfView = fov * WeaponFovMultiplier; } // Iterate on all weapon slots to find the next valid weapon to switch to public void SwitchWeapon(bool ascendingOrder) { int newWeaponIndex = -1; int closestSlotDistance = m_WeaponSlots.Length; for (int i = 0; i < m_WeaponSlots.Length; i++) { // If the weapon at this slot is valid, calculate its "distance" from the active slot index (either in ascending or descending order) // and select it if it's the closest distance yet if (i != ActiveWeaponIndex && GetWeaponAtSlotIndex(i) != null) { int distanceToActiveIndex = GetDistanceBetweenWeaponSlots(ActiveWeaponIndex, i, ascendingOrder); if (distanceToActiveIndex < closestSlotDistance) { closestSlotDistance = distanceToActiveIndex; newWeaponIndex = i; } } } // Handle switching to the new weapon index SwitchToWeaponIndex(newWeaponIndex); } // Switches to the given weapon index in weapon slots if the new index is a valid weapon that is different from our current one public void SwitchToWeaponIndex(int newWeaponIndex, bool force = false) { if (force || (newWeaponIndex != ActiveWeaponIndex && newWeaponIndex >= 0)) { // Store data related to weapon switching animation m_WeaponSwitchNewWeaponIndex = newWeaponIndex; m_TimeStartedWeaponSwitch = Time.time; // Handle case of switching to a valid weapon for the first time (simply put it up without putting anything down first) if (GetActiveWeapon() == null) { m_WeaponMainLocalPosition = DownWeaponPosition.localPosition; m_WeaponSwitchState = WeaponSwitchState.PutUpNew; ActiveWeaponIndex = m_WeaponSwitchNewWeaponIndex; WeaponController newWeapon = GetWeaponAtSlotIndex(m_WeaponSwitchNewWeaponIndex); if (OnSwitchedToWeapon != null) { OnSwitchedToWeapon.Invoke(newWeapon); } } // otherwise, remember we are putting down our current weapon for switching to the next one else { m_WeaponSwitchState = WeaponSwitchState.PutDownPrevious; } } } public WeaponController HasWeapon(WeaponController weaponPrefab) { // Checks if we already have a weapon coming from the specified prefab for (var index = 0; index < m_WeaponSlots.Length; index++) { var w = m_WeaponSlots[index]; if (w != null && w.SourcePrefab == weaponPrefab.gameObject) { return w; } } return null; } // Updates weapon position and camera FoV for the aiming transition void UpdateWeaponAiming() { if (m_WeaponSwitchState == WeaponSwitchState.Up) { WeaponController activeWeapon = GetActiveWeapon(); if (IsAiming && activeWeapon) { m_WeaponMainLocalPosition = Vector3.Lerp(m_WeaponMainLocalPosition, AimingWeaponPosition.localPosition + activeWeapon.AimOffset, AimingAnimationSpeed * Time.deltaTime); SetFov(Mathf.Lerp(m_PlayerCharacterController.PlayerCamera.fieldOfView, activeWeapon.AimZoomRatio * DefaultFov, AimingAnimationSpeed * Time.deltaTime)); } else { m_WeaponMainLocalPosition = Vector3.Lerp(m_WeaponMainLocalPosition, DefaultWeaponPosition.localPosition, AimingAnimationSpeed * Time.deltaTime); SetFov(Mathf.Lerp(m_PlayerCharacterController.PlayerCamera.fieldOfView, DefaultFov, AimingAnimationSpeed * Time.deltaTime)); } } } // Updates the weapon bob animation based on character speed void UpdateWeaponBob() { if (Time.deltaTime > 0f) { Vector3 playerCharacterVelocity = (m_PlayerCharacterController.transform.position - m_LastCharacterPosition) / Time.deltaTime; // calculate a smoothed weapon bob amount based on how close to our max grounded movement velocity we are float characterMovementFactor = 0f; if (m_PlayerCharacterController.IsGrounded) { characterMovementFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(playerCharacterVelocity.magnitude / (m_PlayerCharacterController.MaxSpeedOnGround * m_PlayerCharacterController.SprintSpeedModifier)); } m_WeaponBobFactor = Mathf.Lerp(m_WeaponBobFactor, characterMovementFactor, BobSharpness * Time.deltaTime); // Calculate vertical and horizontal weapon bob values based on a sine function float bobAmount = IsAiming ? AimingBobAmount : DefaultBobAmount; float frequency = BobFrequency; float hBobValue = Mathf.Sin(Time.time * frequency) * bobAmount * m_WeaponBobFactor; float vBobValue = ((Mathf.Sin(Time.time * frequency * 2f) * 0.5f) + 0.5f) * bobAmount * m_WeaponBobFactor; // Apply weapon bob m_WeaponBobLocalPosition.x = hBobValue; m_WeaponBobLocalPosition.y = Mathf.Abs(vBobValue); m_LastCharacterPosition = m_PlayerCharacterController.transform.position; } } // Updates the weapon recoil animation void UpdateWeaponRecoil() { // if the accumulated recoil is further away from the current position, make the current position move towards the recoil target if (m_WeaponRecoilLocalPosition.z >= m_AccumulatedRecoil.z * 0.99f) { m_WeaponRecoilLocalPosition = Vector3.Lerp(m_WeaponRecoilLocalPosition, m_AccumulatedRecoil, RecoilSharpness * Time.deltaTime); } // otherwise, move recoil position to make it recover towards its resting pose else { m_WeaponRecoilLocalPosition = Vector3.Lerp(m_WeaponRecoilLocalPosition,, RecoilRestitutionSharpness * Time.deltaTime); m_AccumulatedRecoil = m_WeaponRecoilLocalPosition; } } // Updates the animated transition of switching weapons void UpdateWeaponSwitching() { // Calculate the time ratio (0 to 1) since weapon switch was triggered float switchingTimeFactor = 0f; if (WeaponSwitchDelay == 0f) { switchingTimeFactor = 1f; } else { switchingTimeFactor = Mathf.Clamp01((Time.time - m_TimeStartedWeaponSwitch) / WeaponSwitchDelay); } // Handle transiting to new switch state if (switchingTimeFactor >= 1f) { if (m_WeaponSwitchState == WeaponSwitchState.PutDownPrevious) { // Deactivate old weapon WeaponController oldWeapon = GetWeaponAtSlotIndex(ActiveWeaponIndex); if (oldWeapon != null) { oldWeapon.ShowWeapon(false); } ActiveWeaponIndex = m_WeaponSwitchNewWeaponIndex; switchingTimeFactor = 0f; // Activate new weapon WeaponController newWeapon = GetWeaponAtSlotIndex(ActiveWeaponIndex); if (OnSwitchedToWeapon != null) { OnSwitchedToWeapon.Invoke(newWeapon); } if (newWeapon) { m_TimeStartedWeaponSwitch = Time.time; m_WeaponSwitchState = WeaponSwitchState.PutUpNew; } else { // if new weapon is null, don't follow through with putting weapon back up m_WeaponSwitchState = WeaponSwitchState.Down; } } else if (m_WeaponSwitchState == WeaponSwitchState.PutUpNew) { m_WeaponSwitchState = WeaponSwitchState.Up; } } // Handle moving the weapon socket position for the animated weapon switching if (m_WeaponSwitchState == WeaponSwitchState.PutDownPrevious) { m_WeaponMainLocalPosition = Vector3.Lerp(DefaultWeaponPosition.localPosition, DownWeaponPosition.localPosition, switchingTimeFactor); } else if (m_WeaponSwitchState == WeaponSwitchState.PutUpNew) { m_WeaponMainLocalPosition = Vector3.Lerp(DownWeaponPosition.localPosition, DefaultWeaponPosition.localPosition, switchingTimeFactor); } } // Adds a weapon to our inventory public bool AddWeapon(WeaponController weaponPrefab) { // if we already hold this weapon type (a weapon coming from the same source prefab), don't add the weapon if (HasWeapon(weaponPrefab) != null) { return false; } // search our weapon slots for the first free one, assign the weapon to it, and return true if we found one. Return false otherwise for (int i = 0; i < m_WeaponSlots.Length; i++) { // only add the weapon if the slot is free if (m_WeaponSlots[i] == null) { // spawn the weapon prefab as child of the weapon socket WeaponController weaponInstance = Instantiate(weaponPrefab, WeaponParentSocket); weaponInstance.transform.localPosition =; weaponInstance.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; // Set owner to this gameObject so the weapon can alter projectile/damage logic accordingly weaponInstance.Owner = gameObject; weaponInstance.SourcePrefab = weaponPrefab.gameObject; weaponInstance.ShowWeapon(false); // Assign the first person layer to the weapon int layerIndex = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Log(FpsWeaponLayer.value, 2)); // This function converts a layermask to a layer index foreach (Transform t in weaponInstance.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(true)) { t.gameObject.layer = layerIndex; } m_WeaponSlots[i] = weaponInstance; if (OnAddedWeapon != null) { OnAddedWeapon.Invoke(weaponInstance, i); } return true; } } // Handle auto-switching to weapon if no weapons currently if (GetActiveWeapon() == null) { SwitchWeapon(true); } return false; } public bool RemoveWeapon(WeaponController weaponInstance) { // Look through our slots for that weapon for (int i = 0; i < m_WeaponSlots.Length; i++) { // when weapon found, remove it if (m_WeaponSlots[i] == weaponInstance) { m_WeaponSlots[i] = null; if (OnRemovedWeapon != null) { OnRemovedWeapon.Invoke(weaponInstance, i); } Destroy(weaponInstance.gameObject); // Handle case of removing active weapon (switch to next weapon) if (i == ActiveWeaponIndex) { SwitchWeapon(true); } return true; } } return false; } public WeaponController GetActiveWeapon() { return GetWeaponAtSlotIndex(ActiveWeaponIndex); } public WeaponController GetWeaponAtSlotIndex(int index) { // find the active weapon in our weapon slots based on our active weapon index if (index >= 0 && index < m_WeaponSlots.Length) { return m_WeaponSlots[index]; } // if we didn't find a valid active weapon in our weapon slots, return null return null; } // Calculates the "distance" between two weapon slot indexes // For example: if we had 5 weapon slots, the distance between slots #2 and #4 would be 2 in ascending order, and 3 in descending order int GetDistanceBetweenWeaponSlots(int fromSlotIndex, int toSlotIndex, bool ascendingOrder) { int distanceBetweenSlots = 0; if (ascendingOrder) { distanceBetweenSlots = toSlotIndex - fromSlotIndex; } else { distanceBetweenSlots = -1 * (toSlotIndex - fromSlotIndex); } if (distanceBetweenSlots < 0) { distanceBetweenSlots = m_WeaponSlots.Length + distanceBetweenSlots; } return distanceBetweenSlots; } void OnWeaponSwitched(WeaponController newWeapon) { if (newWeapon != null) { newWeapon.ShowWeapon(true); } } } }