using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.FPS.Game; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace Unity.FPS.AI { [RequireComponent(typeof(Health), typeof(Actor), typeof(NavMeshAgent))] public class EnemyController : MonoBehaviour { [System.Serializable] public struct RendererIndexData { public Renderer Renderer; public int MaterialIndex; public RendererIndexData(Renderer renderer, int index) { Renderer = renderer; MaterialIndex = index; } } [Header("Parameters")] [Tooltip("The Y height at which the enemy will be automatically killed (if it falls off of the level)")] public float SelfDestructYHeight = -20f; [Tooltip("The distance at which the enemy considers that it has reached its current path destination point")] public float PathReachingRadius = 2f; [Tooltip("The speed at which the enemy rotates")] public float OrientationSpeed = 10f; [Tooltip("Delay after death where the GameObject is destroyed (to allow for animation)")] public float DeathDuration = 0f; [Header("Weapons Parameters")] [Tooltip("Allow weapon swapping for this enemy")] public bool SwapToNextWeapon = false; [Tooltip("Time delay between a weapon swap and the next attack")] public float DelayAfterWeaponSwap = 0f; [Header("Eye color")] [Tooltip("Material for the eye color")] public Material EyeColorMaterial; [Tooltip("The default color of the bot's eye")] [ColorUsageAttribute(true, true)] public Color DefaultEyeColor; [Tooltip("The attack color of the bot's eye")] [ColorUsageAttribute(true, true)] public Color AttackEyeColor; [Header("Flash on hit")] [Tooltip("The material used for the body of the hoverbot")] public Material BodyMaterial; [Tooltip("The gradient representing the color of the flash on hit")] [GradientUsageAttribute(true)] public Gradient OnHitBodyGradient; [Tooltip("The duration of the flash on hit")] public float FlashOnHitDuration = 0.5f; [Header("Sounds")] [Tooltip("Sound played when recieving damages")] public AudioClip DamageTick; [Header("VFX")] [Tooltip("The VFX prefab spawned when the enemy dies")] public GameObject DeathVfx; [Tooltip("The point at which the death VFX is spawned")] public Transform DeathVfxSpawnPoint; [Header("Loot")] [Tooltip("The object this enemy can drop when dying")] public GameObject LootPrefab; [Tooltip("The chance the object has to drop")] [Range(0, 1)] public float DropRate = 1f; [Header("Debug Display")] [Tooltip("Color of the sphere gizmo representing the path reaching range")] public Color PathReachingRangeColor = Color.yellow; [Tooltip("Color of the sphere gizmo representing the attack range")] public Color AttackRangeColor =; [Tooltip("Color of the sphere gizmo representing the detection range")] public Color DetectionRangeColor =; public UnityAction onAttack; public UnityAction onDetectedTarget; public UnityAction onLostTarget; public UnityAction onDamaged; List m_BodyRenderers = new List(); MaterialPropertyBlock m_BodyFlashMaterialPropertyBlock; float m_LastTimeDamaged = float.NegativeInfinity; RendererIndexData m_EyeRendererData; MaterialPropertyBlock m_EyeColorMaterialPropertyBlock; public PatrolPath PatrolPath { get; set; } public GameObject KnownDetectedTarget => DetectionModule.KnownDetectedTarget; public bool IsTargetInAttackRange => DetectionModule.IsTargetInAttackRange; public bool IsSeeingTarget => DetectionModule.IsSeeingTarget; public bool HadKnownTarget => DetectionModule.HadKnownTarget; public NavMeshAgent NavMeshAgent { get; private set; } public DetectionModule DetectionModule { get; private set; } int m_PathDestinationNodeIndex; EnemyManager m_EnemyManager; ActorsManager m_ActorsManager; Health m_Health; Actor m_Actor; Collider[] m_SelfColliders; GameFlowManager m_GameFlowManager; bool m_WasDamagedThisFrame; float m_LastTimeWeaponSwapped = Mathf.NegativeInfinity; int m_CurrentWeaponIndex; WeaponController m_CurrentWeapon; WeaponController[] m_Weapons; NavigationModule m_NavigationModule; void Start() { m_EnemyManager = FindObjectOfType(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullFindObject(m_EnemyManager, this); m_ActorsManager = FindObjectOfType(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullFindObject(m_ActorsManager, this); m_EnemyManager.RegisterEnemy(this); m_Health = GetComponent(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullGetComponent(m_Health, this, gameObject); m_Actor = GetComponent(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullGetComponent(m_Actor, this, gameObject); NavMeshAgent = GetComponent(); m_SelfColliders = GetComponentsInChildren(); m_GameFlowManager = FindObjectOfType(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullFindObject(m_GameFlowManager, this); // Subscribe to damage & death actions m_Health.OnDie += OnDie; m_Health.OnDamaged += OnDamaged; // Find and initialize all weapons FindAndInitializeAllWeapons(); var weapon = GetCurrentWeapon(); weapon.ShowWeapon(true); var detectionModules = GetComponentsInChildren(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNoComponentFound(detectionModules.Length, this, gameObject); DebugUtility.HandleWarningIfDuplicateObjects(detectionModules.Length, this, gameObject); // Initialize detection module DetectionModule = detectionModules[0]; DetectionModule.onDetectedTarget += OnDetectedTarget; DetectionModule.onLostTarget += OnLostTarget; onAttack += DetectionModule.OnAttack; var navigationModules = GetComponentsInChildren(); DebugUtility.HandleWarningIfDuplicateObjects(detectionModules.Length, this, gameObject); // Override navmesh agent data if (navigationModules.Length > 0) { m_NavigationModule = navigationModules[0]; NavMeshAgent.speed = m_NavigationModule.MoveSpeed; NavMeshAgent.angularSpeed = m_NavigationModule.AngularSpeed; NavMeshAgent.acceleration = m_NavigationModule.Acceleration; } foreach (var renderer in GetComponentsInChildren(true)) { for (int i = 0; i < renderer.sharedMaterials.Length; i++) { if (renderer.sharedMaterials[i] == EyeColorMaterial) { m_EyeRendererData = new RendererIndexData(renderer, i); } if (renderer.sharedMaterials[i] == BodyMaterial) { m_BodyRenderers.Add(new RendererIndexData(renderer, i)); } } } m_BodyFlashMaterialPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); // Check if we have an eye renderer for this enemy if (m_EyeRendererData.Renderer != null) { m_EyeColorMaterialPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); m_EyeColorMaterialPropertyBlock.SetColor("_EmissionColor", DefaultEyeColor); m_EyeRendererData.Renderer.SetPropertyBlock(m_EyeColorMaterialPropertyBlock, m_EyeRendererData.MaterialIndex); } } void Update() { EnsureIsWithinLevelBounds(); DetectionModule.HandleTargetDetection(m_Actor, m_SelfColliders); Color currentColor = OnHitBodyGradient.Evaluate((Time.time - m_LastTimeDamaged) / FlashOnHitDuration); m_BodyFlashMaterialPropertyBlock.SetColor("_EmissionColor", currentColor); foreach (var data in m_BodyRenderers) { data.Renderer.SetPropertyBlock(m_BodyFlashMaterialPropertyBlock, data.MaterialIndex); } m_WasDamagedThisFrame = false; } void EnsureIsWithinLevelBounds() { // at every frame, this tests for conditions to kill the enemy if (transform.position.y < SelfDestructYHeight) { Destroy(gameObject); return; } } void OnLostTarget() { onLostTarget.Invoke(); // Set the eye attack color and property block if the eye renderer is set if (m_EyeRendererData.Renderer != null) { m_EyeColorMaterialPropertyBlock.SetColor("_EmissionColor", DefaultEyeColor); m_EyeRendererData.Renderer.SetPropertyBlock(m_EyeColorMaterialPropertyBlock, m_EyeRendererData.MaterialIndex); } } void OnDetectedTarget() { onDetectedTarget.Invoke(); // Set the eye default color and property block if the eye renderer is set if (m_EyeRendererData.Renderer != null) { m_EyeColorMaterialPropertyBlock.SetColor("_EmissionColor", AttackEyeColor); m_EyeRendererData.Renderer.SetPropertyBlock(m_EyeColorMaterialPropertyBlock, m_EyeRendererData.MaterialIndex); } } public void OrientTowards(Vector3 lookPosition) { Vector3 lookDirection = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(lookPosition - transform.position, Vector3.up).normalized; if (lookDirection.sqrMagnitude != 0f) { Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookDirection); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, Time.deltaTime * OrientationSpeed); } } bool IsPathValid() { return PatrolPath && PatrolPath.PathNodes.Count > 0; } public void ResetPathDestination() { m_PathDestinationNodeIndex = 0; } public void SetPathDestinationToClosestNode() { if (IsPathValid()) { int closestPathNodeIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < PatrolPath.PathNodes.Count; i++) { float distanceToPathNode = PatrolPath.GetDistanceToNode(transform.position, i); if (distanceToPathNode < PatrolPath.GetDistanceToNode(transform.position, closestPathNodeIndex)) { closestPathNodeIndex = i; } } m_PathDestinationNodeIndex = closestPathNodeIndex; } else { m_PathDestinationNodeIndex = 0; } } public Vector3 GetDestinationOnPath() { if (IsPathValid()) { return PatrolPath.GetPositionOfPathNode(m_PathDestinationNodeIndex); } else { return transform.position; } } public void SetNavDestination(Vector3 destination) { if (NavMeshAgent) { NavMeshAgent.SetDestination(destination); } } public void UpdatePathDestination(bool inverseOrder = false) { if (IsPathValid()) { // Check if reached the path destination if ((transform.position - GetDestinationOnPath()).magnitude <= PathReachingRadius) { // increment path destination index m_PathDestinationNodeIndex = inverseOrder ? (m_PathDestinationNodeIndex - 1) : (m_PathDestinationNodeIndex + 1); if (m_PathDestinationNodeIndex < 0) { m_PathDestinationNodeIndex += PatrolPath.PathNodes.Count; } if (m_PathDestinationNodeIndex >= PatrolPath.PathNodes.Count) { m_PathDestinationNodeIndex -= PatrolPath.PathNodes.Count; } } } } void OnDamaged(float damage, GameObject damageSource) { // test if the damage source is the player if (damageSource && !damageSource.GetComponent()) { // pursue the player DetectionModule.OnDamaged(damageSource); onDamaged?.Invoke(); m_LastTimeDamaged = Time.time; // play the damage tick sound if (DamageTick && !m_WasDamagedThisFrame) AudioUtility.CreateSFX(DamageTick, transform.position, AudioUtility.AudioGroups.DamageTick, 0f); m_WasDamagedThisFrame = true; } } void OnDie() { // spawn a particle system when dying var vfx = Instantiate(DeathVfx, DeathVfxSpawnPoint.position, Quaternion.identity); Destroy(vfx, 5f); // tells the game flow manager to handle the enemy destuction m_EnemyManager.UnregisterEnemy(this); // loot an object if (TryDropItem()) { Instantiate(LootPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); } // this will call the OnDestroy function Destroy(gameObject, DeathDuration); } void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { // Path reaching range Gizmos.color = PathReachingRangeColor; Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, PathReachingRadius); if (DetectionModule != null) { // Detection range Gizmos.color = DetectionRangeColor; Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, DetectionModule.DetectionRange); // Attack range Gizmos.color = AttackRangeColor; Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, DetectionModule.AttackRange); } } public void OrientWeaponsTowards(Vector3 lookPosition) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Weapons.Length; i++) { // orient weapon towards player Vector3 weaponForward = (lookPosition - m_Weapons[i].WeaponRoot.transform.position).normalized; m_Weapons[i].transform.forward = weaponForward; } } public bool TryAtack(Vector3 enemyPosition) { if (m_GameFlowManager.GameIsEnding) return false; OrientWeaponsTowards(enemyPosition); if ((m_LastTimeWeaponSwapped + DelayAfterWeaponSwap) >= Time.time) return false; // Shoot the weapon bool didFire = GetCurrentWeapon().HandleShootInputs(false, true, false); if (didFire && onAttack != null) { onAttack.Invoke(); if (SwapToNextWeapon && m_Weapons.Length > 1) { int nextWeaponIndex = (m_CurrentWeaponIndex + 1) % m_Weapons.Length; SetCurrentWeapon(nextWeaponIndex); } } return didFire; } public bool TryDropItem() { if (DropRate == 0 || LootPrefab == null) return false; else if (DropRate == 1) return true; else return (Random.value <= DropRate); } void FindAndInitializeAllWeapons() { // Check if we already found and initialized the weapons if (m_Weapons == null) { m_Weapons = GetComponentsInChildren(); DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNoComponentFound(m_Weapons.Length, this, gameObject); for (int i = 0; i < m_Weapons.Length; i++) { m_Weapons[i].Owner = gameObject; } } } public WeaponController GetCurrentWeapon() { FindAndInitializeAllWeapons(); // Check if no weapon is currently selected if (m_CurrentWeapon == null) { // Set the first weapon of the weapons list as the current weapon SetCurrentWeapon(0); } DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullGetComponent(m_CurrentWeapon, this, gameObject); return m_CurrentWeapon; } void SetCurrentWeapon(int index) { m_CurrentWeaponIndex = index; m_CurrentWeapon = m_Weapons[m_CurrentWeaponIndex]; if (SwapToNextWeapon) { m_LastTimeWeaponSwapped = Time.time; } else { m_LastTimeWeaponSwapped = Mathf.NegativeInfinity; } } } }