using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using Unity.VisualScripting.Dependencies.Sqlite; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.VisualScripting { [InitializeAfterPlugins] public static class UnitBase { static UnitBase() { staticUnitsExtensions = new NonNullableList>>(); dynamicUnitsExtensions = new NonNullableList>>(); contextualUnitsExtensions = new NonNullableList>>(); BackgroundWorker.Schedule(AutoLoad); } private static readonly object @lock = new object(); private static HashSet options; private static void AutoLoad() { lock (@lock) { // If the fuzzy finder was opened really fast, // a load operation might already have started. if (options == null) { Load(); } } } private static void Load() { if (IsUnitOptionsBuilt()) { // Update before loading if required, ensuring no "in-between" state // where the loaded options are not yet loaded. // The update code will not touch the options array if it is null. if (BoltFlow.Configuration.updateNodesAutomatically) { try { ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Checking for codebase changes...", null, 0); if (requiresUpdate) { Update(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError($"Failed to update node options.\nRetry with '{UnitOptionUtility.GenerateUnitDatabasePath}'.\n{ex}"); } finally { ProgressUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } } lock (@lock) { using (ProfilingUtility.SampleBlock("Load Node Database")) { using (NativeUtility.Module("sqlite3.dll")) { ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Loading node database...", null, 0); SQLiteConnection database = null; try { database = new SQLiteConnection(BoltFlow.Paths.unitOptions, SQLiteOpenFlags.ReadOnly); int total; total = database.Table().Count(); var progress = 0f; options = new HashSet(); var failedOptions = new Dictionary(); foreach (var row in database.Table()) { try { var option = row.ToOption(); options.Add(option); } catch (Exception rowEx) { failedOptions.Add(row, rowEx); } ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Loading node database...", BoltCore.Configuration.humanNaming ? row.labelHuman : row.labelProgrammer, progress++ / total); } if (failedOptions.Count > 0) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"{failedOptions.Count} node options failed to load and were skipped."); sb.AppendLine($"Try rebuilding the node options with '{UnitOptionUtility.GenerateUnitDatabasePath}' to purge outdated nodes."); sb.AppendLine(); foreach (var failedOption in failedOptions) { sb.AppendLine(failedOption.Key.favoriteKey); } sb.AppendLine(); foreach (var failedOption in failedOptions) { sb.AppendLine(failedOption.Key.favoriteKey + ": "); sb.AppendLine(failedOption.Value.ToString()); sb.AppendLine(); } Debug.LogWarning(sb.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { options = new HashSet(); Debug.LogError($"Failed to load node options.\nTry to rebuild them with '{UnitOptionUtility.GenerateUnitDatabasePath}'.\n\n{ex}"); } finally { database?.Close(); //ConsoleProfiler.Dump(); ProgressUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } } } } } } private static bool IsUnitOptionsBuilt() { return File.Exists(BoltFlow.Paths.unitOptions); } public static void Rebuild() { if (IsUnitOptionsBuilt()) { VersionControlUtility.Unlock(BoltFlow.Paths.unitOptions); File.Delete(BoltFlow.Paths.unitOptions); } Build(); } public static void Build(bool initialBuild = false) { if (IsUnitOptionsBuilt()) return; if (initialBuild) { ProgressUtility.SetTitleOverride("Visual Scripting: Initial Node Generation..."); } const string progressTitle = "Visual Scripting: Building node database..."; lock (@lock) { using (ProfilingUtility.SampleBlock("Update Node Database")) { using (NativeUtility.Module("sqlite3.dll")) { SQLiteConnection database = null; try { ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Creating database...", 0); PathUtility.CreateParentDirectoryIfNeeded(BoltFlow.Paths.unitOptions); database = new SQLiteConnection(BoltFlow.Paths.unitOptions); database.CreateTable(); ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Updating codebase...", 0); UpdateCodebase(); ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Updating type mappings...", 0); UpdateTypeMappings(); ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Converting codebase to node options...", 0); options = new HashSet(GetStaticOptions()); var rows = new HashSet(); var progress = 0; var lastShownProgress = 0f; foreach (var option in options) { try { var shownProgress = (float)progress / options.Count; if (shownProgress > lastShownProgress + 0.01f) { ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Converting codebase to node options...", shownProgress); lastShownProgress = shownProgress; } rows.Add(option.Serialize()); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError($"Failed to save option '{option.GetType()}'.\n{ex}"); } progress++; } ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Writing to database...", 1); try { database.CreateTable(); database.InsertAll(rows); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError($"Failed to write options to database.\n{ex}"); } } finally { database?.Close(); ProgressUtility.ClearProgressBar(); ProgressUtility.ClearTitleOverride(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); //ConsoleProfiler.Dump(); } } } } } public static void Update() { if (!IsUnitOptionsBuilt()) { Build(); return; } lock (@lock) { using (ProfilingUtility.SampleBlock("Update Node Database")) { using (NativeUtility.Module("sqlite3.dll")) { var progressTitle = "Updating node database..."; SQLiteConnection database = null; try { VersionControlUtility.Unlock(BoltFlow.Paths.unitOptions); var steps = 7f; var step = 0f; ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Connecting to database...", step++ / steps); database = new SQLiteConnection(BoltFlow.Paths.unitOptions); ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Updating type mappings...", step++ / steps); UpdateTypeMappings(); ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Fetching modified scripts...", step++ / steps); var modifiedScriptGuids = GetModifiedScriptGuids().Distinct().ToHashSet(); ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Fetching deleted scripts...", step++ / steps); var deletedScriptGuids = GetDeletedScriptGuids().Distinct().ToHashSet(); ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Updating codebase...", step++ / steps); var modifiedScriptTypes = modifiedScriptGuids.SelectMany(GetScriptTypes).ToArray(); UpdateCodebase(modifiedScriptTypes); var outdatedScriptGuids = new HashSet(); outdatedScriptGuids.UnionWith(modifiedScriptGuids); outdatedScriptGuids.UnionWith(deletedScriptGuids); ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Removing outdated node options...", step++ / steps); options?.RemoveWhere(option => outdatedScriptGuids.Overlaps(option.sourceScriptGuids)); // We want to use the database level WHERE here for speed, // so we'll run multiple queries, one for each outdated script GUID. foreach (var outdatedScriptGuid in outdatedScriptGuids) { foreach (var outdatedRowId in database.Table() .Where(row => row.sourceScriptGuids.Contains(outdatedScriptGuid)) .Select(row => { database.Delete(outdatedRowId); } } ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Converting codebase to node options...", step++ / steps); var newOptions = new HashSet(modifiedScriptGuids.SelectMany(GetScriptTypes) .Distinct() .SelectMany(GetIncrementalOptions)); var rows = new HashSet(); float progress = 0; foreach (var newOption in newOptions) { options?.Add(newOption); try { ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, newOption.label, (step / steps) + ((1 / step) * (progress / newOptions.Count))); rows.Add(newOption.Serialize()); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError($"Failed to serialize option '{newOption.GetType()}'.\n{ex}"); } progress++; } ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressTitle, "Writing to database...", 1); try { database.InsertAll(rows); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError($"Failed to write options to database.\n{ex}"); } // Make sure the database is touched to the current date, // even if we didn't do any change. This will avoid unnecessary // analysis in future update checks. File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(BoltFlow.Paths.unitOptions, DateTime.UtcNow); } finally { database?.Close(); ProgressUtility.ClearProgressBar(); UnityAPI.Async(AssetDatabase.Refresh); //ConsoleProfiler.Dump(); } } } } } public static IEnumerable Subset(UnitOptionFilter filter, GraphReference reference) { lock (@lock) { if (options == null) { Load(); } var dynamicOptions = UnityAPI.Await(() => GetDynamicOptions().ToHashSet()); var contextualOptions = UnityAPI.Await(() => GetContextualOptions(reference).ToHashSet()); return LinqUtility.Concat(options, dynamicOptions, contextualOptions) .Where((filter ?? UnitOptionFilter.Any).ValidateOption) .ToArray(); } } #region Units private static CodebaseSubset codebase; private static void UpdateCodebase(IEnumerable typeSet = null) { if (typeSet == null) { typeSet = Codebase.settingsTypes; } else { typeSet = typeSet.Where(t => Codebase.settingsTypes.Contains(t)); } Codebase.UpdateSettings(); codebase = Codebase.Subset(typeSet, TypeFilter.Any.Configured(), MemberFilter.Any.Configured(), TypeFilter.Any.Configured(false)); codebase.Cache(); } private static IEnumerable GetStaticOptions() { // Standalones foreach (var unit in Codebase.ludiqRuntimeTypes.Where(t => typeof(IUnit).IsAssignableFrom(t) && t.IsConcrete() && t.GetDefaultConstructor() != null && !t.HasAttribute() && (EditorPlatformUtility.allowJit || !t.HasAttribute()) && t.GetDefaultConstructor() != null) .Select(t => (IUnit)t.Instantiate())) { yield return unit.Option(); } // Self yield return new This().Option(); // Types foreach (var type in codebase.types) { foreach (var typeOption in GetTypeOptions(type)) { yield return typeOption; } } // Members foreach (var member in codebase.members) { foreach (var memberOption in GetMemberOptions(member)) { yield return memberOption; } } // Events foreach (var eventType in Codebase.ludiqRuntimeTypes.Where(t => typeof(IEventUnit).IsAssignableFrom(t) && t.IsConcrete())) { yield return ((IEventUnit)eventType.Instantiate()).Option(); } // Blank Variables yield return new GetVariableOption(VariableKind.Flow); yield return new GetVariableOption(VariableKind.Graph); yield return new GetVariableOption(VariableKind.Object); yield return new GetVariableOption(VariableKind.Scene); yield return new GetVariableOption(VariableKind.Application); yield return new GetVariableOption(VariableKind.Saved); yield return new SetVariableOption(VariableKind.Flow); yield return new SetVariableOption(VariableKind.Graph); yield return new SetVariableOption(VariableKind.Object); yield return new SetVariableOption(VariableKind.Scene); yield return new SetVariableOption(VariableKind.Application); yield return new SetVariableOption(VariableKind.Saved); yield return new IsVariableDefinedOption(VariableKind.Flow); yield return new IsVariableDefinedOption(VariableKind.Graph); yield return new IsVariableDefinedOption(VariableKind.Object); yield return new IsVariableDefinedOption(VariableKind.Scene); yield return new IsVariableDefinedOption(VariableKind.Application); yield return new IsVariableDefinedOption(VariableKind.Saved); // Blank Super Unit yield return SubgraphUnit.WithInputOutput().Option(); // Extensions foreach (var staticUnitsExtension in staticUnitsExtensions) { foreach (var extensionStaticUnit in staticUnitsExtension()) { yield return extensionStaticUnit; } } } private static IEnumerable GetIncrementalOptions(Type type) { if (!codebase.ValidateType(type)) { yield break; } foreach (var typeOption in GetTypeOptions(type)) { yield return typeOption; } foreach (var member in codebase.FilterMembers(type)) { foreach (var memberOption in GetMemberOptions(member)) { yield return memberOption; } } } private static IEnumerable GetTypeOptions(Type type) { if (type == typeof(object)) { yield break; } // Struct Initializer if (type.IsStruct()) { yield return new CreateStruct(type).Option(); } // Literals if (type.HasInspector()) { yield return new Literal(type).Option(); if (EditorPlatformUtility.allowJit) { var listType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(type); yield return new Literal(listType).Option(); } } // Exposes if (!type.IsEnum) { yield return new Expose(type).Option(); } } private static IEnumerable GetMemberOptions(Member member) { // Operators are handled with special math units // that are more elegant than the raw methods if (member.isOperator) { yield break; } // Conversions are handled automatically by connections if (member.isConversion) { yield break; } if (member.isAccessor) { if (member.isPubliclyGettable) { yield return new GetMember(member).Option(); } if (member.isPubliclySettable) { yield return new SetMember(member).Option(); } } else if (member.isPubliclyInvocable) { yield return new InvokeMember(member).Option(); } } private static IEnumerable GetDynamicOptions() { // Super Units var flowMacros = AssetUtility.GetAllAssetsOfType().ToArray(); foreach (var superUnit in flowMacros.Select(flowMacro => new SubgraphUnit(flowMacro))) { yield return superUnit.Option(); } // Extensions foreach (var dynamicUnitsExtension in dynamicUnitsExtensions) { foreach (var extensionDynamicUnit in dynamicUnitsExtension()) { yield return extensionDynamicUnit; } } } private static IEnumerable GetContextualOptions(GraphReference reference) { foreach (var variableKind in Enum.GetValues(typeof(VariableKind)).Cast()) { foreach (var graphVariableName in EditorVariablesUtility.GetVariableNameSuggestions(variableKind, reference)) { yield return new GetVariableOption(variableKind, graphVariableName); yield return new SetVariableOption(variableKind, graphVariableName); yield return new IsVariableDefinedOption(variableKind, graphVariableName); } } // Extensions foreach (var contextualUnitsExtension in contextualUnitsExtensions) { foreach (var extensionContextualUnitOption in contextualUnitsExtension(reference)) { yield return extensionContextualUnitOption; } } } #endregion #region Scripts private static Dictionary> typesToGuids; private static Dictionary> guidsToTypes; private static void UpdateTypeMappings() { typesToGuids = new Dictionary>(); guidsToTypes = new Dictionary>(); UnityAPI.AwaitForever(() => { foreach (var script in UnityEngine.Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll()) { var type = script.GetClass(); // Skip scripts without types if (type == null) { continue; } var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(script); // Skip built-in Unity plugins, which are referenced by full path if (!path.StartsWith("Assets")) { continue; } var guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(path); // Add the GUID to the list, even if it doesn't have any type if (!guidsToTypes.ContainsKey(guid)) { guidsToTypes.Add(guid, new HashSet()); } if (!typesToGuids.ContainsKey(type)) { typesToGuids.Add(type, new HashSet()); } typesToGuids[type].Add(guid); guidsToTypes[guid].Add(type); } }); } public static IEnumerable GetScriptGuids(Type type) { if (typesToGuids == null) { UpdateTypeMappings(); } using (var recursion = Recursion.New(1)) { return GetScriptGuids(recursion, type).ToArray(); // No delayed execution for recursion disposal } } private static IEnumerable GetScriptGuids(Recursion recursion, Type type) { if (!recursion?.TryEnter(type) ?? false) { yield break; } if (typesToGuids.ContainsKey(type)) { foreach (var guid in typesToGuids[type]) { yield return guid; } } // Loop through generic arguments. // For example, a List type should return the script GUID for Enemy. if (type.IsGenericType) { foreach (var genericArgument in type.GetGenericArguments()) { foreach (var genericGuid in GetScriptGuids(recursion, genericArgument)) { yield return genericGuid; } } } } public static IEnumerable GetScriptTypes(string guid) { if (guidsToTypes == null) { UpdateTypeMappings(); } if (guidsToTypes.ContainsKey(guid)) { return guidsToTypes[guid]; } else { return Enumerable.Empty(); } } private static bool requiresUpdate => GetModifiedScriptGuids().Any() || GetDeletedScriptGuids().Any(); private static IEnumerable GetModifiedScriptGuids() { var guids = new HashSet(); UnityAPI.AwaitForever(() => { var databaseTimestamp = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(BoltFlow.Paths.unitOptions); foreach (var script in UnityEngine.Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll()) { var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(script); var guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(path); // Skip built-in Unity plugins, which are referenced by full path if (!path.StartsWith("Assets")) { continue; } var scriptTimestamp = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(Path.Combine(Paths.project, path)); if (scriptTimestamp > databaseTimestamp) { guids.Add(guid); } } }); return guids; } private static IEnumerable GetDeletedScriptGuids() { if (!IsUnitOptionsBuilt()) { return Enumerable.Empty(); } using (NativeUtility.Module("sqlite3.dll")) { SQLiteConnection database = null; try { HashSet databaseGuids; lock (@lock) { database = new SQLiteConnection(BoltFlow.Paths.unitOptions); databaseGuids = database.Query($"SELECT DISTINCT {nameof(UnitOptionRow.sourceScriptGuids)} FROM {nameof(UnitOptionRow)}") .Select(row => row.sourceScriptGuids) .NotNull() .SelectMany(guids => guids.Split(',')) .ToHashSet(); } var assetGuids = UnityAPI.AwaitForever(() => UnityEngine.Resources .FindObjectsOfTypeAll() .Where(script => script.GetClass() != null) .Select(script => AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(script))) .ToHashSet()); databaseGuids.ExceptWith(assetGuids); return databaseGuids; } finally { database?.Close(); } } } #endregion #region Extensions public static NonNullableList>> staticUnitsExtensions { get; } public static NonNullableList>> dynamicUnitsExtensions { get; } public static NonNullableList>> contextualUnitsExtensions { get; } #endregion #region Duplicates public static IEnumerable WithoutInheritedDuplicates(this IEnumerable items, Func optionSelector, CancellationToken cancellation) { // Doing everything we can to avoid reflection here, as it then becomes the main search bottleneck var _items = items.ToArray(); var pseudoDeclarers = new HashSet(); foreach (var item in _items.Cancellable(cancellation)) { var option = optionSelector(item); if (option is IMemberUnitOption memberOption) { if (memberOption.targetType == memberOption.pseudoDeclarer.targetType) { pseudoDeclarers.Add(memberOption.pseudoDeclarer); } } } foreach (var item in _items.Cancellable(cancellation)) { var option = optionSelector(item); if (option is IMemberUnitOption memberOption) { if (pseudoDeclarers.Contains(memberOption.member) || !pseudoDeclarers.Contains(memberOption.pseudoDeclarer)) { yield return item; } } else { yield return item; } } } #endregion } }