using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEditor.Networking.PlayerConnection; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.TestTools; namespace UnityEditor.TestTools.CodeCoverage.Utils { internal static class CoverageUtils { public static bool IsConnectedToPlayer { get { return EditorConnection.instance.ConnectedPlayers.Count > 0; } } public static string NormaliseFolderSeparators(string folderPath, bool stripTrailingSlash = false) { if (folderPath != null) { folderPath = folderPath.Replace('\\', '/'); if (stripTrailingSlash) { folderPath = folderPath.TrimEnd('/'); } } return folderPath; } public static bool EnsureFolderExists(string folderPath) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath)) return false; if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath); } catch (Exception) { return false; } } return true; } public static string GetProjectFolderName() { string[] projectPathArray = GetProjectPath().Split('/'); Debug.Assert(projectPathArray.Length > 0); string folderName = projectPathArray[projectPathArray.Length - 1]; char[] invalidChars = Path.GetInvalidPathChars(); StringBuilder folderNameStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (char c in folderName) { if (invalidChars.Contains(c)) { folderNameStringBuilder.Append('_'); } else { folderNameStringBuilder.Append(c); } } return folderNameStringBuilder.ToString(); } public static string StripAssetsFolderIfExists(string folderPath) { if (folderPath != null) { string toTrim = "Assets"; folderPath = folderPath.TrimEnd(toTrim.ToCharArray()); } return folderPath; } public static string GetProjectPath() { return NormaliseFolderSeparators(StripAssetsFolderIfExists(Application.dataPath), true); } public static string GetRootFolderPath(CoverageSettings coverageSettings) { string rootFolderPath = string.Empty; string coverageFolderPath = string.Empty; if (CommandLineManager.instance.batchmode) { if (coverageSettings.resultsPathFromCommandLine.Length > 0) { coverageFolderPath = coverageSettings.resultsPathFromCommandLine; EnsureFolderExists(coverageFolderPath); } } else { if (CommandLineManager.instance.runFromCommandLine && coverageSettings.resultsPathFromCommandLine.Length > 0) { coverageFolderPath = coverageSettings.resultsPathFromCommandLine; EnsureFolderExists(coverageFolderPath); } else { coverageFolderPath = CoveragePreferences.instance.GetStringForPaths("Path", string.Empty); } } string projectPath = GetProjectPath(); if (EnsureFolderExists(coverageFolderPath)) { coverageFolderPath = NormaliseFolderSeparators(coverageFolderPath, true); // Add 'CodeCoverage' directory if coverageFolderPath is projectPath if (string.Equals(coverageFolderPath, projectPath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) rootFolderPath = JoinPaths(coverageFolderPath, coverageSettings.rootFolderName); // else user coverageFolderPath as the root folder else rootFolderPath = coverageFolderPath; } else { // Add 'CodeCoverage' directory to projectPath if coverageFolderPath is not valid rootFolderPath = JoinPaths(projectPath, coverageSettings.rootFolderName); } return rootFolderPath; } public static string GetHistoryFolderPath(CoverageSettings coverageSettings) { string historyFolderPath = string.Empty; string rootFolderPath = coverageSettings.rootFolderPath; if (CommandLineManager.instance.batchmode) { if (coverageSettings.historyPathFromCommandLine.Length > 0) { historyFolderPath = coverageSettings.historyPathFromCommandLine; EnsureFolderExists(historyFolderPath); } } else { if (CommandLineManager.instance.runFromCommandLine && coverageSettings.historyPathFromCommandLine.Length > 0) { historyFolderPath = coverageSettings.historyPathFromCommandLine; EnsureFolderExists(historyFolderPath); } else { historyFolderPath = CoveragePreferences.instance.GetStringForPaths("HistoryPath", string.Empty); } } bool addHistorySubDir = false; string projectPath = GetProjectPath(); if (EnsureFolderExists(historyFolderPath)) { historyFolderPath = NormaliseFolderSeparators(historyFolderPath, true); // If historyFolderPath == rootFolderPath, add 'Report-history' sub directory in rootFolderPath if (string.Equals(historyFolderPath, rootFolderPath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { addHistorySubDir = true; } // If historyFolderPath == projectPath, add 'CodeCoverage' directory to projectPath // and add 'Report-history' sub directory in rootFolderPath else if (string.Equals(historyFolderPath, projectPath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { rootFolderPath = JoinPaths(projectPath, coverageSettings.rootFolderName); addHistorySubDir = true; } // otherwise keep the original historyFolderPath } else { // If historyFolderPath is not valid, add 'CodeCoverage' directory to projectPath // and add 'Report-history' sub directory in rootFolderPath rootFolderPath = JoinPaths(projectPath, coverageSettings.rootFolderName); addHistorySubDir = true; } if (addHistorySubDir) { historyFolderPath = JoinPaths(rootFolderPath, CoverageSettings.ReportHistoryFolderName); } return historyFolderPath; } public static string JoinPaths(string pathLeft, string pathRight) { string[] pathsToJoin = new string[] { pathLeft, pathRight }; return string.Join("/", pathsToJoin); } public static int GetNumberOfFilesInFolder(string folderPath, string filePattern, SearchOption searchOption) { if (folderPath == null) return 0; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, filePattern, searchOption); return files.Length; } public static void ClearFolderIfExists(string folderPath, string filePattern) { if (folderPath != null) { if (Directory.Exists(folderPath)) { DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(folderPath); foreach (FileInfo file in dirInfo.GetFiles(filePattern)) { try { file.Delete(); } catch (Exception) { ResultsLogger.Log(ResultID.Warning_FailedToDeleteFile, file.FullName); } } foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirInfo.GetDirectories()) { try { dir.Delete(true); } catch (Exception) { ResultsLogger.Log(ResultID.Warning_FailedToDeleteDir, dir.FullName); } } } } } public static bool DoesFolderExistAndNotEmpty(string folderPath) { if (folderPath != null) { if (Directory.Exists(folderPath)) { DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(folderPath); return dirInfo.GetFiles().Length > 0 || dirInfo.GetDirectories().Length > 0; } } return false; } public static bool IsValidFolder(string folderPath) { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath) && Directory.Exists(folderPath); } public static bool IsValidFile(string filePath) { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) && File.Exists(filePath); } private static HashSet regexSpecialChars = new HashSet(new[] { '[', '\\', '^', '$', '.', '|', '?', '*', '+', '(', ')' }); public static string GlobToRegex(string glob) { var regex = new StringBuilder(); var characterClass = false; regex.Append("^"); foreach (var c in glob) { if (characterClass) { if (c == ']') { characterClass = false; } regex.Append(c); continue; } switch (c) { case '*': regex.Append(".*"); break; case '?': regex.Append("."); break; case '[': characterClass = true; regex.Append(c); break; default: if (regexSpecialChars.Contains(c)) { regex.Append('\\'); } regex.Append(c); break; } } regex.Append("$"); return regex.ToString(); } [ExcludeFromCoverage] public static string BrowseForDir(string directory, string title) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(directory)) { string variable = "ProgramFiles"; #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX variable = "HOME"; #endif string candidateDirectory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(variable); if (IsValidFolder(candidateDirectory)) directory = candidateDirectory; } directory = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel(title, directory, string.Empty); EditorWindow.FocusWindowIfItsOpen(typeof(CodeCoverageWindow)); if (!IsValidFolder(directory)) return string.Empty; return directory; } [ExcludeFromCoverage] public static string BrowseForFile(string directory, string title) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(directory)) { string variable = "ProgramFiles"; #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX variable = "HOME"; #endif string candidateDirectory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(variable); if (IsValidFolder(candidateDirectory)) directory = candidateDirectory; } string file = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel(title, directory, "cs"); EditorWindow.FocusWindowIfItsOpen(typeof(CodeCoverageWindow)); if (!IsValidFile(file)) return string.Empty; return file; } } }