# Volume Overrides __Volume Overrides__ let you change or extend the default properties in a [Volume Profile](VolumeProfile.md). URP implements post-processing effects as Volume Overrides. For example, the following image shows the Vignette post-processing effect in the URP Template SampleScene.  In a the Volume Override, checkboxes to the left of each property let you enable or disable specific properties. If you disable a property, URP uses the Volume’s default value for that property instead. To turn all properties on or off, use the __All__ or __None__ shortcuts above the property list.  ## <a name="volume-add-override"></a>How to add a Volume Override to a Volume component To add a Volume Override to a Volume component: 1. Select a GameObject with the Volume component. 2. In the Inspector window, click Add Override.  Use the search field to search for an Override, or select an Override from the menu.