#2D Graphics Features 2D features included with URP are the [2D Lighting](Lights-2D-intro.md) graphics pipeline which allows you to create 2D Lights and 2D lighting effects; and the [2D Pixel Perfect Camera](2d-pixelperfect.md) for implementing the pixelated visual style with your projects. The following are the different 2D Light Types included in the package's **Light 2D** component: - [Freeform](LightTypes.md#freeform) - [Sprite](LightTypes.md#sprite) - [Spot](LightTypes.md#spot) (**Note:** The **Point** Light Type has been renamed to the **Spot** Light Type from URP 11 onwards.) - [Global](LightTypes.md#global) **Important:** The [Parametric Light Type](LightTypes.md#parametric) is deprecated from URP 11 onwards. To convert existing Parametric lights to Freeform lights, go to **Edit > Render Pipeline > Universal Render Pipeline > Upgrade Project/Scene Parametric Lights to Freeform**  The package includes the __2D Renderer Data__ Asset which contains the __Blend Styles__ parameters, and allows you to create up to four custom Light Operations for your Project. **Note:** If you have the experimental 2D Renderer enabled (menu: **Graphics Settings** > add the 2D Renderer Asset under **Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings**), some of the options related to 3D rendering in the URP Asset don't have any impact on your final app or game.