using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder.MeshOperations
/// Methods for validating and fixing mesh topology.
public static class MeshValidation
/// Check if any face on a mesh contains degenerate triangles. A degenerate triangle does not have any area.
/// The mesh to test for degenerate triangles.
/// True if any face contains a degenerate triangle, false if no degenerate triangles are found.
public static bool ContainsDegenerateTriangles(this ProBuilderMesh mesh)
return ContainsDegenerateTriangles(mesh, mesh.facesInternal);
/// Check if any face contains degenerate triangles. A degenerate triangle does not have any area.
/// The mesh to test for degenerate triangles.
/// The faces to test for degenerate triangles.
/// True if any face contains a degenerate triangle, false if no degenerate triangles are found.
public static bool ContainsDegenerateTriangles(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, IList faces)
var positions = mesh.positionsInternal;
foreach (var face in faces)
var indices = face.indexesInternal;
for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i += 3)
float area = Math.TriangleArea(
positions[indices[i + 0]],
positions[indices[i + 1]],
positions[indices[i + 2]]);
if (area <= Mathf.Epsilon)
return true;
return false;
/// Check if any face contains degenerate triangles. A degenerate triangle does not have any area.
/// The mesh to test for degenerate triangles.
/// The face to test for degenerate triangles.
/// True if any triangle within the face contains a degenerate triangle, false if no degenerate triangles are found.
public static bool ContainsDegenerateTriangles(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, Face face)
var positions = mesh.positionsInternal;
var indices = face.indexesInternal;
for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i += 3)
float area = Math.TriangleArea(
positions[indices[i + 0]],
positions[indices[i + 1]],
positions[indices[i + 2]]);
if (area <= Mathf.Epsilon)
return true;
return false;
/// Tests that all triangles in a face are connected.
/// The mesh that owns the face to be tested.
/// The face to test.
/// True if the face contains split triangles, false if the face is contiguous.
public static bool ContainsNonContiguousTriangles(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, Face face)
Edge current = face.edgesInternal[0], start = current;
int index = current.a;
int count = 1;
while (face.TryGetNextEdge(current, current.b, ref current, ref index)
&& current != start
&& count < face.edgesInternal.Length)
return count != face.edgesInternal.Length;
/// Ensure that each face in faces is composed of contiguous triangle sets. If a face contains non-contiguous
/// triangles, it will be split into as many faces as necessary to ensure that each group of adjacent triangles
/// compose a single face.
/// The mesh that contains the faces to test.
/// The faces to test for non-contiguous triangles.
/// A list of any newly created faces as a result of splitting non-contiguous triangles. Returns an
/// empty list if no faces required fixing.
public static List EnsureFacesAreComposedOfContiguousTriangles(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, IEnumerable faces)
var appended = new List();
foreach (var face in faces)
if (ContainsNonContiguousTriangles(mesh, face))
var groups = CollectFaceGroups(mesh, face);
if (groups.Count() < 2)
for (int i = 1; i < groups.Count; i++)
var duplicate = new Face(face);
duplicate.SetIndexes(groups[i].SelectMany(x => x.indices));
var rebuilt = new List(mesh.facesInternal);
mesh.faces = rebuilt;
return appended;
internal static List> CollectFaceGroups(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, Face face)
var groups = new List>();
var indices = face.indexesInternal;
for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i += 3)
var triangle = new Triangle(indices[i], indices[i+1], indices[i+2]);
var matched = false;
for(int n = 0; n < groups.Count; n++)
// this doesn't account for triangles that are adjacent through coincident vertices
if (groups[n].Any(x => x.IsAdjacent(triangle)))
matched = true;
if (!matched)
groups.Add(new List() { triangle });
return groups;
/// Iterates through all faces in a mesh and removes triangles with an area less than float.Epsilon, or with
/// indexes that point to the same vertex. This function also enforces the rule that a face must contain no
/// coincident vertices.
/// The source mesh.
/// An optional list to be populated with the removed indices. If no degenerate triangles are found, this list will contain no elements.
/// True if degenerate triangles were found and removed, false if no degenerate triangles were found.
public static bool RemoveDegenerateTriangles(ProBuilderMesh mesh, List removed = null)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
Dictionary m_Lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
Dictionary m_LookupUV = mesh.sharedTextureLookup;
Vector3[] m_Positions = mesh.positionsInternal;
Dictionary m_RebuiltLookup = new Dictionary(m_Lookup.Count);
Dictionary m_RebuiltLookupUV = new Dictionary(m_LookupUV.Count);
List m_RebuiltFaces = new List(mesh.faceCount);
Dictionary m_DuplicateIndexFilter = new Dictionary(8);
foreach (Face face in mesh.facesInternal)
List tris = new List();
int[] ind = face.indexesInternal;
for (int i = 0; i < ind.Length; i += 3)
float area = Math.TriangleArea(m_Positions[ind[i + 0]], m_Positions[ind[i + 1]], m_Positions[ind[i + 2]]);
if (area > Mathf.Epsilon)
// Index in the positions array
int triangleIndexA = ind[i],
triangleIndexB = ind[i+1],
triangleIndexC = ind[i+2];
// Common index (also called SharedIndexHandle)
int sharedIndexA = m_Lookup[triangleIndexA],
sharedIndexB = m_Lookup[triangleIndexB],
sharedIndexC = m_Lookup[triangleIndexC];
// test if there are any duplicates in the triangle
if (!(sharedIndexA == sharedIndexB || sharedIndexA == sharedIndexC || sharedIndexB == sharedIndexC))
int index;
// catch case where face has two distinct vertices that are in fact coincident.
if (!m_DuplicateIndexFilter.TryGetValue(sharedIndexA, out index))
m_DuplicateIndexFilter.Add(sharedIndexA, triangleIndexA);
triangleIndexA = index;
if (!m_DuplicateIndexFilter.TryGetValue(sharedIndexB, out index))
m_DuplicateIndexFilter.Add(sharedIndexB, triangleIndexB);
triangleIndexB = index;
if (!m_DuplicateIndexFilter.TryGetValue(sharedIndexC, out index))
m_DuplicateIndexFilter.Add(sharedIndexC, triangleIndexC);
triangleIndexC = index;
if (!m_RebuiltLookup.ContainsKey(triangleIndexA))
m_RebuiltLookup.Add(triangleIndexA, sharedIndexA);
if (!m_RebuiltLookup.ContainsKey(triangleIndexB))
m_RebuiltLookup.Add(triangleIndexB, sharedIndexB);
if (!m_RebuiltLookup.ContainsKey(triangleIndexC))
m_RebuiltLookup.Add(triangleIndexC, sharedIndexC);
if (m_LookupUV.ContainsKey(triangleIndexA) && !m_RebuiltLookupUV.ContainsKey(triangleIndexA))
m_RebuiltLookupUV.Add(triangleIndexA, m_LookupUV[triangleIndexA]);
if (m_LookupUV.ContainsKey(triangleIndexB) && !m_RebuiltLookupUV.ContainsKey(triangleIndexB))
m_RebuiltLookupUV.Add(triangleIndexB, m_LookupUV[triangleIndexB]);
if (m_LookupUV.ContainsKey(triangleIndexC) && !m_RebuiltLookupUV.ContainsKey(triangleIndexC))
m_RebuiltLookupUV.Add(triangleIndexC, m_LookupUV[triangleIndexC]);
if (tris.Count > 0)
face.indexesInternal = tris.ToArray();
mesh.faces = m_RebuiltFaces;
return RemoveUnusedVertices(mesh, removed);
/// Removes vertices that no face references.
/// The source mesh.
/// An optional list to be populated with the removed indices. If no vertices are removed, this list will contain no elements.
/// A list of deleted vertex indexes.
public static bool RemoveUnusedVertices(ProBuilderMesh mesh, List removed = null)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
bool saveRemoved = removed != null;
var del = saveRemoved ? removed : new List();
var tris = new HashSet(mesh.facesInternal.SelectMany(x => x.indexes));
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.positionsInternal.Length; i++)
if (!tris.Contains(i))
return del.Any();
/// Rebuild a collection of indexes accounting for the removal of a collection of indices.
/// The indices to rebuild.
/// A sorted collection indices that were removed.
/// A new list of indices pointing to the same vertex as they were prior to the removal of some entries.
internal static List RebuildIndexes(IEnumerable indices, List removed)
var res = new List();
var rmc = removed.Count;
foreach (var index in indices)
var nearestIndex = ArrayUtility.NearestIndexPriorToValue(removed, index) + 1;
// don't add back into the indices collection if the index was removed
if (nearestIndex > -1 && nearestIndex < rmc && removed[nearestIndex] == index)
res.Add(index - nearestIndex);
return res;
/// Rebuild a collection of indexes accounting for the removal of a collection of indices.
/// The indices to rebuild.
/// A sorted collection indices that were removed.
/// A new list of indices pointing to the same vertex as they were prior to the removal of some entries.
internal static List RebuildEdges(IEnumerable edges, List removed)
var res = new List();
var rmc = removed.Count;
foreach (var edge in edges)
var nearestIndexA = ArrayUtility.NearestIndexPriorToValue(removed, edge.a) + 1;
var nearestIndexB = ArrayUtility.NearestIndexPriorToValue(removed, edge.b) + 1;
// don't add back into the indices collection if the index was removed
if ((nearestIndexA > -1 && nearestIndexA < rmc && removed[nearestIndexA] == edge.a) ||
(nearestIndexB > -1 && nearestIndexB < rmc && removed[nearestIndexB] == edge.b))
res.Add(new Edge(edge.a - nearestIndexA, edge.b - nearestIndexB));
return res;
internal static void RebuildSelectionIndexes(ProBuilderMesh mesh, ref Face[] faces, ref Edge[] edges, ref int[] indices, IEnumerable removed)
var rm = removed.ToList();
if (faces != null && faces.Length > 0)
faces = faces.Where(x => mesh.facesInternal.Contains(x)).ToArray();
if(edges != null && edges.Length > 0)
edges = RebuildEdges(edges, rm).ToArray();
if(indices != null && indices.Length > 0)
indices = RebuildIndexes(indices, rm).ToArray();
/// Check a mesh for degenerate triangles or unused vertices, and remove them if necessary.
/// The mesh to test.
/// If fixes were made, this will be set to the number of vertices removed during that process.
/// Returns true if no problems were found, false if topology issues were discovered and fixed.
internal static bool EnsureMeshIsValid(ProBuilderMesh mesh, out int removedVertices)
removedVertices = 0;
if (ContainsDegenerateTriangles(mesh))
var faces = mesh.selectedFacesInternal;
var edges = mesh.selectedEdgesInternal;
var indices = mesh.selectedIndexesInternal;
List removed = new List();
if (RemoveDegenerateTriangles(mesh, removed))
mesh.sharedVertices = SharedVertex.GetSharedVerticesWithPositions(mesh.positionsInternal);
RebuildSelectionIndexes(mesh, ref faces, ref edges, ref indices, removed);
mesh.selectedFacesInternal = faces;
mesh.selectedEdgesInternal = edges;
mesh.selectedIndexesInternal = indices;
removedVertices = removed.Count;
return false;
return true;