using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.ProBuilder;
using System;
namespace UnityEngine.ProBuilder.MeshOperations
/// Functions for appending elements to meshes.
public static class AppendElements
/// Append a new face to the ProBuilderMesh.
/// The mesh target.
/// The new vertex positions to add.
/// The new colors to add (must match positions length).
/// The new uvs to add (must match positions length).
/// A face with the new triangle indexes. The indexes should be 0 indexed.
/// The new face as referenced on the mesh.
internal static Face AppendFace(
this ProBuilderMesh mesh,
Vector3[] positions,
Color[] colors,
Vector2[] uv0s,
Vector4[] uv2s,
Vector4[] uv3s,
Face face,
int[] common)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
if (positions == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("positions");
if (face == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("face");
int faceVertexCount = positions.Length;
if (common == null)
common = new int[faceVertexCount];
for (int i = 0; i < faceVertexCount; i++)
common[i] = -1;
int vertexCount = mesh.vertexCount;
var mc = mesh.HasArrays(MeshArrays.Color);
var fc = colors != null;
var mt0 = mesh.HasArrays(MeshArrays.Texture0);
var ft0 = uv0s != null;
var mt2 = mesh.HasArrays(MeshArrays.Texture2);
var ft2 = uv2s != null;
var mt3 = mesh.HasArrays(MeshArrays.Texture3);
var ft3 = uv3s != null;
Vector3[] newPositions = new Vector3[vertexCount + faceVertexCount];
Color[] newColors = (mc || fc) ? new Color[vertexCount + faceVertexCount] : null;
Vector2[] newTexture0s = (mt0 || ft0) ? new Vector2[vertexCount + faceVertexCount] : null;
List newTexture2s = (mt2 || ft2) ? new List() : null;
List newTexture3s = (mt3 || ft3) ? new List() : null;
List faces = new List(mesh.facesInternal);
Array.Copy(mesh.positionsInternal, 0, newPositions, 0, vertexCount);
Array.Copy(positions, 0, newPositions, vertexCount, faceVertexCount);
if (mc || fc)
Array.Copy(mc ? mesh.colorsInternal : ArrayUtility.Fill(Color.white, vertexCount), 0, newColors, 0,
Array.Copy(fc ? colors : ArrayUtility.Fill(Color.white, faceVertexCount), 0, newColors, vertexCount,
if (mt0 || ft0)
Array.Copy(mt0 ? mesh.texturesInternal : ArrayUtility.Fill(, vertexCount), 0, newTexture0s, 0,
Array.Copy(ft0 ? uv0s : ArrayUtility.Fill(, faceVertexCount), 0, newTexture0s,
mesh.texturesInternal.Length, faceVertexCount);
if (mt2 || ft2)
newTexture2s.AddRange(mt2 ? mesh.textures2Internal : new Vector4[vertexCount].ToList());
newTexture2s.AddRange(ft2 ? uv2s : new Vector4[faceVertexCount]);
if (mt3 || ft3)
newTexture3s.AddRange(mt3 ? mesh.textures3Internal : new Vector4[vertexCount].ToList());
newTexture3s.AddRange(ft3 ? uv3s : new Vector4[faceVertexCount]);
for (int i = 0; i < common.Length; i++)
if (common[i] < 0)
mesh.AddSharedVertex(new SharedVertex(new int[] {i + vertexCount}));
mesh.AddToSharedVertex(common[i], i + vertexCount);
mesh.positions = newPositions;
mesh.colors = newColors;
mesh.textures = newTexture0s;
mesh.faces = faces;
mesh.textures2Internal = newTexture2s;
mesh.textures3Internal = newTexture3s;
return face;
/// Append a group of new faces to the mesh. Significantly faster than calling AppendFace multiple times.
/// The source mesh to append new faces to.
/// An array of position arrays, where indexes correspond to the appendedFaces parameter.
/// An array of colors arrays, where indexes correspond to the appendedFaces parameter.
/// An array of uvs arrays, where indexes correspond to the appendedFaces parameter.
/// An array of faces arrays, which contain the triangle winding information for each new face. Face index values are 0 indexed.
/// An optional mapping of each new vertex's common index. Common index refers to a triangle's index in the @"UnityEngine.ProBuilder.ProBuilderMesh.sharedIndexes" array. If this value is provided, it must contain entries for each vertex position. Ex, if there are 4 vertices in this face, there must be shared index entries for { 0, 1, 2, 3 }.
/// An array of the new faces that where successfully appended to the mesh.
public static Face[] AppendFaces(
this ProBuilderMesh mesh,
Vector3[][] positions,
Color[][] colors,
Vector2[][] uvs,
Face[] faces,
int[][] shared)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
if (positions == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("positions");
if (colors == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("colors");
if (uvs == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("uvs");
if (faces == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("faces");
var newPositions = new List(mesh.positionsInternal);
var newColors = new List(mesh.colorsInternal);
var newTextures = new List(mesh.texturesInternal);
var newFaces = new List(mesh.facesInternal);
var lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
int vc = mesh.vertexCount;
for (int i = 0; i < faces.Length; i++)
if (shared != null && positions[i].Length != shared[i].Length)
Debug.LogError("Append Face failed because shared array does not match new vertex array.");
return null;
var hasCommon = shared != null;
for (int j = 0; j < shared[i].Length; j++)
lookup.Add(j + vc, hasCommon ? shared[i][j] : -1);
vc = newPositions.Count;
mesh.positions = newPositions;
mesh.colors = newColors;
mesh.textures = newTextures;
mesh.faces = newFaces;
return faces;
/// Create a new face connecting existing vertices.
/// The source mesh.
/// The indexes of the vertices to join with the new polygon.
/// Are the indexes in an ordered path (false), or not (true)? If indexes are not ordered this function will treat the polygon as a convex shape. Ordered paths will be triangulated allowing concave shapes.
/// The new face created if the action was successfull, null if action failed.
public static Face CreatePolygon(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, IList indexes, bool unordered)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
SharedVertex[] sharedIndexes = mesh.sharedVerticesInternal;
Dictionary lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
HashSet common = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandles(indexes);
List vertices = new List(mesh.GetVertices());
List appendVertices = new List();
foreach (int i in common)
int index = sharedIndexes[i][0];
appendVertices.Add(new Vertex(vertices[index]));
FaceRebuildData data = FaceWithVertices(appendVertices, unordered);
if (data != null)
data.sharedIndexes = common.ToList();
List faces = new List(mesh.facesInternal);
FaceRebuildData.Apply(new FaceRebuildData[] {data}, vertices, faces, lookup, null);
mesh.faces = faces;
return data.face;
const string insufficientPoints = "Too Few Unique Points Selected";
const string badWinding = "Points not ordered correctly";
Log.Info(unordered ? insufficientPoints : badWinding);
return null;
/// Create a new face connecting existing vertices.
/// The source mesh.
/// The indexes of the vertices to join with the new polygon.
/// A list of index lists defining holes.
/// The new face created if the action was successful, null if action failed.
public static Face CreatePolygonWithHole(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, IList indexes, IList> holes)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
SharedVertex[] sharedIndexes = mesh.sharedVerticesInternal;
Dictionary lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
List vertices = new List(mesh.GetVertices());
HashSet commonVertices = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandles(indexes);
List appendVertices = new List();
foreach (int i in commonVertices)
int index = sharedIndexes[i][0];
appendVertices.Add(new Vertex(vertices[index]));
HashSet common = commonVertices;
List< HashSet > commonHoles = new List>();
List< List > appendHoles = new List>();
for (int i = 0; i < holes.Count; i++)
List currentHole = new List();
foreach (int j in commonHoles[i])
int index = sharedIndexes[j][0];
currentHole.Add(new Vertex(vertices[index]));
FaceRebuildData data = FaceWithVerticesAndHole(appendVertices, appendHoles);
if (data != null)
data.sharedIndexes = common.ToList();
List faces = new List(mesh.facesInternal);
FaceRebuildData.Apply(new FaceRebuildData[] { data }, vertices, faces, lookup, null);
mesh.faces = faces;
return data.face;
return null;
/// Create a poly shape from a set of points on a plane. The points must be ordered.
/// The component to rebuild.
/// An action result indicating the status of the operation.
public static ActionResult CreateShapeFromPolygon(this PolyShape poly)
return poly.mesh.CreateShapeFromPolygon(poly.m_Points, poly.extrude, poly.flipNormals);
/// Clear and refresh mesh in case of failure to create a shape.
internal static void ClearAndRefreshMesh(this ProBuilderMesh mesh)
/// Rebuild a mesh from an ordered set of points.
/// The target mesh. The mesh values will be cleared and repopulated with the shape extruded from points.
/// A path of points to triangulate and extrude.
/// The distance to extrude.
/// If true the faces will be inverted at creation.
/// An ActionResult with the status of the operation.
public static ActionResult CreateShapeFromPolygon(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, IList points,
float extrude, bool flipNormals)
return CreateShapeFromPolygon(mesh, points, extrude, flipNormals, null);
/// Rebuild a mesh from an ordered set of points.
/// The target mesh. The mesh values will be cleared and repopulated with the shape extruded from points.
/// A path of points to triangulate and extrude.
/// The distance to extrude.
/// If true the faces will be inverted at creation.
/// This argument is now ignored.
/// Holes in the polygon.
/// An ActionResult with the status of the operation.
[Obsolete("Face.CreateShapeFromPolygon is deprecated as it no longer relies on camera look at.")]
public static ActionResult CreateShapeFromPolygon(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, IList points,
float extrude, bool flipNormals, Vector3 cameraLookAt, IList> holePoints = null)
return CreateShapeFromPolygon(mesh, points, extrude, flipNormals, null);
/// Rebuild a mesh from an ordered set of points.
/// The target mesh. The mesh values will be cleared and repopulated with the shape extruded from points.
/// A path of points to triangulate and extrude.
/// The distance to extrude.
/// If true the faces will be inverted at creation.
/// Holes in the polygon. If null this will be ignored.
/// An ActionResult with the status of the operation.
public static ActionResult CreateShapeFromPolygon(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, IList points,
float extrude, bool flipNormals, IList> holePoints)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
if (points == null || points.Count < 3)
return new ActionResult(ActionResult.Status.NoChange, "Too Few Points");
Vector3[] vertices = points.ToArray();
Vector3[][] holeVertices = null;
if (holePoints != null && holePoints.Count > 0)
holeVertices = new Vector3[holePoints.Count][];
for (int i = 0; i < holePoints.Count; i++)
if (holePoints[i] == null || holePoints[i].Count < 3)
return new ActionResult(ActionResult.Status.NoChange, "Too Few Points in hole " + i);
holeVertices[i] = holePoints[i].ToArray();
List triangles;
if (Triangulation.TriangulateVertices(vertices, out triangles, holeVertices))
Vector3[] combinedVertices = null;
if (holeVertices != null)
combinedVertices = new Vector3[vertices.Length + holeVertices.Sum(arr => arr.Length)];
Array.Copy(vertices, combinedVertices, vertices.Length);
int destinationIndex = vertices.Length;
foreach (var hole in holeVertices)
Array.ConstrainedCopy(hole, 0, combinedVertices, destinationIndex, hole.Length);
destinationIndex += hole.Length;
combinedVertices = vertices;
int[] indexes = triangles.ToArray();
if (Math.PolygonArea(combinedVertices, indexes) < Mathf.Epsilon)
return new ActionResult(ActionResult.Status.Failure, "Polygon Area < Epsilon");
mesh.positionsInternal = combinedVertices;
var newFace = new Face(indexes);
mesh.facesInternal = new[] {newFace};
mesh.sharedVerticesInternal = SharedVertex.GetSharedVerticesWithPositions(combinedVertices);
// check that all points are represented in the triangulation
if (newFace.distinctIndexesInternal.Length != combinedVertices.Length)
return new ActionResult(ActionResult.Status.Failure, "Triangulation missing points");
Vector3 nrm = Math.Normal(mesh, mesh.facesInternal[0]);
nrm = mesh.gameObject.transform.TransformDirection(nrm);
if ((flipNormals
? Vector3.Dot(mesh.gameObject.transform.up, nrm) > 0f
: Vector3.Dot(mesh.gameObject.transform.up, nrm) < 0f))
if (extrude != 0.0f)
mesh.Extrude(new Face[] {(flipNormals ? mesh.facesInternal[1] : mesh.facesInternal[0])},
ExtrudeMethod.IndividualFaces, extrude);
if ((extrude < 0f && !flipNormals) || (extrude > 0f && flipNormals))
foreach (var face in mesh.facesInternal)
// clear mesh instead of showing an invalid one
return new ActionResult(ActionResult.Status.Failure, "Failed Triangulating Points");
return new ActionResult(ActionResult.Status.Success, "Create Polygon Shape");
/// Create a new face given a set of unordered vertices (or ordered, if unordered param is set to false).
internal static FaceRebuildData FaceWithVertices(List vertices, bool unordered = true)
List triangles;
if (Triangulation.TriangulateVertices(vertices, out triangles, unordered))
FaceRebuildData data = new FaceRebuildData();
data.vertices = vertices;
data.face = new Face(triangles);
return data;
return null;
/// Create a new face given a set of ordered vertices and vertices making holes in the face.
internal static FaceRebuildData FaceWithVerticesAndHole(List borderVertices, List> holes)
List triangles;
Vector3[] verticesV3 = borderVertices.Select(v => v.position).ToArray();
Vector3[][] holesV3 = new Vector3[holes.Count][];
for (int i = 0; i < holesV3.Length; i++)
holesV3[i] = holes[i].Select(v => v.position).ToArray();
if (Triangulation.TriangulateVertices(verticesV3, out triangles, holesV3))
List vertices = new List();
foreach (var hole in holes)
FaceRebuildData data = new FaceRebuildData();
data.vertices = vertices;
data.face = new Face(triangles);
return data;
return null;
/// Given a path of vertices, inserts a new vertex in the center inserts triangles along the path.
internal static List TentCapWithVertices(List path)
int count = path.Count;
Vertex center = Vertex.Average(path);
List faces = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
List vertices = new List()
path[(i + 1) % count]
FaceRebuildData data = new FaceRebuildData();
data.vertices = vertices;
data.face = new Face(new int[] {0, 1, 2});
return faces;
/// Duplicate and reverse the winding direction for each face.
/// The target mesh.
/// The faces to duplicate, reverse triangle winding order, and append to mesh.
public static void DuplicateAndFlip(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, Face[] faces)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
if (faces == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("faces");
List rebuild = new List();
List vertices = new List(mesh.GetVertices());
Dictionary lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
foreach (Face face in faces)
FaceRebuildData data = new FaceRebuildData();
data.vertices = new List();
data.face = new Face(face);
data.sharedIndexes = new List();
Dictionary map = new Dictionary();
int len = data.face.indexesInternal.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (map.ContainsKey(face.indexesInternal[i]))
map.Add(face.indexesInternal[i], map.Count);
int[] tris = new int[len];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
tris[len - (i + 1)] = map[data.face[i]];
FaceRebuildData.Apply(rebuild, mesh, vertices);
/// Insert a face between two edges.
/// The source mesh.
/// First edge.
/// Second edge
/// If true, this function will allow edges to be bridged that create overlapping (non-manifold) faces.
/// The new face, or null of the action failed.
public static Face Bridge(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, Edge a, Edge b, bool allowNonManifoldGeometry = false)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
SharedVertex[] sharedVertices = mesh.sharedVerticesInternal;
Dictionary lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
// Check to see if a face already exists
if (!allowNonManifoldGeometry)
if (ElementSelection.GetNeighborFaces(mesh, a).Count > 1 ||
ElementSelection.GetNeighborFaces(mesh, b).Count > 1)
return null;
foreach (Face face in mesh.facesInternal)
if (mesh.IndexOf(face.edgesInternal, a) >= 0 && mesh.IndexOf(face.edgesInternal, b) >= 0)
Log.Warning("Face already exists between these two edges!");
return null;
Vector3[] positions = mesh.positionsInternal;
bool hasColors = mesh.HasArrays(MeshArrays.Color);
Color[] colors = hasColors ? mesh.colorsInternal : null;
Vector3[] v;
Color[] c;
int[] s;
AutoUnwrapSettings uvs = AutoUnwrapSettings.tile;
int submeshIndex = 0;
// Get material and UV stuff from the first edge face
SimpleTuple faceAndEdge;
if (EdgeUtility.ValidateEdge(mesh, a, out faceAndEdge) ||
EdgeUtility.ValidateEdge(mesh, b, out faceAndEdge))
uvs = new AutoUnwrapSettings(faceAndEdge.item1.uv);
submeshIndex = faceAndEdge.item1.submeshIndex;
// Bridge will form a triangle
if (a.Contains(b.a, lookup) || a.Contains(b.b, lookup))
v = new Vector3[3];
c = new Color[3];
s = new int[3];
bool axbx = Array.IndexOf(sharedVertices[mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.a)].arrayInternal, b.a) > -1;
bool axby = Array.IndexOf(sharedVertices[mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.a)].arrayInternal, b.b) > -1;
bool aybx = Array.IndexOf(sharedVertices[mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.b)].arrayInternal, b.a) > -1;
bool ayby = Array.IndexOf(sharedVertices[mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.b)].arrayInternal, b.b) > -1;
if (axbx)
v[0] = positions[a.a];
if (hasColors) c[0] = colors[a.a];
s[0] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.a);
v[1] = positions[a.b];
if (hasColors) c[1] = colors[a.b];
s[1] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.b);
v[2] = positions[b.b];
if (hasColors) c[2] = colors[b.b];
s[2] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(b.b);
else if (axby)
v[0] = positions[a.a];
if (hasColors) c[0] = colors[a.a];
s[0] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.a);
v[1] = positions[a.b];
if (hasColors) c[1] = colors[a.b];
s[1] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.b);
v[2] = positions[b.a];
if (hasColors) c[2] = colors[b.a];
s[2] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(b.a);
else if (aybx)
v[0] = positions[a.b];
if (hasColors) c[0] = colors[a.b];
s[0] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.b);
v[1] = positions[a.a];
if (hasColors) c[1] = colors[a.a];
s[1] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.a);
v[2] = positions[b.b];
if (hasColors) c[2] = colors[b.b];
s[2] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(b.b);
else if (ayby)
v[0] = positions[a.b];
if (hasColors) c[0] = colors[a.b];
s[0] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.b);
v[1] = positions[a.a];
if (hasColors) c[1] = colors[a.a];
s[1] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.a);
v[2] = positions[b.a];
if (hasColors) c[2] = colors[b.a];
s[2] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(b.a);
return mesh.AppendFace(
hasColors ? c : null,
new Vector2[v.Length],
new Vector4[v.Length],
new Vector4[v.Length],
new Face(axbx || axby ? new int[3] {2, 1, 0} : new int[3] {0, 1, 2}, submeshIndex, uvs, 0, -1, -1,
// Else, bridge will form a quad
v = new Vector3[4];
c = new Color[4];
s = new int[4]; // shared indexes index to add to
v[0] = positions[a.a];
if (hasColors)
c[0] = mesh.colorsInternal[a.a];
s[0] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.a);
v[1] = positions[a.b];
if (hasColors)
c[1] = mesh.colorsInternal[a.b];
s[1] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(a.b);
Vector3 nrm = Vector3.Cross(positions[b.a] - positions[a.a], positions[a.b] - positions[a.a]).normalized;
Vector2[] planed =
new Vector3[4] {positions[a.a], positions[a.b], positions[b.a], positions[b.b]}, null, nrm);
Vector2 ipoint =;
bool intersects = Math.GetLineSegmentIntersect(planed[0], planed[2], planed[1], planed[3], ref ipoint);
if (!intersects)
v[2] = positions[b.a];
if (hasColors)
c[2] = mesh.colorsInternal[b.a];
s[2] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(b.a);
v[3] = positions[b.b];
if (hasColors)
c[3] = mesh.colorsInternal[b.b];
s[3] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(b.b);
v[2] = positions[b.b];
if (hasColors)
c[2] = mesh.colorsInternal[b.b];
s[2] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(b.b);
v[3] = positions[b.a];
if (hasColors)
c[3] = mesh.colorsInternal[b.a];
s[3] = mesh.GetSharedVertexHandle(b.a);
return mesh.AppendFace(
hasColors ? c : null,
new Vector2[v.Length],
new Vector4[v.Length],
new Vector4[v.Length],
new Face(new int[6] {2, 1, 0, 2, 3, 1}, submeshIndex, uvs, 0, -1, -1, false),
// backwards compatibility prevents us from just using insertOnEdge as an optional parameter
public static Face AppendVerticesToFace(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, Face face, Vector3[] points)
return AppendVerticesToFace(mesh, face, points, true);
/// Add a set of points to a face and re-triangulate. Points are added to the nearest edge.
/// The source mesh.
/// The face to append points to.
/// Points to added to the face.
/// True to force new points to edges.
/// The face created by appending the points.
public static Face AppendVerticesToFace(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, Face face, Vector3[] points, bool insertOnEdge)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
if (face == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("face");
if (points == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("points");
List vertices = mesh.GetVertices().ToList();
List faces = new List(mesh.facesInternal);
Dictionary lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
Dictionary lookupUV = null;
if (mesh.sharedTextures != null)
lookupUV = new Dictionary();
SharedVertex.GetSharedVertexLookup(mesh.sharedTextures, lookupUV);
List wound = WingedEdge.SortEdgesByAdjacency(face);
List n_vertices = new List();
List n_shared = new List();
List n_sharedUV = lookupUV != null ? new List() : null;
for (int i = 0; i < wound.Count; i++)
if (lookupUV != null)
int uv;
if (lookupUV.TryGetValue(wound[i].a, out uv))
if (insertOnEdge)
// now insert the new points on the nearest edge
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
int index = -1;
float best = Mathf.Infinity;
Vector3 p = points[i];
int vc = n_vertices.Count;
for (int n = 0; n < vc; n++)
Vector3 v = n_vertices[n].position;
Vector3 w = n_vertices[(n + 1) % vc].position;
float dist = Math.DistancePointLineSegment(p, v, w);
if (dist < best)
best = dist;
index = n;
Vertex left = n_vertices[index], right = n_vertices[(index + 1) % vc];
float x = (p - left.position).sqrMagnitude;
float y = (p - right.position).sqrMagnitude;
Vertex insert = Vertex.Mix(left, right, x / (x + y));
n_vertices.Insert((index + 1) % vc, insert);
n_shared.Insert((index + 1) % vc, -1);
if (n_sharedUV != null) n_sharedUV.Insert((index + 1) % vc, -1);
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
int index = -1;
Vector3 p = points[i];
int vc = n_vertices.Count;
Vertex insert = new Vertex();//Vertex.Mix(left, right, x / (x + y));
insert.position = p;
n_vertices.Insert((index + 1) % vc, insert);
n_shared.Insert((index + 1) % vc, -1);
if (n_sharedUV != null) n_sharedUV.Insert((index + 1) % vc, -1);
List triangles;
Triangulation.TriangulateVertices(n_vertices, out triangles, true);
Debug.Log("Failed triangulating face after appending vertices.");
return null;
FaceRebuildData data = new FaceRebuildData();
data.face = new Face(triangles.ToArray(), face.submeshIndex, new AutoUnwrapSettings(face.uv),
face.smoothingGroup, face.textureGroup, -1, face.manualUV);
data.vertices = n_vertices;
data.sharedIndexes = n_shared;
data.sharedIndexesUV = n_sharedUV;
FaceRebuildData.Apply(new List() {data},
var newFace = data.face;
mesh.faces = faces;
// check old normal and make sure this new face is pointing the same direction
Vector3 oldNrm = Math.Normal(mesh, face);
Vector3 newNrm = Math.Normal(mesh, newFace);
if (Vector3.Dot(oldNrm, newNrm) < 0)
return newFace;
/// Insert a number of new points to an edge. Points are evenly spaced out along the edge.
/// The source mesh.
/// The edge to split with points.
/// The number of new points to insert. Must be greater than 0.
/// The new edges created by inserting points.
public static List AppendVerticesToEdge(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, Edge edge, int count)
return AppendVerticesToEdge(mesh, new Edge[] {edge}, count);
/// Insert a number of new points to each edge. Points are evenly spaced out along the edge.
/// The source mesh.
/// The edges to split with points.
/// The number of new points to insert. Must be greater than 0.
/// The new edges created by inserting points.
public static List AppendVerticesToEdge(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, IList edges, int count)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
if (edges == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("edges");
if (count < 1 || count > 512)
Log.Error("New edge vertex count is less than 1 or greater than 512.");
return null;
List vertices = new List(mesh.GetVertices());
Dictionary lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
Dictionary lookupUV = mesh.sharedTextureLookup;
List indexesToDelete = new List();
IEnumerable commonEdges = EdgeUtility.GetSharedVertexHandleEdges(mesh, edges);
List distinctEdges = commonEdges.Distinct().ToList();
Dictionary modifiedFaces = new Dictionary();
int originalSharedIndexesCount = lookup.Count();
int sharedIndexesCount = originalSharedIndexesCount;
foreach (Edge edge in distinctEdges)
Edge localEdge = EdgeUtility.GetEdgeWithSharedVertexHandles(mesh, edge);
// Generate the new vertices that will be inserted on this edge
List verticesToAppend = new List(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
verticesToAppend.Add(Vertex.Mix(vertices[localEdge.a], vertices[localEdge.b],
(i + 1) / ((float) count + 1)));
List> adjacentFaces = ElementSelection.GetNeighborFaces(mesh, localEdge);
Edge edgeLookUp = new Edge(lookup[localEdge.a], lookup[localEdge.b]);
Edge e = new Edge();
// foreach face attached to common edge, append vertices
foreach (SimpleTuple tup in adjacentFaces)
Face face = tup.item1;
FaceRebuildData data;
if (!modifiedFaces.TryGetValue(face, out data))
data = new FaceRebuildData();
data.face = new Face(new int[0], face.submeshIndex, new AutoUnwrapSettings(face.uv),
face.smoothingGroup, face.textureGroup, -1, face.manualUV);
data.vertices =
new List(ArrayUtility.ValuesWithIndexes(vertices, face.distinctIndexesInternal));
data.sharedIndexes = new List();
data.sharedIndexesUV = new List();
foreach (int i in face.distinctIndexesInternal)
int shared;
if (lookup.TryGetValue(i, out shared))
if (lookupUV.TryGetValue(i, out shared))
modifiedFaces.Add(face, data);
//Ordering vertices in the new face
List orderedVertices = new List();
List orderedSharedIndexes = new List();
List orderedSharedUVIndexes = new List();
List peripheralEdges = WingedEdge.SortEdgesByAdjacency(face);
for (int i = 0; i < peripheralEdges.Count; i++)
e.a = peripheralEdges[i].a;
e.b = peripheralEdges[i].b;
int shared;
if (lookup.TryGetValue(e.a, out shared))
if (lookupUV.TryGetValue(i, out shared))
if (edgeLookUp.a == lookup[e.a] && edgeLookUp.b == lookup[e.b])
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
orderedSharedIndexes.Add(sharedIndexesCount + j);
else if (edgeLookUp.a == lookup[e.b] && edgeLookUp.b == lookup[e.a])
for (int j = count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
orderedSharedIndexes.Add(sharedIndexesCount + j);
data.vertices = orderedVertices;
data.sharedIndexes = orderedSharedIndexes;
data.sharedIndexesUV = orderedSharedUVIndexes;
//Get ordered vertices in the existing face and add new ones
List orderedVertices = data.vertices;
List orderedSharedIndexes = data.sharedIndexes;
List orderedSharedUVIndexes = data.sharedIndexesUV;
for (int i = 0; i < orderedVertices.Count; i++)
Vertex edgeStart = orderedVertices[i];
int edgeStartIndex = vertices.IndexOf(edgeStart);
Vertex edgeEnd = orderedVertices[(i + 1) % orderedVertices.Count];
int edgeEndIndex = vertices.IndexOf(edgeEnd);
if (edgeStartIndex == -1 || edgeEndIndex == -1)
if (lookup[edgeStartIndex] == lookup[localEdge.a] &&
lookup[edgeEndIndex] == lookup[localEdge.b])
orderedVertices.InsertRange(i + 1, verticesToAppend);
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
orderedSharedIndexes.Insert(i + j + 1, sharedIndexesCount + j);
else if (lookup[edgeStartIndex] == lookup[localEdge.b] &&
lookup[edgeEndIndex] == lookup[localEdge.a])
orderedVertices.InsertRange(i + 1, verticesToAppend);
for (int j = count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
orderedSharedIndexes.Insert(i + 1, sharedIndexesCount + j);
data.vertices = orderedVertices;
data.sharedIndexes = orderedSharedIndexes;
data.sharedIndexesUV = orderedSharedUVIndexes;
sharedIndexesCount += count;
// now apply the changes
List dic_face = modifiedFaces.Keys.ToList();
List dic_data = modifiedFaces.Values.ToList();
List appendedEdges = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < dic_face.Count; i++)
Face face = dic_face[i];
FaceRebuildData data = dic_data[i];
int vertexCount = vertices.Count;
// triangulate and set new face indexes to end of current vertex list
List triangles;
if (Triangulation.TriangulateVertices(data.vertices, out triangles, false))
data.face = new Face(triangles);
//Keep submesh index when rebuilding to maintain material references
data.face.submeshIndex = face.submeshIndex;
for (int n = 0; n < data.vertices.Count; n++)
lookup.Add(vertexCount + n, data.sharedIndexes[n]);
if (data.sharedIndexesUV.Count == data.vertices.Count)
for (int n = 0; n < data.vertices.Count; n++)
lookupUV.Add(vertexCount + n, data.sharedIndexesUV[n]);
foreach (Edge e in face.edgesInternal)
EdgeLookup el = new EdgeLookup(new Edge(lookup[e.a], lookup[e.b]), e);
if (el.common.a >= originalSharedIndexesCount || el.common.b >= originalSharedIndexesCount)
indexesToDelete = indexesToDelete.Distinct().ToList();
int delCount = indexesToDelete.Count;
var newEdges = appendedEdges.Distinct().Select(x => x.local - delCount).ToList();
return newEdges;
/// Add a set of points to a face and retriangulate. Points are added to the nearest edge.
/// The source mesh.
/// The face to append points to.
/// Point to added to the face.
/// The face created by appending the points.
public static Face[] InsertVertexInFace(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, Face face, Vector3 point)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
if (face == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("face");
if (point == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("point");
List vertices = mesh.GetVertices().ToList();
List faces = new List(mesh.facesInternal);
Dictionary lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
Dictionary lookupUV = null;
if (mesh.sharedTextures != null)
lookupUV = new Dictionary();
SharedVertex.GetSharedVertexLookup(mesh.sharedTextures, lookupUV);
List wound = WingedEdge.SortEdgesByAdjacency(face);
List newFacesData = new List();
Vertex newVertex = new Vertex();
newVertex.position = point;
for (int i = 0; i < wound.Count; i++)
List n_vertices = new List();
List n_shared = new List();
List n_sharedUV = lookupUV != null ? new List() : null;
if (lookupUV != null)
int uv;
if (lookupUV.TryGetValue(wound[i].a, out uv))
if (lookupUV.TryGetValue(wound[i].b, out uv))
List triangles;
Triangulation.TriangulateVertices(n_vertices, out triangles, true);
Debug.Log("Failed triangulating face after appending vertices.");
return null;
FaceRebuildData data = new FaceRebuildData();
data.face = new Face(triangles.ToArray(), face.submeshIndex, new AutoUnwrapSettings(face.uv), face.smoothingGroup, face.textureGroup, -1, face.manualUV);
data.vertices = n_vertices;
data.sharedIndexes = n_shared;
data.sharedIndexesUV = n_sharedUV;
mesh.faces = faces;
Face[] newFaces = newFacesData.Select(f => f.face).ToArray();
foreach (FaceRebuildData data in newFacesData)
var newFace = data.face;
// check old normal and make sure this new face is pointing the same direction
Vector3 oldNrm = UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Math.Normal(mesh, face);
Vector3 newNrm = UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Math.Normal(mesh, newFace);
if (Vector3.Dot(oldNrm, newNrm) < 0)
return newFaces;
/// Insert a number of new points to each edge. Points are evenly spaced out along the edge.
/// The source mesh.
/// The edge on which adding the point.
/// The point to insert on the edge.
/// The new edges created by the point insertion.//
public static Vertex InsertVertexOnEdge(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, Edge originalEdge, Vector3 point)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
if (originalEdge == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("edge");
List vertices = new List(mesh.GetVertices());
Dictionary lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
Dictionary lookupUV = mesh.sharedTextureLookup;
List indexesToDelete = new List();
Dictionary modifiedFaces = new Dictionary();
int originalSharedIndexesCount = lookup.Count();
//Ensure the new point is on the edge
//Using Scalar projection
Vector3 a = point -
Vector3 b = vertices[originalEdge.b].position -
float weight = Vector3.Magnitude(a) * Mathf.Cos(Vector3.Angle(b, a) * Mathf.Deg2Rad) / Vector3.Magnitude(b);
Vertex newVertex = Vertex.Mix(vertices[originalEdge.a], vertices[originalEdge.b], weight);
List> adjacentFaces = ElementSelection.GetNeighborFaces(mesh, originalEdge);
Edge uni = new Edge(lookup[originalEdge.a], lookup[originalEdge.b]);
Edge e = new Edge();
// foreach face attached to common edge, append vertices
foreach (SimpleTuple tup in adjacentFaces)
Face face = tup.item1;
FaceRebuildData data;
if (!modifiedFaces.TryGetValue(face, out data))
data = new FaceRebuildData();
data.face = new Face(new int[0], face.submeshIndex, new AutoUnwrapSettings(face.uv), face.smoothingGroup, face.textureGroup, -1, face.manualUV);
data.vertices = new List(ArrayUtility.ValuesWithIndexes(vertices, face.distinctIndexesInternal));
data.sharedIndexes = new List();
data.sharedIndexesUV = new List();
foreach (int i in face.distinctIndexesInternal)
int shared;
if (lookup.TryGetValue(i, out shared))
if (lookupUV.TryGetValue(i, out shared))
modifiedFaces.Add(face, data);
List orderedVertices = new List();
List orderedSharedIndexes = new List();
List peripheralEdges = WingedEdge.SortEdgesByAdjacency(face);
bool canAdd = true;
for (int i = 0; i < peripheralEdges.Count; i++)
e.a = peripheralEdges[i].a;
e.b = peripheralEdges[i].b;
int shared;
if (lookup.TryGetValue(e.a, out shared))
if (canAdd &&
(uni.a == lookup[e.a] && uni.b == lookup[e.b]) ||
(uni.a == lookup[e.b] && uni.b == lookup[e.a]))
canAdd = false;
data.vertices = orderedVertices;
data.sharedIndexes = orderedSharedIndexes;
// now apply the changes
List dic_face = modifiedFaces.Keys.ToList();
List dic_data = modifiedFaces.Values.ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < dic_face.Count; i++)
Face face = dic_face[i];
FaceRebuildData data = dic_data[i];
int vertexCount = vertices.Count;
// triangulate and set new face indexes to end of current vertex list
List triangles;
if (Triangulation.TriangulateVertices(data.vertices, out triangles, false))
data.face = new Face(triangles);
//Keep submesh index when rebuilding to maintain material references
data.face.submeshIndex = face.submeshIndex;
for (int n = 0; n < data.vertices.Count; n++)
lookup.Add(vertexCount + n, data.sharedIndexes[n]);
if (data.sharedIndexesUV.Count == data.vertices.Count)
for (int n = 0; n < data.vertices.Count; n++)
lookupUV.Add(vertexCount + n, data.sharedIndexesUV[n]);
indexesToDelete = indexesToDelete.Distinct().ToList();
return newVertex;
/// Add a point to a face.
/// The source mesh.
/// Point to added to the face.
/// The inserted point normal.
/// The face created by appending the points.
public static Vertex InsertVertexInMesh(this ProBuilderMesh mesh, Vector3 point, Vector3 normal)
if (mesh == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
if (point == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("point");
List vertices = mesh.GetVertices().ToList();
Dictionary lookup = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
Dictionary lookupUV = null;
// List indexesToDelete = new List();
int originalSharedIndexesCount = lookup.Count();
if (mesh.sharedTextures != null)
lookupUV = new Dictionary();
SharedVertex.GetSharedVertexLookup(mesh.sharedTextures, lookupUV);
Vertex newVertex = new Vertex();
newVertex.position = point;
newVertex.normal = normal.normalized;
return newVertex;