# Debug
Use this sub-menu to access the **Log Preferences** window.

Use the **Log Preferences** window to customize how ProBuilder logs messages. The darker color indicates that the setting is enabled (ON); the lighter color indicates that the setting is disabled (OFF).
**(A)** [Log Output](#output) defines where ProBuilder writes messages to.
**(B)** [Chatty-ness](#chattyness) defines which kind of messages ProBuilder logs.
## Log Output
__Log Output__ defines where ProBuilder writes messages to: the Unity __Console__ or to a log __File__:
* Click the __Console__ button to enable writing to the Console.
* Click the __File__ button to enable writing to a file. When the **File** output target is enabled, the **Log Path** widget and the **open** button are enabled.
* To set the __Log Path__, click the __...__ button and select a folder for the log file. This widget is only available if the **File** button is ON.
* Click the **open** button to open the saved __ProBuilderLog.txt__ log file. This button is only available if the **File** button is ON.
By default, ProBuilder writes messages only to the __Console__.
## Chatty-ness
The __Chatty-ness__ section defines which kind of messages ProBuilder logs:
* Toggle whether or not ProBuilder logs messages about the following: **Errors**, **Warnings**, **General information**, **Debug messages**, or everything. By default, ProBuilder logs everything, and these buttons are all ON.
* Click the __Clear Log File__ button to reset the saved log file. This deletes all messages that ProBuilder previously logged.