#  Grow Selection
The __Grow Selection__ action expands the selection outward to adjacent faces, edges, or vertices.

This action is available in the [vertex, edge, and face modes](modes.md).
> **Tip:** You can also use this action with the **Alt/Opt+G** shortcut, or from the ProBuilder menu (**Tools** > **ProBuilder** > **Selection** > **Grow Selection**).
## Grow Selection Options

| **Property:** | **Description:** |
| --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| **Restrict To Angle** | Enable this property to grow the selection only to those faces within a specified angle. |
| **Max Angle** | Set the maximum angle allowed when growing the selection.
ProBuilder ignores this property and prevents you from editing it unless the __Restrict to Angle__ property is enabled. |
| **Iterative** | Enable this property to grow the selection one adjacent face at a time, each time you press the **Grow Selection** button.
This property is enabled automatically (and is not editable) if the __Restrict to Angle__ property is disabled. |