# About the Profile Analyzer package The Profile Analyzer aggregates and visualizes frame and marker data from a set of [Unity Profiler](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Profiler.html) frames to help you understand their behavior. You can use the Profile Analyzer to compare two sets of data side-by-side, which complements the single frame analysis already available in the Unity Profiler. For information on how to use the Profile Analyzer, see the documentation on the [Profile Analyzer window](profile-analyzer-window.md) ![The Profile Analyzer window](images/profile-analyzer-compare-view.png)
*The Profile Analyzer window, with two sets of data loaded to compare* ## Installing the Profile Analyzer To install this package into versions of Unity that support the package manager follow the instructions in the [Package Manager documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.package-manager-ui@latest/index.html). When using any Unity version newer than 2021.2.0a5, you can just click __[this link to install it by name](com.unity3d.kharma:upmpackage/com.unity.performance.profile-analyzer)__. ### Earlier versions of Unity For earlier versions, follow this link to the Profile Analyzer [download](https://download.packages.unity.com/com.unity.performance.profile-analyzer/-/com.unity.performance.profile-analyzer-1.1.1.tgz) and place the contents into your Project's Assets folder. ## Requirements This version of the Profile Analyzer is compatible with the following versions of the Unity Editor: * 5.6 and later ## Known limitations The Profile Analyzer has the following known limitations: * The original Profile data is not saved in the Profile Analyzer .pdata file. Therefore, you should store both the Unity Profiler .data file (or the .raw file exported from a stand alone player) along with the .pdata file. * When you click on a marker, the Profile Analyzer attempts to jump to the same marker in the Unity Profiler if the same data is loaded. You must make a selection in the Unity Profiler beforehand for this to work. In the Unity Profiler in the UI view, the vertical height is not correct. * On Unity 5.6 and 2017.4, the Thread Select Window allows you to collapse the 'All' threads item, which has no purpose.