using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using UnityEngine.UIElements; namespace Unity.Tutorials.Core.Editor { internal enum MaskType { FullyUnmasked = 0, BlockInteractions } internal enum MaskSizeModifier { NoModifications = 0, ExpandWidthToWholeWindow } internal struct MaskViewData { internal MaskType maskType; internal List rects; internal MaskSizeModifier maskSizeModifier; public Type EditorWindowType; internal static MaskViewData CreateEmpty(MaskType type) { return new MaskViewData() { maskType = type, rects = null, }; } } [Serializable] class UnmaskedView { static Stack s_EditorWindowsToShow = new Stack(); static UnmaskedView() { EditorApplication.update += OnEditorUpdate; } static void OnEditorUpdate() { while (s_EditorWindowsToShow.Any()) { var window = s_EditorWindowsToShow.Pop(); if (window != null) window.Show(); } } public class MaskData : ICloneable { internal Dictionary m_MaskData; public MaskData() : this(null) {} public int Count { get { return m_MaskData.Count; } } internal MaskData(Dictionary maskData) { m_MaskData = maskData ?? new Dictionary(); } public void AddParentFullyUnmasked(EditorWindow window) { m_MaskData[window.GetParent()] = MaskViewData.CreateEmpty(MaskType.FullyUnmasked); } public void RemoveParent(EditorWindow window) { m_MaskData.Remove(window.GetParent()); } public void AddTooltipViews() { var allViews = new List(); GUIViewDebuggerHelperProxy.GetViews(allViews); foreach (var tooltipView in allViews.Where(v => v.IsGUIViewAssignableTo(GUIViewProxy.TooltipViewType))) m_MaskData[tooltipView] = MaskViewData.CreateEmpty(MaskType.FullyUnmasked); } public void RemoveTooltipViews() { foreach (var view in m_MaskData.Keys.ToArray()) { if (view.IsGUIViewAssignableTo(GUIViewProxy.TooltipViewType)) m_MaskData.Remove(view); } } public object Clone() { return new MaskData(m_MaskData.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value)); } } public static MaskData GetViewsAndRects(IEnumerable unmaskedViews) { bool foundAncestorProperty; return GetViewsAndRects(unmaskedViews, out foundAncestorProperty); } public static MaskData GetViewsAndRects(IEnumerable unmaskedViews, out bool foundAncestorProperty) { foundAncestorProperty = false; var allViews = new List(); GUIViewDebuggerHelperProxy.GetViews(allViews); // initialize result var result = new Dictionary(); var unmaskedControls = new Dictionary>(); var viewsWithWindows = new Dictionary>(); foreach (var unmaskedView in unmaskedViews) { foreach (var view in GetMatchingViews(unmaskedView, allViews, viewsWithWindows)) { MaskViewData maskViewData; if (!result.TryGetValue(view, out maskViewData)) { result[view] = new MaskViewData { rects = new List(8), maskType = unmaskedView.m_MaskType, maskSizeModifier = unmaskedView.m_MaskSizeModifier, EditorWindowType = unmaskedView.ResolvedEditorWindowType }; } List controls; if (!unmaskedControls.TryGetValue(view, out controls)) unmaskedControls[view] = controls = new List(); controls.AddRange(unmaskedView.m_UnmaskedControls); } } // validate input foreach (var viewWithWindow in viewsWithWindows) { if (viewWithWindow.Value.Count > 1) { throw new ArgumentException( string.Format( "Tried to get controls from multiple EditorWindows docked in the same location: {0}", string.Join(", ", viewWithWindow.Value.Select(w => w.GetType().Name).ToArray()) ), "unmaskedViews" ); } } // populate result var drawInstructions = new List(32); var namedControlInstructions = new List(32); var propertyInstructions = new List(32); foreach (var viewRects in result) { // prevents null exception when repainting in case e.g., user has accidentally maximized view if (!viewRects.Key.IsWindowAndRootViewValid) continue; var unmaskedControlSelectors = unmaskedControls[viewRects.Key]; if (unmaskedControlSelectors.Count == 0) continue; // if the view refers to an InspectorWindow, flush the optimized GUI blocks so that Editor control rects will be updated HashSet windows; if (viewsWithWindows.TryGetValue(viewRects.Key, out windows) && windows.Count > 0) InspectorWindowProxy.DirtyAllEditors(windows.First()); // TODO: use actual selectors when API is in place GUIViewDebuggerHelperProxy.DebugWindow(viewRects.Key); viewRects.Key.RepaintImmediately(); GUIViewDebuggerHelperProxy.GetDrawInstructions(drawInstructions); GUIViewDebuggerHelperProxy.GetNamedControlInstructions(namedControlInstructions); GUIViewDebuggerHelperProxy.GetPropertyInstructions(propertyInstructions); foreach (var controlSelector in unmaskedControls[viewRects.Key]) { bool reverse = controlSelector.SelectorMatchType == GuiControlSelector.MatchType.Last; bool selectAll = controlSelector.SelectorMatchType == GuiControlSelector.MatchType.All; var regionRects = new List(); switch (controlSelector.SelectorMode) { case GuiControlSelector.Mode.GuiContent: bool IsGuiContentMatch(IMGUIDrawInstructionProxy instruction, GUIContent content) => AreEquivalent(instruction.usedGUIContent, content); if (reverse) drawInstructions.Reverse(); foreach (var instruction in drawInstructions) { if (IsGuiContentMatch(instruction, controlSelector.GuiContent)) { regionRects.Add(instruction.rect); if (!selectAll) break; } } break; case GuiControlSelector.Mode.GuiStyleName: bool IsGuiStyleNameMatch(IMGUIDrawInstructionProxy instruction, string styleName) => instruction.usedGUIStyleName == styleName; if (reverse) drawInstructions.Reverse(); foreach (var instruction in drawInstructions) { if (IsGuiStyleNameMatch(instruction, controlSelector.GuiStyleName)) { regionRects.Add(instruction.rect); if (!selectAll) break; } } break; case GuiControlSelector.Mode.NamedControl: bool IsControlNameMatch(IMGUINamedControlInstructionProxy instruction, string controlName) => == controlName; if (reverse) namedControlInstructions.Reverse(); foreach (var instruction in namedControlInstructions) { if (IsControlNameMatch(instruction, controlSelector.ControlName)) { regionRects.Add(instruction.rect); if (!selectAll) break; } } break; case GuiControlSelector.Mode.Property: bool IsPropertyMatch(IMGUIPropertyInstructionProxy instruction, string typeName, string propertyPath) => (instruction.targetTypeName == typeName && instruction.path == controlSelector.PropertyPath); if (controlSelector.TargetType == null) continue; if (reverse) propertyInstructions.Reverse(); var targetTypeName = controlSelector.TargetType.AssemblyQualifiedName; foreach (var instruction in propertyInstructions) { if (IsPropertyMatch(instruction, targetTypeName, controlSelector.PropertyPath)) { regionRects.Add(instruction.rect); if (!selectAll) break; } } if (!regionRects.Any()) { // Property instruction not found // Let's see if we can find any of the ancestor instructions to allow the user to unfold Rect regionRect =; foundAncestorProperty = FindAncestorPropertyRegion( controlSelector.PropertyPath, targetTypeName, drawInstructions, propertyInstructions, ref regionRect ); if (foundAncestorProperty) regionRects.Add(regionRect); } break; case GuiControlSelector.Mode.ObjectReference: bool IsObjectNameMatch(IMGUIDrawInstructionProxy instruction, string objectName) => instruction.usedGUIContent.text== objectName; if (controlSelector.ObjectReference == null) continue; var referencedObject = controlSelector.ObjectReference.SceneObjectReference.ReferencedObject; if (referencedObject == null) continue; if (reverse) drawInstructions.Reverse(); foreach (var instruction in drawInstructions) { if (IsObjectNameMatch(instruction, { regionRects.Add(instruction.rect); if (!selectAll) break; } } break; case GuiControlSelector.Mode.VisualElement: // At least one of the three properties must be specified in order to make a sensible query. if (controlSelector.VisualElementTypeName.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() || controlSelector.VisualElementClassName.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() || controlSelector.VisualElementName.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { var visualTree = UIElementsHelper.GetVisualTree(viewRects.Key); // Passing null as name or class will make the query to consider it as an optional argument. var queryBuilder = visualTree.Query( controlSelector.VisualElementName.AsNullIfWhiteSpace(), controlSelector.VisualElementClassName.AsNullIfWhiteSpace() ); // Apply type, if valid type specified. if (controlSelector.VisualElementTypeName.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { queryBuilder = queryBuilder.Where(elem => elem.GetType().ToString() == controlSelector.VisualElementTypeName); } var elements = queryBuilder.Build().ToList(); if (reverse) elements.Reverse(); foreach (var element in elements) { regionRects.Add(element.worldBound); if (!selectAll) break; } } break; default: Debug.LogErrorFormat( "No method currently implemented for selecting using specified mode: {0}", controlSelector.SelectorMode ); break; } if (regionRects.Any()) { if (viewRects.Value.maskSizeModifier == MaskSizeModifier.ExpandWidthToWholeWindow) { const int padding = 5; regionRects.ForEach(regionRect => { regionRect.x = padding; regionRect.width = viewRects.Key.Position.width - padding * 2; }); } viewRects.Value.rects.AddRange(regionRects); } } GUIViewDebuggerHelperProxy.StopDebugging(); } return new MaskData(result); } static bool FindAncestorPropertyRegion(string propertyPath, string targetTypeName, List drawInstructions, List propertyInstructions, ref Rect regionRect) { while (true) { // Remove last component of property path var lastIndexOfDelimiter = propertyPath.LastIndexOf("."); if (lastIndexOfDelimiter < 1) { // No components left, give up return false; } propertyPath = propertyPath.Substring(0, lastIndexOfDelimiter); foreach (var instruction in propertyInstructions) { if (instruction.targetTypeName == targetTypeName && instruction.path == propertyPath) { regionRect = instruction.rect; // The property rect itself does not contain the foldout arrow // Expand region to include all draw instructions for this property var unifiedInstructions = new List(128); GUIViewDebuggerHelperProxy.GetUnifiedInstructions(unifiedInstructions); var collectDrawInstructions = false; var propertyBeginLevel = 0; foreach (var unifiedInstruction in unifiedInstructions) { if (collectDrawInstructions) { if (unifiedInstruction.level <= propertyBeginLevel) break; if (unifiedInstruction.type == InstructionTypeProxy.StyleDraw) { var drawRect = drawInstructions[unifiedInstruction.typeInstructionIndex].rect; if (drawRect.xMin < regionRect.xMin) regionRect.xMin = drawRect.xMin; if (drawRect.yMin < regionRect.yMin) regionRect.yMin = drawRect.yMin; if (drawRect.xMax > regionRect.xMax) regionRect.xMax = drawRect.xMax; if (drawRect.yMax > regionRect.yMax) regionRect.yMax = drawRect.yMax; } } else { if (unifiedInstruction.type == InstructionTypeProxy.PropertyBegin) { var propertyInstruction = propertyInstructions[unifiedInstruction.typeInstructionIndex]; if (propertyInstruction.targetTypeName == targetTypeName && propertyInstruction.path == propertyPath) { collectDrawInstructions = true; propertyBeginLevel = unifiedInstruction.level; } } } } return true; } } } } static bool AreEquivalent(GUIContent gc1, GUIContent gc2) { return gc1.image == gc2.image && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gc1.text) ? string.IsNullOrEmpty(gc2.text) : gc1.text == gc2.text) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gc1.tooltip) ? string.IsNullOrEmpty(gc2.tooltip) : gc1.tooltip == gc2.tooltip); } static IEnumerable GetMatchingViews( UnmaskedView unmaskedView, List allViews, Dictionary> viewsWithWindows) { var matchingViews = new HashSet(new GUIViewProxyComparer()); switch (unmaskedView.m_SelectorType) { case SelectorType.EditorWindow: var targetEditorWindowType = unmaskedView.ResolvedEditorWindowType; if (unmaskedView.m_EditorWindowType.IsSpecified && targetEditorWindowType == null) { throw new ArgumentException( $"Specified unmasked view does not refer to a known EditorWindow type:\n{JsonUtility.ToJson(unmaskedView, true)}", "unmaskedView" ); } if (targetEditorWindowType != null) { // make sure desired window is in current layout // TODO: allow trainer to specify desired dock area if window doesn't yet exist? // var window = EditorWindow.GetWindow(targetEditorWindowType); var window = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(targetEditorWindowType).Cast().ToArray().FirstOrDefault(); if (window == null || window.GetParent() == null) return matchingViews; // Postpone showing window until next editor update // GetMatchingViews could be called in response to window closing s_EditorWindowsToShow.Push(window); if (!allViews.Contains(window.GetParent())) allViews.Add(window.GetParent()); foreach (var view in allViews) { if (!view.IsActualViewAssignableTo(targetEditorWindowType)) continue; HashSet windows; if (!viewsWithWindows.TryGetValue(view, out windows)) viewsWithWindows[view] = windows = new HashSet(); windows.Add(window); matchingViews.Add(view); } } break; case SelectorType.GUIView: var targetViewType = unmaskedView.m_ViewType.Type; if (unmaskedView.m_ViewType.IsSpecified && targetViewType == null) { throw new ArgumentException( $"Specified unmasked view does not refer to a known GUIView type:\n{JsonUtility.ToJson(unmaskedView, true)}", "unmaskedView" ); } if (targetViewType != null) { foreach (var view in allViews) { if (view.IsGUIViewAssignableTo(targetViewType)) matchingViews.Add(view); } } break; } // TODO Not necessarily exception worthy. We are using a "delayed masking" occasionally, e.g. when switching // to Play mode and we want to unmask Game view which is not yet visible (in the background tab by defaul). //if (matchingViews.Count == 0) //{ // throw new ArgumentException( // $"Specified unmasked view refers to a view that could not be found:\n{JsonUtility.ToJson(unmaskedView, true)}" // , "unmaskedView" // ); //} return matchingViews; } public enum SelectorType { GUIView, EditorWindow, } [SerializeField] internal SelectorType m_SelectorType; /// /// Applicable when SelectorType == GUIView. /// [SerializedTypeGuiViewFilter] [SerializeField] internal SerializedType m_ViewType = new SerializedType(null); /// /// Applicable when SelectorType == EditorWindow. /// [SerializedTypeFilter(typeof(EditorWindow), false)] [SerializeField] internal SerializedType m_EditorWindowType = new SerializedType(null); Type ResolvedEditorWindowType { get { // Use main EditorWindow type if it can be resolved var type = m_EditorWindowType.Type; if (type != null) return type; // Otherwise use first alternate type that resolves foreach (var editorWindowTypeWrapper in m_AlternateEditorWindowTypes) { type = editorWindowTypeWrapper.Type.Type; if (type != null) return type; } return null; } } /// /// Applicable when SelectorType == EditorWindow. Used as the back-up type if primary EditorWindowType cannot be resolved. /// [SerializeField] internal EditorWindowTypeCollection m_AlternateEditorWindowTypes = new EditorWindowTypeCollection(); [SerializeField] internal MaskType m_MaskType = MaskType.FullyUnmasked; [SerializeField] internal MaskSizeModifier m_MaskSizeModifier = MaskSizeModifier.NoModifications; [SerializeField] internal List m_UnmaskedControls = new List(); public int GetUnmaskedControls(List unmaskedControls) { unmaskedControls.Clear(); unmaskedControls.AddRange(m_UnmaskedControls); return unmaskedControls.Count; } protected UnmaskedView() {} internal static UnmaskedView CreateInstanceForGUIView(Type type, IList unmaskedControls = null) { if (!GUIViewProxy.IsAssignableFrom(type)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Type must be assignable to GUIView"); UnmaskedView result = new UnmaskedView(); result.m_SelectorType = SelectorType.GUIView; result.m_ViewType.Type = type; if (unmaskedControls != null) result.m_UnmaskedControls.AddRange(unmaskedControls); return result; } public static UnmaskedView CreateInstanceForEditorWindow(Type type, IList unmaskedControls = null) { if (!typeof(EditorWindow).IsAssignableFrom(type)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Type must be assignable to EditorWindow"); UnmaskedView result = new UnmaskedView(); result.m_SelectorType = SelectorType.EditorWindow; result.m_EditorWindowType.Type = type; if (unmaskedControls != null) result.m_UnmaskedControls.AddRange(unmaskedControls); return result; } } [Serializable] class EditorWindowType { [SerializeField, FormerlySerializedAs("editorWindowType")] [SerializedTypeFilter(typeof(EditorWindow), false)] public SerializedType Type; public EditorWindowType(SerializedType editorWindowType) { Type = editorWindowType; } } [Serializable] class EditorWindowTypeCollection : CollectionWrapper { public EditorWindowTypeCollection() : base() { } public EditorWindowTypeCollection(IList items) : base(items) { } } }