using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.Tutorials.Core.Editor { /// /// Good info on PO: /// internal static class POFileUtils { /// /// Currently supported languages, in addition to English. /// public static readonly Dictionary SupportedLanguages = new Dictionary { { SystemLanguage.Japanese, "ja" }, { SystemLanguage.Korean, "ko" }, { SystemLanguage.ChineseSimplified, "zh-hans" }, { SystemLanguage.ChineseTraditional, "zh-hant" }, }; /// /// Creates a PO file header. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static string CreateHeader(string langCode, string name, string version) => // NOTE We don't have POTs so for POT-Creation-Date I just picked something. // TODO Value of Plural-Forms not probably true for all languages we support? // TODO check if we want to fill something more to the header $@" msgid """" msgstr """" ""Project-Id-Version: {name}@{version} \n"" ""Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"" ""Language-Team: #devs-localization\n"" ""POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-15 21:02+03:00\n"" ""PO-Revision-Date: {DateTime.Now.ToString(DateTimeFormat)}\n"" ""Language: {langCode}\n"" ""MIME-Version: 1.0\n"" ""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"" ""Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"" ""Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"" ""X-Generator: com.unity.learn.iet-framework.authoring\n"" "; /// /// Using the format given here /// public const string DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmK"; /// ///, "2.3.3. Escape Sequences" /// /// /// public static string EscapeString(string str) { // adapted from if (str.IsNullOrEmpty()) return str; var literal = new StringBuilder(str.Length); foreach (var c in str) { if (k_EscapeMapping.ContainsKey(c)) literal.Append(k_EscapeMapping[c]); else if (char.GetUnicodeCategory(c) == UnicodeCategory.Control) literal.Append($@"\u{c:x4}"); else literal.Append(c); } return literal.ToString(); } /// /// Sanitizes, i.e., removes, problematic control characters, from a string that is used in a PO file. /// /// /// String without unprintable control characters. public static string SanitizeString(string str) { return Regex.Replace(str, k_SanitizeRegexString, ""); } static readonly Dictionary k_EscapeMapping = new Dictionary() { { '\"', "\\\"" }, // no need to sanitize { '\\', @"\\"}, // no need to sanitize { '\0', @"\0"}, { '\a', @"\a"}, { '\b', @"\b"}, { '\f', @"\f"}, { '\n', @"\n"}, // no need to sanitize { '\r', @"\r"}, { '\t', @"\t"}, // no need to sanitize { '\v', @"\v"}, }; // Chars to sanitize are a subset of the chars to escape static readonly string k_SanitizeRegexString = string.Join("|", k_EscapeMapping.Keys.Except(new[] { '\"', '\\', '\n', '\t' }).ToArray()); /// /// /// /// /// The values are not escaped until they are serialized. /// public class POEntry { /// # translator-comments public string TranslatorComments; /// #. extracted-comments public string ExtractedComments; /// #: reference public string Reference; /// #, flag public string Flag; /// #| msgid "previous-untranslated-string" public string PreviousUntranslatedString; /// msgid "untranslated-string" public string UntranslatedString; /// msgstr "translated-string" public string TranslatedString; /// /// Does this entry contain the minimum information to be a valid entry. /// /// public bool IsValid() => Reference.IsNotNullOrEmpty() && UntranslatedString.IsNotNullOrEmpty(); /// /// Serializes this entry to a string representation. /// /// /// All values will be escaped. /// /// public string Serialize() { return string.Format( "{0}" + "{1}" + "{2}" + "{3}" + "{4}" + "msgid \"{5}\"\n" + "msgstr \"{6}\"", TranslatorComments.IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? $"# {EscapeString(TranslatorComments)}\n" : string.Empty, ExtractedComments.IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? $"#. {EscapeString(ExtractedComments)}\n" : string.Empty, Reference.IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? $"#: {EscapeString(Reference)}\n" : string.Empty, Flag.IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? $"#, {EscapeString(Flag)}\n" : string.Empty, PreviousUntranslatedString.IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? $"#| {EscapeString(PreviousUntranslatedString)}" : string.Empty, EscapeString(UntranslatedString), EscapeString(TranslatedString) ); } } /// /// Reads a PO file and creates a list of PO entries. /// /// /// // TODO Currently unused, implement a unit test at minimum if wanting to keep this around or make internal or remove. public static List ReadPOFile(string filepath) { const string str = "msgstr "; const string id = "msgid "; const string previd = "#| msgstr "; const string flag = "#,"; const string reference = "#:"; const string ecomment = "#."; const string tcomment = "#"; var ret = new List(); try { using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream, Utf8WithoutBom)) { var entry = new POEntry(); string line; while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.StartsWith(str)) { entry.TranslatedString = line.Substring(str.Length); entry.TranslatedString = entry.TranslatedString.Trim(new char[] {' ', '\"'}); } if (line.StartsWith(id)) { entry.UntranslatedString = line.Substring(id.Length); entry.UntranslatedString = entry.UntranslatedString.Trim(new char[] { ' ', '\"' }); } if (line.StartsWith(previd)) { entry.PreviousUntranslatedString = line.Substring(previd.Length); entry.PreviousUntranslatedString = entry.PreviousUntranslatedString.Trim(new char[] { ' ', '\"' }); } if (line.StartsWith(flag)) entry.Flag = line.Substring(flag.Length).Trim(); if (line.StartsWith(reference)) entry.Reference = line.Substring(reference.Length).Trim(); if (line.StartsWith(ecomment)) entry.ExtractedComments = line.Substring(ecomment.Length).Trim(); if (line.StartsWith(tcomment)) entry.TranslatorComments = line.Substring(tcomment.Length).Trim(); if (line.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && entry.IsValid()) { ret.Add(entry); entry = new POEntry(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } return ret; } /// /// Writes a PO file. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static bool WritePOFile(string projectName, string projectVersion, string langCode, IEnumerable entries, string filepath) { try { using (var sw = new StreamWriter(filepath, append: false, Utf8WithoutBom)) { sw.Write(CreateHeader(langCode, projectName, projectVersion)); // Editor's handling of PO files seems very finicky, an empty line after the header // and before the first entry required. sw.WriteLine(); foreach (var entry in entries) { sw.WriteLine(entry.Serialize()); sw.WriteLine(); } } return true; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); return false; } } // Let's be very explicit about this, using e.g. System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 gives UTF-8 with BOM... static UTF8Encoding Utf8WithoutBom => new UTF8Encoding(); } }