using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace Unity.Tutorials.Core.Editor
/// A serializable string that is localized at run-time.
public class LocalizableString : ISerializationCallbackReceiver
internal const string PropertyPath = "m_Untranslated";
internal const string OldPropertyPath = "k__BackingField";
/// Setting Untranslated string overwrites Translated so make sure to translate again.
public string Untranslated
get => m_Untranslated;
set => Translated = m_Untranslated = value;
[SerializeField, FormerlySerializedAs(OldPropertyPath)]
string m_Untranslated;
/// The localized strings, if it exists.
public string Translated { get; set; }
/// The translated string, if exists, untranslated otherwise.
public string Value => Translated.AsNullIfEmpty() ?? Untranslated;
/// Default-constructs with empty strings.
public LocalizableString() : this(string.Empty) {}
/// Constructs with an untranslated string.
public LocalizableString(string untranslated) { Untranslated = untranslated; }
/// Implicitly constructs from an untranslated string.
public static implicit operator LocalizableString(string untranslated) => new LocalizableString(untranslated);
/// Implicit conversion to string returns the Value.
public static implicit operator string(LocalizableString str) => str.Value;
/// UnityEngine.ISerializationCallbackReceiver override, do not call.
public void OnBeforeSerialize() {}
/// UnityEngine.ISerializationCallbackReceiver override, do not call.
public void OnAfterDeserialize()
// Replicate the Untranslated setter behaviour upon deserialization.
Translated = Untranslated;
/// Same as TextAreaAttribute but used for LocalizableStrings.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class LocalizableTextAreaAttribute : PropertyAttribute
/// Minimum number of lines shown in the Inspector.
public readonly int MinLines;
/// Maximum number of lines shown in the Inspector.
public readonly int MaxLines;
/// Default-constructs with default (3) number lines.
public LocalizableTextAreaAttribute()
MinLines = 3;
MaxLines = 3;
/// Constructs with desired number of lines.
public LocalizableTextAreaAttribute(int minLines, int maxLines)
MinLines = minLines;
MaxLines = maxLines;