import random class Dice: #In this corrected code, I added an __init__ method to the Dice class to # initialize the numSides attribute. I also switched the order of # numSides and int in the argument to __init__, so that numSides comes # first and int comes second. Finally, I updated the random_number # variable in the roll method to use self.numSides instead of numSides. def __init__(self, numSides: int): self.numSides = numSides ##def## is the keyword used to define a method in Python. ##__init__ ## is a special method that is automatically called when an object is # created. ##self## is a reference to the object itself. ##numSides: int## is a type hint that indicates that the numSides parameter # should be an integer. ##self.numSides = numSides## sets the numSides attribute of the object to # the value of the numSides parameter. def roll(self): random_number = random.randint(1, self.numSides) return random_number def play(): my_first_dice = Dice(6) dice_roll = my_first_dice.roll() print("your {} sided dice rolled a {}".format(my_first_dice.numSides, dice_roll)) my_second_dice = Dice(20) dice_roll = my_second_dice.roll() print("your {} sided dice rolled a {}".format(my_second_dice.numSides, dice_roll)) def main(): play() main() ####################################################################################################################################### #EXPLAIN THE SELF ARGUMENT #In Python, instance methods (methods that belong to a class and are called on an instance of that class) must have # the self parameter as their first parameter. This is because when you call an instance method on an object, Python # automatically passes in the object itself as the first argument. #In the code you provided, the roll() method is missing the self parameter. As a result, when you call my_first_dice.roll(), # Python doesn't know which instance of the Dice class to pass in as the first argument, hence the error message # "roll() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given". #By adding self as the first parameter to the roll() method, # you're telling Python that this is an instance method that expects an instance of the class to be passed in as the first argument. # When you call my_first_dice.roll(), Python will automatically pass in my_first_dice as the self parameter, allowing the method to # access the instance variables and methods of the object. #Imagine you have a toy car. The car has a button that makes it move forward. In order to press the button, you need to be # holding the car in your hand. If you're not holding the car, you can't press the button. ########################################################################################################################################## ########################################################################################################################################## # EXPLAIN LIKE IM FIVE #The toy car is like an object, and the button is like a method that belongs to the object. # Just like you need to be holding the car to press the button, you need to have an instance # of the object to call its methods. #In Python, the self parameter is like your hand holding the toy car. When you call a method on an object, # Python automatically passes in the instance of the object as the self parameter, just like you need to # be holding the toy car to press the button. #So when you define a method in a class, you need to include the self parameter as the first parameter, # just like you need to be holding the car to press the button. This tells Python that the method belongs # to the instance of the class, and can only be called on an instance of the class. ########################################################################################################################################## ############################ print() print("Concise Version") print() ############################ import random class Dice: def __init__(self, num_sides): self.num_sides = num_sides def roll(self): return random.randint(1, self.num_sides) if __name__ == "__main__": my_first_dice = Dice(6) print(f"Your {my_first_dice.num_sides} sided dice rolled {my_first_dice.roll()}!") my_second_dice = Dice(20) print(f"Your {my_second_dice.num_sides} sided dice rolled {my_second_dice.roll()}!") #Note that Python uses snake_case instead of camelCase for variable and function names, # and the random module is used instead of the .. range operator in Kotlin. # The if __name__ == "__main__": check is used to ensure that the code in the # main() function is only executed when the Python script is # run directly and not when it is imported as a module.