using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace Unity.VisualScripting
/// Loops between a first and last index at a specified step.
[UnitTitle("For Loop")]
public sealed class For : LoopUnit
/// The index at which to start the loop (inclusive).
public ValueInput firstIndex { get; private set; }
/// The index at which to end the loop (exclusive).
public ValueInput lastIndex { get; private set; }
/// The value by which the index will be incremented (or decremented, if negative) after each loop.
public ValueInput step { get; private set; }
/// The current index of the loop.
public ValueOutput currentIndex { get; private set; }
protected override void Definition()
firstIndex = ValueInput(nameof(firstIndex), 0);
lastIndex = ValueInput(nameof(lastIndex), 10);
step = ValueInput(nameof(step), 1);
currentIndex = ValueOutput(nameof(currentIndex));
Requirement(firstIndex, enter);
Requirement(lastIndex, enter);
Requirement(step, enter);
Assignment(enter, currentIndex);
private int Start(Flow flow, out int currentIndex, out int lastIndex, out bool ascending)
var firstIndex = flow.GetValue(this.firstIndex);
lastIndex = flow.GetValue(this.lastIndex);
ascending = firstIndex <= lastIndex;
currentIndex = firstIndex;
flow.SetValue(this.currentIndex, currentIndex);
return flow.EnterLoop();
private bool CanMoveNext(int currentIndex, int lastIndex, bool ascending)
if (ascending)
return currentIndex < lastIndex;
return currentIndex > lastIndex;
private void MoveNext(Flow flow, ref int currentIndex)
currentIndex += flow.GetValue(step);
flow.SetValue(this.currentIndex, currentIndex);
protected override ControlOutput Loop(Flow flow)
var loop = Start(flow, out int currentIndex, out int lastIndex, out bool ascending);
if (!IsStepValueZero())
var stack = flow.PreserveStack();
while (flow.LoopIsNotBroken(loop) && CanMoveNext(currentIndex, lastIndex, ascending))
MoveNext(flow, ref currentIndex);
return exit;
protected override IEnumerator LoopCoroutine(Flow flow)
var loop = Start(flow, out int currentIndex, out int lastIndex, out bool ascending);
var stack = flow.PreserveStack();
while (flow.LoopIsNotBroken(loop) && CanMoveNext(currentIndex, lastIndex, ascending))
yield return body;
MoveNext(flow, ref currentIndex);
yield return exit;
public bool IsStepValueZero()
var isDefaultZero = !step.hasValidConnection && (int)defaultValues[step.key] == 0;
var isConnectedToLiteralZero = false;
if (step.hasValidConnection && step.connection.source.unit is Literal literal)
if (Convert.ToInt32(literal.value) == 0)
isConnectedToLiteralZero = true;
return isDefaultZero || isConnectedToLiteralZero;