using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.Pool; namespace UnityEngine.UI { [AddComponentMenu("UI/Rect Mask 2D", 14)] [ExecuteAlways] [DisallowMultipleComponent] [RequireComponent(typeof(RectTransform))] /// /// A 2D rectangular mask that allows for clipping / masking of areas outside the mask. /// /// /// The RectMask2D behaves in a similar way to a standard Mask component. It differs though in some of the restrictions that it has. /// A RectMask2D: /// *Only works in the 2D plane /// *Requires elements on the mask to be coplanar. /// *Does not require stencil buffer / extra draw calls /// *Requires fewer draw calls /// *Culls elements that are outside the mask area. /// public class RectMask2D : UIBehaviour, IClipper, ICanvasRaycastFilter { [NonSerialized] private readonly RectangularVertexClipper m_VertexClipper = new RectangularVertexClipper(); [NonSerialized] private RectTransform m_RectTransform; [NonSerialized] private HashSet m_MaskableTargets = new HashSet(); [NonSerialized] private HashSet m_ClipTargets = new HashSet(); [NonSerialized] private bool m_ShouldRecalculateClipRects; [NonSerialized] private List m_Clippers = new List(); [NonSerialized] private Rect m_LastClipRectCanvasSpace; [NonSerialized] private bool m_ForceClip; [SerializeField] private Vector4 m_Padding = new Vector4(); /// /// Padding to be applied to the masking /// X = Left /// Y = Bottom /// Z = Right /// W = Top /// public Vector4 padding { get { return m_Padding; } set { m_Padding = value; MaskUtilities.Notify2DMaskStateChanged(this); } } [SerializeField] private Vector2Int m_Softness; /// /// The softness to apply to the horizontal and vertical axis. /// public Vector2Int softness { get { return m_Softness; } set { m_Softness.x = Mathf.Max(0, value.x); m_Softness.y = Mathf.Max(0, value.y); MaskUtilities.Notify2DMaskStateChanged(this); } } /// /// Returns a non-destroyed instance or a null reference. /// [NonSerialized] private Canvas m_Canvas; internal Canvas Canvas { get { if (m_Canvas == null) { var list = ListPool.Get(); gameObject.GetComponentsInParent(false, list); if (list.Count > 0) m_Canvas = list[list.Count - 1]; else m_Canvas = null; ListPool.Release(list); } return m_Canvas; } } /// /// Get the Rect for the mask in canvas space. /// public Rect canvasRect { get { return m_VertexClipper.GetCanvasRect(rectTransform, Canvas); } } /// /// Helper function to get the RectTransform for the mask. /// public RectTransform rectTransform { get { return m_RectTransform ?? (m_RectTransform = GetComponent()); } } protected RectMask2D() {} protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); m_ShouldRecalculateClipRects = true; ClipperRegistry.Register(this); MaskUtilities.Notify2DMaskStateChanged(this); } protected override void OnDisable() { // we call base OnDisable first here // as we need to have the IsActive return the // correct value when we notify the children // that the mask state has changed. base.OnDisable(); m_ClipTargets.Clear(); m_MaskableTargets.Clear(); m_Clippers.Clear(); ClipperRegistry.Disable(this); MaskUtilities.Notify2DMaskStateChanged(this); } protected override void OnDestroy() { ClipperRegistry.Unregister(this); base.OnDestroy(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR protected override void OnValidate() { base.OnValidate(); m_ShouldRecalculateClipRects = true; // Dont allow negative softness. m_Softness.x = Mathf.Max(0, m_Softness.x); m_Softness.y = Mathf.Max(0, m_Softness.y); if (!IsActive()) return; MaskUtilities.Notify2DMaskStateChanged(this); } #endif public virtual bool IsRaycastLocationValid(Vector2 sp, Camera eventCamera) { if (!isActiveAndEnabled) return true; return RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(rectTransform, sp, eventCamera, m_Padding); } private Vector3[] m_Corners = new Vector3[4]; private Rect rootCanvasRect { get { rectTransform.GetWorldCorners(m_Corners); if (!ReferenceEquals(Canvas, null)) { Canvas rootCanvas = Canvas.rootCanvas; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) m_Corners[i] = rootCanvas.transform.InverseTransformPoint(m_Corners[i]); } return new Rect(m_Corners[0].x, m_Corners[0].y, m_Corners[2].x - m_Corners[0].x, m_Corners[2].y - m_Corners[0].y); } } public virtual void PerformClipping() { if (ReferenceEquals(Canvas, null)) { return; } //TODO See if an IsActive() test would work well here or whether it might cause unexpected side effects (re case 776771) // if the parents are changed // or something similar we // do a recalculate here if (m_ShouldRecalculateClipRects) { MaskUtilities.GetRectMasksForClip(this, m_Clippers); m_ShouldRecalculateClipRects = false; } // get the compound rects from // the clippers that are valid bool validRect = true; Rect clipRect = Clipping.FindCullAndClipWorldRect(m_Clippers, out validRect); // If the mask is in ScreenSpaceOverlay/Camera render mode, its content is only rendered when its rect // overlaps that of the root canvas. RenderMode renderMode = Canvas.rootCanvas.renderMode; bool maskIsCulled = (renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceCamera || renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay) && !clipRect.Overlaps(rootCanvasRect, true); if (maskIsCulled) { // Children are only displayed when inside the mask. If the mask is culled, then the children // inside the mask are also culled. In that situation, we pass an invalid rect to allow callees // to avoid some processing. clipRect =; validRect = false; } if (clipRect != m_LastClipRectCanvasSpace) { foreach (IClippable clipTarget in m_ClipTargets) { clipTarget.SetClipRect(clipRect, validRect); } foreach (MaskableGraphic maskableTarget in m_MaskableTargets) { maskableTarget.SetClipRect(clipRect, validRect); maskableTarget.Cull(clipRect, validRect); } } else if (m_ForceClip) { foreach (IClippable clipTarget in m_ClipTargets) { clipTarget.SetClipRect(clipRect, validRect); } foreach (MaskableGraphic maskableTarget in m_MaskableTargets) { maskableTarget.SetClipRect(clipRect, validRect); if (maskableTarget.canvasRenderer.hasMoved) maskableTarget.Cull(clipRect, validRect); } } else { foreach (MaskableGraphic maskableTarget in m_MaskableTargets) { //Case 1170399 - hasMoved is not a valid check when animating on pivot of the object maskableTarget.Cull(clipRect, validRect); } } m_LastClipRectCanvasSpace = clipRect; m_ForceClip = false; UpdateClipSoftness(); } public virtual void UpdateClipSoftness() { if (ReferenceEquals(Canvas, null)) { return; } foreach (IClippable clipTarget in m_ClipTargets) { clipTarget.SetClipSoftness(m_Softness); } foreach (MaskableGraphic maskableTarget in m_MaskableTargets) { maskableTarget.SetClipSoftness(m_Softness); } } /// /// Add a IClippable to be tracked by the mask. /// /// Add the clippable object for this mask public void AddClippable(IClippable clippable) { if (clippable == null) return; m_ShouldRecalculateClipRects = true; MaskableGraphic maskable = clippable as MaskableGraphic; if (maskable == null) m_ClipTargets.Add(clippable); else m_MaskableTargets.Add(maskable); m_ForceClip = true; } /// /// Remove an IClippable from being tracked by the mask. /// /// Remove the clippable object from this mask public void RemoveClippable(IClippable clippable) { if (clippable == null) return; m_ShouldRecalculateClipRects = true; clippable.SetClipRect(new Rect(), false); MaskableGraphic maskable = clippable as MaskableGraphic; if (maskable == null) m_ClipTargets.Remove(clippable); else m_MaskableTargets.Remove(maskable); m_ForceClip = true; } protected override void OnTransformParentChanged() { m_Canvas = null; base.OnTransformParentChanged(); m_ShouldRecalculateClipRects = true; } protected override void OnCanvasHierarchyChanged() { m_Canvas = null; base.OnCanvasHierarchyChanged(); m_ShouldRecalculateClipRects = true; } } }