using System;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace UnityEngine.UI
/// Struct for storing Text generation settings.
public class FontData : ISerializationCallbackReceiver
private Font m_Font;
private int m_FontSize;
private FontStyle m_FontStyle;
private bool m_BestFit;
private int m_MinSize;
private int m_MaxSize;
private TextAnchor m_Alignment;
private bool m_AlignByGeometry;
private bool m_RichText;
private HorizontalWrapMode m_HorizontalOverflow;
private VerticalWrapMode m_VerticalOverflow;
private float m_LineSpacing;
/// Get a font data with sensible defaults.
public static FontData defaultFontData
var fontData = new FontData
m_FontSize = 14,
m_LineSpacing = 1f,
m_FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
m_BestFit = false,
m_MinSize = 10,
m_MaxSize = 40,
m_Alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft,
m_HorizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Wrap,
m_VerticalOverflow = VerticalWrapMode.Truncate,
m_RichText = true,
m_AlignByGeometry = false
return fontData;
/// The Font to use for this generated Text object.
public Font font
get { return m_Font; }
set { m_Font = value; }
/// The Font size to use for this generated Text object.
public int fontSize
get { return m_FontSize; }
set { m_FontSize = value; }
/// The font style to use for this generated Text object.
public FontStyle fontStyle
get { return m_FontStyle; }
set { m_FontStyle = value; }
/// Is best fit used for this generated Text object.
public bool bestFit
get { return m_BestFit; }
set { m_BestFit = value; }
/// The min size for this generated Text object.
public int minSize
get { return m_MinSize; }
set { m_MinSize = value; }
/// The max size for this generated Text object.
public int maxSize
get { return m_MaxSize; }
set { m_MaxSize = value; }
/// How is the text aligned for this generated Text object.
public TextAnchor alignment
get { return m_Alignment; }
set { m_Alignment = value; }
/// Use the extents of glyph geometry to perform horizontal alignment rather than glyph metrics.
/// This can result in better fitting left and right alignment, but may result in incorrect positioning when attempting to overlay multiple fonts (such as a specialized outline font) on top of each other.
public bool alignByGeometry
get { return m_AlignByGeometry; }
set { m_AlignByGeometry = value; }
/// Should rich text be used for this generated Text object.
public bool richText
get { return m_RichText; }
set { m_RichText = value; }
/// The horizontal overflow policy for this generated Text object.
public HorizontalWrapMode horizontalOverflow
get { return m_HorizontalOverflow; }
set { m_HorizontalOverflow = value; }
/// The vertical overflow policy for this generated Text object.
public VerticalWrapMode verticalOverflow
get { return m_VerticalOverflow; }
set { m_VerticalOverflow = value; }
/// The line spaceing for this generated Text object.
public float lineSpacing
get { return m_LineSpacing; }
set { m_LineSpacing = value; }
void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize()
void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize()
m_FontSize = Mathf.Clamp(m_FontSize, 0, 300);
m_MinSize = Mathf.Clamp(m_MinSize, 0, m_FontSize);
m_MaxSize = Mathf.Clamp(m_MaxSize, m_FontSize, 300);