using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.Pool;
using UnityEngine.UI.CoroutineTween;
namespace UnityEngine.UI
[AddComponentMenu("UI/Legacy/Dropdown", 102)]
/// A standard dropdown that presents a list of options when clicked, of which one can be chosen.
/// The dropdown component is a Selectable. When an option is chosen, the label and/or image of the control changes to show the chosen option.
/// When a dropdown event occurs a callback is sent to any registered listeners of onValueChanged.
public class Dropdown : Selectable, IPointerClickHandler, ISubmitHandler, ICancelHandler
protected internal class DropdownItem : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, ICancelHandler
private Text m_Text;
private Image m_Image;
private RectTransform m_RectTransform;
private Toggle m_Toggle;
public Text text { get { return m_Text; } set { m_Text = value; } }
public Image image { get { return m_Image; } set { m_Image = value; } }
public RectTransform rectTransform { get { return m_RectTransform; } set { m_RectTransform = value; } }
public Toggle toggle { get { return m_Toggle; } set { m_Toggle = value; } }
public virtual void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData)
public virtual void OnCancel(BaseEventData eventData)
Dropdown dropdown = GetComponentInParent();
if (dropdown)
/// Class to store the text and/or image of a single option in the dropdown list.
public class OptionData
private string m_Text;
private Sprite m_Image;
/// The text associated with the option.
public string text { get { return m_Text; } set { m_Text = value; } }
/// The image associated with the option.
public Sprite image { get { return m_Image; } set { m_Image = value; } }
public OptionData()
public OptionData(string text)
this.text = text;
public OptionData(Sprite image)
this.image = image;
/// Create an object representing a single option for the dropdown list.
/// Optional text for the option.
/// Optional image for the option.
public OptionData(string text, Sprite image)
this.text = text;
this.image = image;
/// Class used internally to store the list of options for the dropdown list.
/// The usage of this class is not exposed in the runtime API. It's only relevant for the PropertyDrawer drawing the list of options.
public class OptionDataList
private List m_Options;
/// The list of options for the dropdown list.
public List options { get { return m_Options; } set { m_Options = value; } }
public OptionDataList()
options = new List();
/// UnityEvent callback for when a dropdown current option is changed.
public class DropdownEvent : UnityEvent {}
// Template used to create the dropdown.
private RectTransform m_Template;
/// The Rect Transform of the template for the dropdown list.
public RectTransform template { get { return m_Template; } set { m_Template = value; RefreshShownValue(); } }
// Text to be used as a caption for the current value. It's not required, but it's kept here for convenience.
private Text m_CaptionText;
/// The Text component to hold the text of the currently selected option.
public Text captionText { get { return m_CaptionText; } set { m_CaptionText = value; RefreshShownValue(); } }
private Image m_CaptionImage;
/// The Image component to hold the image of the currently selected option.
public Image captionImage { get { return m_CaptionImage; } set { m_CaptionImage = value; RefreshShownValue(); } }
private Text m_ItemText;
/// The Text component to hold the text of the item.
public Text itemText { get { return m_ItemText; } set { m_ItemText = value; RefreshShownValue(); } }
private Image m_ItemImage;
/// The Image component to hold the image of the item
public Image itemImage { get { return m_ItemImage; } set { m_ItemImage = value; RefreshShownValue(); } }
private int m_Value;
// Items that will be visible when the dropdown is shown.
// We box this into its own class so we can use a Property Drawer for it.
private OptionDataList m_Options = new OptionDataList();
/// The list of possible options. A text string and an image can be specified for each option.
/// This is the list of options within the Dropdown. Each option contains Text and/or image data that you can specify using UI.Dropdown.OptionData before adding to the Dropdown list.
/// This also unlocks the ability to edit the Dropdown, including the insertion, removal, and finding of options, as well as other useful tools
/// ///
/// __UI__>__Dropdown__. Attach this script to the Dropdown GameObject.
/// using UnityEngine;
/// using UnityEngine.UI;
/// using System.Collections.Generic;
/// public class Example : MonoBehaviour
/// {
/// //Use these for adding options to the Dropdown List
/// Dropdown.OptionData m_NewData, m_NewData2;
/// //The list of messages for the Dropdown
/// List m_Messages = new List();
/// //This is the Dropdown
/// Dropdown m_Dropdown;
/// string m_MyString;
/// int m_Index;
/// void Start()
/// {
/// //Fetch the Dropdown GameObject the script is attached to
/// m_Dropdown = GetComponent();
/// //Clear the old options of the Dropdown menu
/// m_Dropdown.ClearOptions();
/// //Create a new option for the Dropdown menu which reads "Option 1" and add to messages List
/// m_NewData = new Dropdown.OptionData();
/// m_NewData.text = "Option 1";
/// m_Messages.Add(m_NewData);
/// //Create a new option for the Dropdown menu which reads "Option 2" and add to messages List
/// m_NewData2 = new Dropdown.OptionData();
/// m_NewData2.text = "Option 2";
/// m_Messages.Add(m_NewData2);
/// //Take each entry in the message List
/// foreach (Dropdown.OptionData message in m_Messages)
/// {
/// //Add each entry to the Dropdown
/// m_Dropdown.options.Add(message);
/// //Make the index equal to the total number of entries
/// m_Index = m_Messages.Count - 1;
/// }
/// }
/// //This OnGUI function is used here for a quick demonstration. See the [[wiki:UISystem|UI Section]] for more information about setting up your own UI.
/// void OnGUI()
/// {
/// //TextField for user to type new entry to add to Dropdown
/// m_MyString = GUI.TextField(new Rect(0, 40, 100, 40), m_MyString);
/// //Press the "Add" Button to add a new entry to the Dropdown
/// if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 0, 100, 40), "Add"))
/// {
/// //Make the index the last number of entries
/// m_Index = m_Messages.Count;
/// //Create a temporary option
/// Dropdown.OptionData temp = new Dropdown.OptionData();
/// //Make the option the data from the TextField
/// temp.text = m_MyString;
/// //Update the messages list with the TextField data
/// m_Messages.Add(temp);
/// //Add the Textfield data to the Dropdown
/// m_Dropdown.options.Insert(m_Index, temp);
/// }
/// //Press the "Remove" button to delete the selected option
/// if (GUI.Button(new Rect(110, 0, 100, 40), "Remove"))
/// {
/// //Remove the current selected item from the Dropdown from the messages List
/// m_Messages.RemoveAt(m_Dropdown.value);
/// //Remove the current selection from the Dropdown
/// m_Dropdown.options.RemoveAt(m_Dropdown.value);
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ]]>
public List options
get { return m_Options.options; }
set { m_Options.options = value; RefreshShownValue(); }
// Notification triggered when the dropdown changes.
private DropdownEvent m_OnValueChanged = new DropdownEvent();
/// A UnityEvent that is invoked when when a user has clicked one of the options in the dropdown list.
/// Use this to detect when a user selects one or more options in the Dropdown. Add a listener to perform an action when this UnityEvent detects a selection by the user. See for more information on delegates.
/// UI>Dropdown. Attach this script to the Dropdown GameObject.
/// //Set your own Text in the Inspector window
/// using UnityEngine;
/// using UnityEngine.UI;
/// public class Example : MonoBehaviour
/// {
/// Dropdown m_Dropdown;
/// public Text m_Text;
/// void Start()
/// {
/// //Fetch the Dropdown GameObject
/// m_Dropdown = GetComponent();
/// //Add listener for when the value of the Dropdown changes, to take action
/// m_Dropdown.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate {
/// DropdownValueChanged(m_Dropdown);
/// });
/// //Initialise the Text to say the first value of the Dropdown
/// m_Text.text = "First Value : " + m_Dropdown.value;
/// }
/// //Ouput the new value of the Dropdown into Text
/// void DropdownValueChanged(Dropdown change)
/// {
/// m_Text.text = "New Value : " + change.value;
/// }
/// }
/// ]]>
public DropdownEvent onValueChanged { get { return m_OnValueChanged; } set { m_OnValueChanged = value; } }
private float m_AlphaFadeSpeed = 0.15f;
/// The time interval at which a drop down will appear and disappear
public float alphaFadeSpeed { get { return m_AlphaFadeSpeed; } set { m_AlphaFadeSpeed = value; } }
private GameObject m_Dropdown;
private GameObject m_Blocker;
private List m_Items = new List();
private TweenRunner m_AlphaTweenRunner;
private bool validTemplate = false;
private const int kHighSortingLayer = 30000;
private static OptionData s_NoOptionData = new OptionData();
/// The Value is the index number of the current selection in the Dropdown. 0 is the first option in the Dropdown, 1 is the second, and so on.
/// __UI__>__Dropdown__. Attach this script to the Dropdown GameObject.
/// //Set your own Text in the Inspector window
/// using UnityEngine;
/// using UnityEngine.UI;
/// public class Example : MonoBehaviour
/// {
/// //Attach this script to a Dropdown GameObject
/// Dropdown m_Dropdown;
/// //This is the string that stores the current selection m_Text of the Dropdown
/// string m_Message;
/// //This Text outputs the current selection to the screen
/// public Text m_Text;
/// //This is the index value of the Dropdown
/// int m_DropdownValue;
/// void Start()
/// {
/// //Fetch the DropDown component from the GameObject
/// m_Dropdown = GetComponent();
/// //Output the first Dropdown index value
/// Debug.Log("Starting Dropdown Value : " + m_Dropdown.value);
/// }
/// void Update()
/// {
/// //Keep the current index of the Dropdown in a variable
/// m_DropdownValue = m_Dropdown.value;
/// //Change the message to say the name of the current Dropdown selection using the value
/// m_Message = m_Dropdown.options[m_DropdownValue].text;
/// //Change the onscreen Text to reflect the current Dropdown selection
/// m_Text.text = m_Message;
/// }
/// }
/// ]]>
public int value
return m_Value;
/// Set index number of the current selection in the Dropdown without invoking onValueChanged callback.
/// The new index for the current selection.
public void SetValueWithoutNotify(int input)
Set(input, false);
void Set(int value, bool sendCallback = true)
if (Application.isPlaying && (value == m_Value || options.Count == 0))
m_Value = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, options.Count - 1);
if (sendCallback)
// Notify all listeners
UISystemProfilerApi.AddMarker("Dropdown.value", this);
protected Dropdown()
protected override void Awake()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
if (m_CaptionImage)
m_CaptionImage.enabled = (m_CaptionImage.sprite != null);
if (m_Template)
protected override void Start()
m_AlphaTweenRunner = new TweenRunner();
protected override void OnValidate()
if (!IsActive())
protected override void OnDisable()
//Destroy dropdown and blocker in case user deactivates the dropdown when they click an option (case 935649)
if (m_Blocker != null)
m_Blocker = null;
/// Refreshes the text and image (if available) of the currently selected option.
/// If you have modified the list of options, you should call this method afterwards to ensure that the visual state of the dropdown corresponds to the updated options.
public void RefreshShownValue()
OptionData data = s_NoOptionData;
if (options.Count > 0)
data = options[Mathf.Clamp(m_Value, 0, options.Count - 1)];
if (m_CaptionText)
if (data != null && data.text != null)
m_CaptionText.text = data.text;
m_CaptionText.text = "";
if (m_CaptionImage)
if (data != null)
m_CaptionImage.sprite = data.image;
m_CaptionImage.sprite = null;
m_CaptionImage.enabled = (m_CaptionImage.sprite != null);
/// Add multiple options to the options of the Dropdown based on a list of OptionData objects.
/// The list of OptionData to add.
/// options) for code example of usages.
/// ]]>
public void AddOptions(List options)
/// Add multiple text-only options to the options of the Dropdown based on a list of strings.
/// Add a List of string messages to the Dropdown. The Dropdown shows each member of the list as a separate option.
/// The list of text strings to add.
/// UI>Dropdown. Attach this script to the Dropdown GameObject.
/// using System.Collections.Generic;
/// using UnityEngine;
/// using UnityEngine.UI;
/// public class Example : MonoBehaviour
/// {
/// //Create a List of new Dropdown options
/// List m_DropOptions = new List { "Option 1", "Option 2"};
/// //This is the Dropdown
/// Dropdown m_Dropdown;
/// void Start()
/// {
/// //Fetch the Dropdown GameObject the script is attached to
/// m_Dropdown = GetComponent();
/// //Clear the old options of the Dropdown menu
/// m_Dropdown.ClearOptions();
/// //Add the options created in the List above
/// m_Dropdown.AddOptions(m_DropOptions);
/// }
/// }
/// ]]>
public void AddOptions(List options)
var optionsCount = options.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < optionsCount; i++)
this.options.Add(new OptionData(options[i]));
/// Add multiple image-only options to the options of the Dropdown based on a list of Sprites.
/// The list of Sprites to add.
/// options) for code example of usages.
/// ]]>
public void AddOptions(List options)
var optionsCount = options.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < optionsCount; i++)
this.options.Add(new OptionData(options[i]));
/// Clear the list of options in the Dropdown.
public void ClearOptions()
m_Value = 0;
private void SetupTemplate(Canvas rootCanvas)
validTemplate = false;
if (!m_Template)
Debug.LogError("The dropdown template is not assigned. The template needs to be assigned and must have a child GameObject with a Toggle component serving as the item.", this);
GameObject templateGo = m_Template.gameObject;
Toggle itemToggle = m_Template.GetComponentInChildren();
validTemplate = true;
if (!itemToggle || itemToggle.transform == template)
validTemplate = false;
Debug.LogError("The dropdown template is not valid. The template must have a child GameObject with a Toggle component serving as the item.", template);
else if (!(itemToggle.transform.parent is RectTransform))
validTemplate = false;
Debug.LogError("The dropdown template is not valid. The child GameObject with a Toggle component (the item) must have a RectTransform on its parent.", template);
else if (itemText != null && !itemText.transform.IsChildOf(itemToggle.transform))
validTemplate = false;
Debug.LogError("The dropdown template is not valid. The Item Text must be on the item GameObject or children of it.", template);
else if (itemImage != null && !itemImage.transform.IsChildOf(itemToggle.transform))
validTemplate = false;
Debug.LogError("The dropdown template is not valid. The Item Image must be on the item GameObject or children of it.", template);
if (!validTemplate)
DropdownItem item = itemToggle.gameObject.AddComponent();
item.text = m_ItemText;
item.image = m_ItemImage;
item.toggle = itemToggle;
item.rectTransform = (RectTransform)itemToggle.transform;
// Find the Canvas that this dropdown is a part of
Canvas parentCanvas = null;
Transform parentTransform = m_Template.parent;
while (parentTransform != null)
parentCanvas = parentTransform.GetComponent