#if UNITY_EDITOR namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.Editor { internal class InputActionsEditorConstants { public const string PackagePath = "Packages/com.unity.inputsystem"; public const string ResourcesPath = "/InputSystem/Editor/UITKAssetEditor/Resources"; /// Template names public const string MainEditorViewNameUxml = "/InputActionsEditor.uxml"; public const string BindingsPanelRowTemplateUxml = "/BindingPanelRowTemplate.uxml"; public const string NameAndParametersListViewItemUxml = "/NameAndParameterListViewItemTemplate.uxml"; public const string CompositeBindingPropertiesViewUxml = "/CompositeBindingPropertiesEditor.uxml"; public const string CompositePartBindingPropertiesViewUxml = "/CompositePartBindingPropertiesEditor.uxml"; public const string ControlSchemeEditorViewUxml = "/ControlSchemeEditor.uxml"; public const string InputActionsTreeViewItemUxml = "/InputActionsTreeViewItem.uxml"; /// Classes public static readonly string HiddenStyleClassName = "unity-input-actions-editor-hidden"; public const string CompositePartAssignmentTooltip = "The named part of the composite that the binding is assigned to. Multiple bindings may be assigned the same part. All controls from " + "all bindings that are assigned the same part will collectively feed values into that part of the composite."; public const string CompositeTypeTooltip = "Type of composite. Allows changing the composite type retroactively. Doing so will modify the bindings that are part of the composite."; public const string InitialStateCheckTooltip = "Whether in the next input update after the action was enabled, the action should " + "immediately trigger if any of its bound controls are currently in a non-default state. " + "This check happens implicitly for Value actions but can be explicitly enabled for Button and Pass-Through actions."; } } #endif