using UnityEditor.EditorTools; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.Tilemaps { /// /// An `EditorTool` for handling Transform for a `GridSelection`. /// public class GridSelectionTransformTool : GridSelectionTool { private static class Styles { public static readonly GUIContent toolbarIcon = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContentWithIcon("Transform", "Shows a Gizmo in the Scene view for changing the transform for the Grid Selection", "TransformTool"); } /// /// Toolbar icon for the `GridSelectionTransformTool`. /// public override GUIContent toolbarIcon => Styles.toolbarIcon; private Quaternion before = Quaternion.identity; private void Reset() { before = Quaternion.identity; } /// /// Handles the gizmo for managing Transforms for the `GridSelectionTransformTool`. /// /// Position of the `GridSelection` gizmo. /// Rotation of the `GridSelection` gizmo. /// Scale of the `GridSelection` gizmo. public override void HandleTool(ref Vector3 position, ref Quaternion rotation, ref Vector3 scale) { if (Event.current.GetTypeForControl(GUIUtility.hotControl) == EventType.MouseUp) Reset(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var after = before; Handles.TransformHandle(ref position, ref after, ref scale); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { rotation *= Quaternion.Inverse(before) * after; } before = after; } } }