using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Burst.Compiler.IL;
using Burst.Compiler.IL.DebugInfo;
using Burst.Compiler.IL.Diagnostics;
using Burst.Compiler.IL.Helpers;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Cecil.Pdb;
namespace zzzUnity.Burst.CodeGen
/// Provides an assembly loader with caching depending on the LastWriteTime of the assembly file.
/// This class is not thread safe. It needs to be protected outside.
class AssemblyLoader : BaseAssemblyResolver
private readonly Dictionary _nameToEntry;
private readonly Dictionary _fileToEntry;
private readonly AssemblyWatcherManager _assemblyWatcherManager;
private readonly HashSet _assemblyWatcherChangedFolders;
public readonly PortablePdbCache PdbCacheReference;
public AssemblyLoader(PortablePdbCache instance, AssemblyWatcherManager assemblyWatcherManager = null)
public AssemblyLoader()
_fileToEntry = new Dictionary(StringComparer.Ordinal);
_nameToEntry = new Dictionary(StringComparer.Ordinal);
_assemblyWatcherManager = assemblyWatcherManager;
if (_assemblyWatcherManager != null)
_assemblyWatcherManager.OnFolderChanged += OnAssemblyWatcherFolderChanged;
_assemblyWatcherChangedFolders = new HashSet();
PdbCacheReference = instance ?? throw new ArgumentException("instance must point to a valid PortablePdbCache instance");
// We remove all setup by Cecil by default (it adds '.' and 'bin')
LoadDebugSymbols = false; // We don't bother loading the symbols by default now, since we use SRM to handle symbols in a more thread safe manner
// this is to maintain compatibility with the patch-assemblies path (see BclApp.cs), used by dots runtime
private void OnAssemblyWatcherFolderChanged(AssemblyWatcherEventArgs args)
lock (_assemblyWatcherChangedFolders)
OnLogDebug?.Invoke(LogMessageType.Debug, $"Folder changed: {args.ChangedFolder}");
public bool IsDebugging { get; set; }
public bool LoadDebugSymbols { get; set; }
private bool CheckAssemblyDirty => _assemblyWatcherManager != null;
public Action OnLogDebug { get; set; }
internal Action OnResolve { get; set; }
internal Action> OnDirty { get; set; }
public void Clear()
foreach (var entry in this._nameToEntry.Values)
public bool EnsureSearchDirectories(string[] folders)
for (var i = 0; i < folders.Length; i++)
folders[i] = NormalizeFilePath(folders[i]);
// If the existing search directories are the same as the ones we've been passed,
// then there's nothing to do.
var existingSearchDirectories = HashSetPool.Get();
var newSearchDirectories = HashSetPool.Get();
var existingSearchDirectories = new HashSet(GetSearchDirectories());
var newSearchDirectories = new HashSet(folders);
if (existingSearchDirectories.SetEquals(newSearchDirectories))
return true;
// Otherwise, reset the search directories.
foreach (var path in folders)
if (Directory.Exists(path))
//Log(LogMessageType.Warning, $"The assembly search path `{path}` does not exist");
return false;
public void ClearSearchDirectories()
foreach (var dir in GetSearchDirectories())
public AssemblyDefinition LoadFromStream(Stream peStream, Stream pdbStream = null, ISymbolReaderProvider customSymbolReader=null)
peStream.Position = 0;
if (pdbStream != null)
pdbStream.Position = 0;
var readerParameters = CreateReaderParameters();
if (customSymbolReader != null)
readerParameters.ReadSymbols = true;
readerParameters.SymbolReaderProvider = customSymbolReader;
readerParameters.ReadingMode = ReadingMode.Deferred;
readerParameters.SymbolStream = pdbStream;
return AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(peStream, readerParameters);
readerParameters.ReadSymbols = false;
readerParameters.SymbolStream = null;
peStream.Position = 0;
if (pdbStream != null)
pdbStream.Position = 0;
return AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(peStream, readerParameters);
public override AssemblyDefinition Resolve(AssemblyNameReference name)
CacheAssemblyEntry cacheEntry;
if (this._nameToEntry.TryGetValue(name.FullName, out cacheEntry))
if (!IsCacheEntryDirtyAndNotify(cacheEntry))
OnResolve?.Invoke(new AssemblyNameReferenceAndPath(name, cacheEntry.FilePath));
return cacheEntry.Definition;
RemoveEntryFromCache(cacheEntry.Name, cacheEntry);
var readerParameters = CreateReaderParameters();
readerParameters.ReadingMode = ReadingMode.Deferred;
AssemblyDefinition assemblyDefinition;
assemblyDefinition = this.Resolve(name, readerParameters);
if (readerParameters.ReadSymbols == true)
// Attempt to load without symbols
readerParameters.ReadSymbols = false;
assemblyDefinition = this.Resolve(name, readerParameters);
RegisterAssembly(name, assemblyDefinition);
OnResolve?.Invoke(new AssemblyNameReferenceAndPath(name, _nameToEntry[name.FullName].FilePath));
return assemblyDefinition;
public bool TryGetFullPath(AssemblyNameReference name, out string fullPath)
// We don't care about the return value - we just want to ensure
// that _nameToEntry has the correct cache entry.
catch (AssemblyResolutionException)
fullPath = null;
return false;
var cacheEntry = _nameToEntry[name.FullName];
fullPath = cacheEntry.FilePath;
return true;
public string GetFullPath(AssemblyNameReference name)
// We don't care about the return value - we just want to ensure
// that _nameToEntry has the correct cache entry.
catch (AssemblyResolutionException ex)
throw new Exception("Unable to resolve assembly using search directories: " + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, GetSearchDirectories()), ex);
var cacheEntry = _nameToEntry[name.FullName];
return cacheEntry.FilePath;
private bool IsCacheEntryDirtyAndNotify(CacheAssemblyEntry entry)
// By default, we don't check assembly dirtiness as it is requiring a costly kernel context switch with the filesystem
// and hurting significantly the performance for btests
if (!CheckAssemblyDirty)
return false;
if (entry.FileTimeVerified) return false;
var lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(entry.FilePath);
// GetLastWriteTime returns 01/01/1601 if the file doesn't exist.
var fileDoesNotExistTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(0);
var isDirty = lastWriteTime == fileDoesNotExistTime || lastWriteTime > entry.FileTime;
entry.FileTimeVerified = true;
if (IsDebugging)
OnLogDebug?.Invoke(LogMessageType.Debug, $"Checking Assembly file timestamp {entry.FilePath} Cached: `{DateTimeToStringPrecise(entry.FileTime)}` OnDisk: `{DateTimeToStringPrecise(lastWriteTime)}` => {(isDirty?"DIRTY" : "Not dirty")}");
if (isDirty)
OnDirty?.Invoke(entry.Definition.Name, OnLogDebug);
return true;
return false;
private static string DateTimeToStringPrecise(DateTime datetime)
return datetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");
public string DumpCache()
var builder = new StringBuilder();
if (_nameToEntry.Count > 0)
foreach (var cacheAssemblyEntry in _nameToEntry)
builder.AppendLine($"- {cacheAssemblyEntry.Value.ToString()}");
builder.AppendLine("- [No assemblies in AssemblyLoader cache]");
return builder.ToString();
public void UpdateCache()
if (!CheckAssemblyDirty) return;
var anythingChanged = false;
lock (_assemblyWatcherChangedFolders)
foreach (var changedFolder in _assemblyWatcherChangedFolders)
OnLogDebug?.Invoke(LogMessageType.Debug, $"Folder changed: `{changedFolder}`");
foreach (var key in _fileToEntry.Keys)
if (key.StartsWith(changedFolder, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
var entry = _fileToEntry[key];
entry.FileTimeVerified = false;
OnLogDebug?.Invoke(LogMessageType.Debug, $"Assembly marked dirty: `{key}`");
anythingChanged = true;
foreach (var key in _fileToEntry.Keys)
var entry = _fileToEntry[key];
if (entry.FileTimeVerified)
OnLogDebug?.Invoke(LogMessageType.Debug, $"Assembly not dirty: `{key}`");
if (!anythingChanged)
var keys = _nameToEntry.Keys.ToArray();
foreach (var key in keys)
var entry = _nameToEntry[key];
if (IsCacheEntryDirtyAndNotify(entry))
RemoveEntryFromCache(key, entry);
private void RemoveEntryFromCache(string entryKey, CacheAssemblyEntry entry)
PdbCacheReference.RemoveEntry(entry.Definition, OnLogDebug);
public new void AddSearchDirectory(string directory)
if (!GetSearchDirectories().Contains(directory))
/// Loads the specified assembly.
/// The assembly location.
/// if set to true load and use the pdb symbols.
/// assemblyLocation
/// The loaded Assembly definition.
public AssemblyDefinition LoadFromFile(string assemblyLocation)
if (assemblyLocation == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assemblyLocation));
// If the file was already loaded, don't try to load it
CacheAssemblyEntry cacheEntry;
assemblyLocation = NormalizeFilePath(assemblyLocation);
if (this._fileToEntry.TryGetValue(assemblyLocation, out cacheEntry))
if (!IsCacheEntryDirtyAndNotify(cacheEntry))
return cacheEntry.Definition;
RemoveEntryFromCache(cacheEntry.Name, cacheEntry);
if (assemblyLocation == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assemblyLocation));
var readerParams = CreateReaderParameters();
AssemblyDefinition assemblyDefinition;
assemblyDefinition = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assemblyLocation, readerParams);
catch (Exception)
if (readerParams.ReadSymbols == true)
// Attempt to load without symbols
readerParams.ReadSymbols = false;
assemblyDefinition = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assemblyLocation, readerParams);
// AssemblyDefinition.Load For some reason, assemblyLoader doesn't cache properly
RegisterAssembly(assemblyDefinition.Name, assemblyDefinition);
return assemblyDefinition;
private ReaderParameters CreateReaderParameters()
var readerParams = new ReaderParameters
InMemory = true,
AssemblyResolver = this,
MetadataResolver = new CustomMetadataResolver(this),
ReadSymbols = LoadDebugSymbols // We no longer use cecil to read symbol information, prefering SRM thread safe methods, so I`m being explicit here in case the default changes
if (LoadDebugSymbols)
readerParams.SymbolReaderProvider = new CustomSymbolReaderProvider(null);
return readerParams;
/// Resolves a cecil from a
/// A method reference string
/// A cecil
public MethodReference Resolve(MethodReferenceString methodReferenceString)
if (methodReferenceString == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(methodReferenceString));
var typeReference = Resolve(methodReferenceString.DeclaringType);
var typeDefinition = typeReference.StrictResolve();
// Initial capacity 1 because that is overwhelmingly the likely outcome.
var methods = new List(1);
foreach (var m in typeDefinition.Methods)
if (m.Name != methodReferenceString.Name)
if (m.Parameters.Count != methodReferenceString.ParameterTypes.Count)
// We expect to match at least one method
if (methods.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to find the method `{methodReferenceString}` from type `{typeReference}`");
// If we have more than one match we need to do a more expensive re-evaluation of the methods to figure out which types they use match.
if (methods.Count > 1)
MethodDefinition methodToUse = null;
foreach (var m in methods)
var count = m.Parameters.Count;
var match = true;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var parameterTypeFullName = methodReferenceString.ParameterTypes[i].ToString(ReferenceStringFormatOptions.None).Replace("+", "/").Replace("[[", "<").Replace("]]", ">");
if (m.Parameters[i].ParameterType.FullName != parameterTypeFullName)
match = false;
if (match)
methodToUse = m;
if (methodToUse == null)
throw new Exception($"Unable to resolve the method `{methodReferenceString}` from type `{typeReference}` to a single method from set of {methods.Count} methods");
var method = methods[0];
var methodReference = new MethodReference(method.Name, method.ReturnType, typeReference);
foreach (var param in method.Parameters)
methodReference.Parameters.Add(new ParameterDefinition(param.Name, param.Attributes, param.ParameterType));
return methodReference;
/// Resolves a Cecil from a reflection .
/// Only used for testing purposes.
/// The loaded is cached.
public MethodReference Resolve(System.Reflection.MethodInfo method)
if (method == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(method));
if (method.DeclaringType == null) throw new NotSupportedException($"The method `{method}` must have a declaring type");
var thisMethodAssemblyLocation = method.DeclaringType.Assembly.Location;
var assemblyLocation = thisMethodAssemblyLocation;
if (assemblyLocation == null)
throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot determine the assembly location for the method `{method}`", nameof(method));
if (!File.Exists(assemblyLocation))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"The assembly [{assemblyLocation}] was not found");
AssemblyDefinition definition;
// Force to load a mono compiled assembly (used on Windows to cross tests between .NET CLR and Mono CLR)
// For convenience, we add automatically the search directory for the assembly path
// based on the method being compiled and the generic parameters
var assemblyLocationFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyLocation);
if (assemblyLocation != thisMethodAssemblyLocation)
assemblyLocationFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(thisMethodAssemblyLocation);
// Helper loop to extract assembly path locations from generic parameters (on declaring type and method)
// TODO: this is not entirely correct, we would have to inspect deep nested generics to really support this
foreach (var genericArgument in method.DeclaringType.GetGenericArguments().Concat(method.GetGenericArguments()))
var location = Path.GetDirectoryName(genericArgument.Assembly.Location);
var assemblyName = method.DeclaringType.Assembly.GetName();
definition = Resolve(new AssemblyNameReference(assemblyName.Name, assemblyName.Version));
// Resolve the Cecil MethodReference from the System.Reflection.MethodInfo
var methodReference = definition.MainModule.ImportReference(method);
// NOTE: this is a workaround for ref readonly return where Cecil is actually transforming it to an InAttribute as a modreq
// while the C# modreq is actually `IsReadOnlyAttribute`
// So in that case we transform the return type with the modreq expected by Cecil
// otherwise the following methodReference.Resolve() would fail finding the method definition
// IsReadOnlyAttribute Not Available until netstandard 2.1
bool hasReadOnlyAttribute = false;
foreach (var attr in method.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes.GetCustomAttributes(true))
if (attr.ToString() == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsReadOnlyAttribute")
hasReadOnlyAttribute = true;
if (hasReadOnlyAttribute)
var typeRef = definition.MainModule.ImportReference(typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute));
methodReference.ReturnType = new RequiredModifierType(typeRef, methodReference.ReturnType);
if (methodReference?.Resolve() == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to find method `{methodReference}` from assembly location `{assemblyLocation}`");
return methodReference;
/// Resolves a cecil from a
/// A type reference string
/// A cecil
public TypeReference Resolve(SimpleTypeReferenceString simpleTypeReferenceString)
if (simpleTypeReferenceString == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(simpleTypeReferenceString));
var assemblyOfMainType = Resolve(simpleTypeReferenceString.Assembly);
var subTypes = simpleTypeReferenceString.FullName.Split(new char[] {'+'});
Guard.Assert(subTypes.Length >= 1);
var typeReference = (TypeReference)assemblyOfMainType.MainModule.GetType(subTypes[0]);
if (typeReference == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Unable to find type `{simpleTypeReferenceString.FullName}` from assembly `{simpleTypeReferenceString.Assembly}`");
for (var i = 1; i < subTypes.Length; i++)
var subType = subTypes[i];
var definition = typeReference.StrictResolve();
var nestedDefinition = definition.NestedTypes.FirstOrDefault(nestedType => nestedType.Name == subType);
if (nestedDefinition == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to find nested type `{subType}` from typename `{simpleTypeReferenceString.FullName}` assembly `{simpleTypeReferenceString.Assembly}`");
typeReference = nestedDefinition;
var generic = simpleTypeReferenceString as GenericInstanceTypeReferenceString;
if (generic != null)
var genericType = new GenericInstanceType(typeReference);
foreach (var genericArgType in generic.GenericArguments)
var simpleGenericArgType = genericArgType as SimpleTypeReferenceString;
if (simpleGenericArgType == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to resolve generic argument `{genericArgType}`");
typeReference = genericType;
return typeReference;
private void RegisterAssembly(AssemblyNameReference name, AssemblyDefinition assembly)
if (assembly == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assembly));
string fullName = name.FullName;
var filename = GetAssemblyFileName(assembly);
var entry = new CacheAssemblyEntry(assembly, filename);
_nameToEntry[fullName] = entry;
// Duplicate the entry (mscorlib 2.0.0 can be remapped to 4.0.0, so better cache them both)
_nameToEntry[assembly.Name.FullName] = entry;
_fileToEntry[filename] = entry;
PdbCacheReference.AddEntry(assembly, OnLogDebug);
private string GetAssemblyFileName(AssemblyDefinition assembly)
string fileName = assembly.MainModule.FileName;
if (fileName == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to find original assembly file from {assembly.Name}");
return NormalizeFilePath(fileName);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_assemblyWatcherManager != null)
_assemblyWatcherManager.OnFolderChanged -= OnAssemblyWatcherFolderChanged;
private class CacheAssemblyEntry
public CacheAssemblyEntry(AssemblyDefinition assemblyDefinition, string filePath)
Definition = assemblyDefinition;
FilePath = filePath;
FileTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(filePath);
FileTimeVerified = true;
public string Name => Definition.FullName;
public readonly AssemblyDefinition Definition;
public readonly string FilePath;
public readonly DateTime FileTime;
public bool FileTimeVerified { get; set; }
public override string ToString() => $"{Name} => {FilePath} {DateTimeToStringPrecise(FileTime)}";
private static string NormalizeFilePath(string path)
return Path.GetFullPath(new Uri(path).LocalPath).TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar);
private class CustomMetadataResolver : MetadataResolver
public CustomMetadataResolver(IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver) : base(assemblyResolver)
public override MethodDefinition Resolve(MethodReference method)
if (method is MethodDefinition methodDef)
return methodDef;
if (method.GetElementMethod() is MethodDefinition methodDef2)
return methodDef2;
return base.Resolve(method);
/// Custom implementation of to:
/// - to load pdb/mdb through a MemoryStream to avoid locking the file on the disk
/// - catch any exceptions while loading the symbols and report them back
private class CustomSymbolReaderProvider : ISymbolReaderProvider
private readonly Action _logException;
public CustomSymbolReaderProvider(Action logException)
_logException = logException;
public ISymbolReader GetSymbolReader(ModuleDefinition module, string fileName)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) return null;
string pdbFileName = fileName;
fileName = NormalizeFilePath(fileName);
pdbFileName = GetPdbFileName(fileName);
if (File.Exists(pdbFileName))
var pdbStream = ReadToMemoryStream(pdbFileName);
if (IsPortablePdb(pdbStream))
return new SafeDebugReaderProvider(new PortablePdbReaderProvider().GetSymbolReader(module, pdbStream));
return new SafeDebugReaderProvider(new NativePdbReaderProvider().GetSymbolReader(module, pdbStream));
catch (Exception ex) when (_logException != null)
_logException?.Invoke($"Unable to load symbol `{pdbFileName}`", ex);
return null;
return null;
private static MemoryStream ReadToMemoryStream(string filename)
return new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(filename));
public ISymbolReader GetSymbolReader(ModuleDefinition module, Stream symbolStream)
throw new NotSupportedException();
private static string GetPdbFileName(string assemblyFileName)
return Path.ChangeExtension(assemblyFileName, ".pdb");
private static bool IsPortablePdb(Stream stream)
if (stream.Length < 4L)
return false;
long position = stream.Position;
return (int)new BinaryReader(stream).ReadUInt32() == 1112167234;
stream.Position = position;
/// This class is a wrapper around to protect
/// against failure while trying to read debug information in Mono.Cecil
private class SafeDebugReaderProvider : ISymbolReader
private readonly ISymbolReader _reader;
public SafeDebugReaderProvider(ISymbolReader reader)
_reader = reader;
public void Dispose()
// ignored
public ISymbolWriterProvider GetWriterProvider()
// We are not protecting here as we are not suppose to write to PDBs
return _reader.GetWriterProvider();
public bool ProcessDebugHeader(ImageDebugHeader header)
return _reader.ProcessDebugHeader(header);
// ignored
return false;
public MethodDebugInformation Read(MethodDefinition method)
return _reader.Read(method);
// ignored
return null;
public enum LogMessageType
/// This class is a container for keeping an assembly reference and path together
internal sealed class AssemblyNameReferenceAndPath
/// Get the assembly name reference
public readonly AssemblyNameReference AssemblyNameReference;
/// Get the full path to the assembly
public readonly string FullPath;
internal AssemblyNameReferenceAndPath(AssemblyNameReference assemblyNameReference, string fullPath)
AssemblyNameReference = assemblyNameReference;
FullPath = fullPath;