using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityObject = UnityEngine.Object; namespace Unity.VisualScripting { [DisableAnnotation] public abstract class Macro : MacroScriptableObject, IMacro where TGraph : class, IGraph, new() { [SerializeAs(nameof(graph))] private TGraph _graph = new TGraph(); [DoNotSerialize] public TGraph graph { get => _graph; set { if (value == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Macros must have a graph."); } if (value == graph) { return; } _graph = value; } } [DoNotSerialize] IGraph IMacro.graph { get => graph; set => graph = (TGraph)value; } [DoNotSerialize] IGraph IGraphParent.childGraph => graph; public IEnumerable GetAotStubs(HashSet visited) { return graph.GetAotStubs(visited); } [DoNotSerialize] bool IGraphParent.isSerializationRoot => true; [DoNotSerialize] UnityObject IGraphParent.serializedObject => this; [DoNotSerialize] private GraphReference _reference = null; [DoNotSerialize] protected GraphReference reference => _reference == null ? GraphReference.New(this, false) : _reference; public bool isDescriptionValid { get => true; set { } } protected override void OnBeforeDeserialize() { base.OnBeforeDeserialize(); Serialization.NotifyDependencyDeserializing(this); } protected override void OnAfterDeserialize() { base.OnAfterDeserialize(); Serialization.NotifyDependencyDeserialized(this); } public abstract TGraph DefaultGraph(); IGraph IGraphParent.DefaultGraph() { return DefaultGraph(); } // This seems to fix the legendary undo bug! // // The issue seems to be that newly created assets don't receive OnAfterDeserialize, // and therefore never notify the dependencies system that they became available. // Therefore, if any graph relied on a macro dependency (super unit, super state, flow state, state unit) // that was created before a deserialization of that dependency (usually enter/exit play mode, restart Unity), // it would silently never load, not throwing any error or warning along the way. // For example, creating a new flow macro, dragging it to create a super node in another graph, // then undoing, would corrupt the parent graph. // Note: this *could* go in Awake, but OnEnable seems to be more reliable and consistent. Awake // doesn't get called in play mode entry for example (but that doesn't matter because OnAfterDeserialize does anyway). protected virtual void OnEnable() { Serialization.NotifyDependencyAvailable(this); } // ScriptableObjects actually call OnDisable not OnDestroy when unloaded ("goes out of scope"), // so we need to unregister the dependency here. // // The doc also guarantees it will be called before OnDestroy, so no need to repeat that in OnDestory. protected virtual void OnDisable() { Serialization.NotifyDependencyUnavailable(this); } public GraphPointer GetReference() { return reference; } bool ISerializationDependency.IsDeserialized { get; set; } } }