using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Unity.VisualScripting.Analytics; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.VisualScripting { [Widget(typeof(IUnitPort))] public abstract class UnitPortWidget : Widget, IUnitPortWidget where TPort : class, IUnitPort { protected UnitPortWidget(FlowCanvas canvas, TPort port) : base(canvas, port) { } #region Model public TPort port => item; public IUnit unit => port.unit; // Usually very efficient, but cached because it's used so often private IUnitWidget _unitWidget; public IUnitWidget unitWidget { get { if (_unitWidget == null) { _unitWidget = canvas.Widget(unit); } return _unitWidget; } } IUnitPort IUnitPortWidget.port => port; protected UnitPortDescription description { get; private set; } public Metadata inspectorMetadata { get; private set; } protected Inspector inspector { get; private set; } public override Metadata FetchMetadata() { return description.getMetadata(unitWidget.metadata); } public virtual Metadata FetchInspectorMetadata() { return null; } protected override void CacheDescription() { description = port.Description(); labelContent.text = description.label; Reposition(); } protected override void CacheMetadata() { base.CacheMetadata(); inspectorMetadata = FetchInspectorMetadata(); if (inspectorMetadata != null) { inspector = unitWidget.GetPortInspector(port, inspectorMetadata); } else { inspector = null; } } #endregion #region Lifecycle public override bool foregroundRequiresInput => showInspector; public bool wouldDisconnect { get; private set; } public bool willDisconnect => wouldDisconnect && isMouseOver; protected virtual bool canStartConnection => true; public override void HandleInput() { if (!canvas.isCreatingConnection) { if (e.IsMouseDown(MouseButton.Left)) { if (canStartConnection) { StartConnection(); } e.Use(); } else if (e.IsMouseDown(MouseButton.Right)) { wouldDisconnect = true; } else if (e.IsMouseUp(MouseButton.Right)) { if (isMouseOver) { HotkeyUsageAnalytics.HotkeyUsed(HotkeyUsageAnalytics.Hotkey.RmbRemoveConnections); RemoveConnections(); } wouldDisconnect = false; e.Use(); } } else { var source = canvas.connectionSource; var isSource = source == port; if (!isSource && e.IsMouseDown(MouseButton.Left)) { var destination = port; FinishConnection(source, destination); e.Use(); } else if (isSource && e.IsMouseUp(MouseButton.Left)) { IUnitPort destination = null; var hovered = canvas.hoveredWidget; if (hovered is IUnitPortWidget) { destination = ((IUnitPortWidget)hovered).port; } else if (hovered is IUnitWidget) { destination = source.CompatiblePort(((IUnitWidget)hovered).unit); } if (destination != null) { if (destination != source) { FinishConnection(source, destination); } } else { if (canvas.isMouseOverBackground) { canvas.NewUnitContextual(); } else if (!canvas.isMouseOver) { canvas.CancelConnection(); } } e.Use(); } else if (isSource && e.IsMouseDrag(MouseButton.Left)) { e.Use(); } else if (isSource && e.IsMouseDown(MouseButton.Right)) { canvas.CancelConnection(); e.Use(); } } } private void StartConnection() { canvas.connectionSource = port; window.Focus(); } private void RemoveConnections() { UndoUtility.RecordEditedObject("Disconnect Port"); foreach (var connectedPort in port.connectedPorts) { canvas.Widget(connectedPort.unit).Reposition(); } unitWidget.Reposition(); port.Disconnect(); e.Use(); GUI.changed = true; } private void FinishConnection(IUnitPort source, IUnitPort destination) { if (source.CanValidlyConnectTo(destination)) { UndoUtility.RecordEditedObject("Connect Nodes"); source.ValidlyConnectTo(destination); canvas.connectionSource = null; canvas.Widget(source.unit).Reposition(); canvas.Widget(destination.unit).Reposition(); GUI.changed = true; } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat ( "Cannot connect this {0} to this {1}.\n", source.GetType().HumanName().ToLower(), destination.GetType().HumanName().ToLower() ); } } #endregion #region Contents private readonly GUIContent labelContent = new GUIContent(); #endregion #region Positioning public override IEnumerable positionDependencies => ((IWidget)unitWidget).Yield(); public override IEnumerable positionDependers => port.connections.Select(connection => (IWidget)canvas.Widget(connection)); protected abstract Edge edge { get; } public float y { get; set; } private Rect _position; public override Rect position { get { return _position; } set { } } public Rect handlePosition { get; private set; } public Rect labelPosition { get; private set; } public Rect iconPosition { get; private set; } public Rect inspectorPosition { get; private set; } public Rect identifierPosition { get; private set; } public Rect surroundPosition { get; private set; } public override Rect hotArea { get { if (canvas.isCreatingConnection) { if (canvas.connectionSource == port || canvas.connectionSource.CanValidlyConnectTo(port)) { return Styles.easierGrabOffset.Add(identifierPosition); } return; } return Styles.easierGrabOffset.Add(handlePosition); } } public override void CachePosition() { var unitPosition = unitWidget.position; var x = unitPosition.GetEdgeCenter(edge).x; var outside = edge.Normal().x; var inside = -outside; var flip = inside < 0; var handlePosition = new Rect ( x + (Styles.handleSize.x + Styles.spaceBetweenEdgeAndHandle) * outside, y + (EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight - Styles.handleSize.y) / 2, Styles.handleSize.x, Styles.handleSize.y ); if (flip) { handlePosition.x -= handlePosition.width; } this.handlePosition = handlePosition; _position = handlePosition; identifierPosition = handlePosition; x += Styles.spaceAfterEdge * inside; if (showIcon) { var iconPosition = new Rect ( x, y - 1, Styles.iconSize, Styles.iconSize ).PixelPerfect(); if (flip) { iconPosition.x -= iconPosition.width; } x += iconPosition.width * inside; _position = _position.Encompass(iconPosition); identifierPosition = identifierPosition.Encompass(iconPosition); this.iconPosition = iconPosition; } if (showIcon && showLabel) { x += Styles.spaceBetweenIconAndLabel * inside; } if (showIcon && !showLabel && showInspector) { x += Styles.spaceBetweenIconAndInspector * inside; } if (showLabel) { var labelPosition = new Rect ( x, y, GetLabelWidth(), GetLabelHeight() ); if (flip) { labelPosition.x -= labelPosition.width; } x += labelPosition.width * inside; _position = _position.Encompass(labelPosition); identifierPosition = identifierPosition.Encompass(labelPosition); this.labelPosition = labelPosition; } if (showLabel && showInspector) { x += Styles.spaceBetweenLabelAndInspector * inside; } if (showInspector) { var inspectorPosition = new Rect ( x, y, GetInspectorWidth(), GetInspectorHeight() ); if (flip) { inspectorPosition.x -= inspectorPosition.width; } x += inspectorPosition.width * inside; _position = _position.Encompass(inspectorPosition); this.inspectorPosition = inspectorPosition; } surroundPosition = Styles.surroundPadding.Add(identifierPosition); } public float GetInnerWidth() { var width = 0f; if (showIcon) { width += Styles.iconSize; } if (showIcon && showLabel) { width += Styles.spaceBetweenIconAndLabel; } if (showIcon && !showLabel && showInspector) { width += Styles.spaceBetweenIconAndInspector; } if (showLabel) { width += GetLabelWidth(); } if (showLabel && showInspector) { width += Styles.spaceBetweenLabelAndInspector; } if (showInspector) { width += GetInspectorWidth(); } return width; } private float GetInspectorWidth() { var width = inspector.GetAdaptiveWidth(); width = Mathf.Min(width, Styles.maxInspectorWidth); if (!showLabel) { width = Mathf.Max(width, Styles.labellessInspectorMinWidth); } return width; } private float GetLabelWidth() { return Mathf.Min(Styles.label.CalcSize(labelContent).x, Styles.maxLabelWidth); } public float GetHeight() { var height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; if (showIcon) { height = Mathf.Max(height, Styles.iconSize); } if (showLabel) { height = Mathf.Max(height, GetLabelHeight()); } if (showInspector) { height = Mathf.Max(height, GetInspectorHeight()); } return height; } private float GetLabelHeight() { return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; } private float GetInspectorHeight() { var width = GetInspectorWidth(); using (LudiqGUIUtility.currentInspectorWidth.Override(width)) { return inspector.GetCachedHeight(width, GUIContent.none, null); } } public override float zIndex { get { return unitWidget.zIndex + 0.5f; } set { } } #endregion #region Drawing public override bool canClip => base.canClip && canvas.connectionSource != port; protected virtual bool showInspector => false; protected bool showIcon => description.icon != null; protected bool showLabel => description.showLabel; public virtual Color color => Color.white; protected abstract Texture handleTextureConnected { get; } protected abstract Texture handleTextureUnconnected { get; } protected virtual bool colorIfActive => true; protected override bool dim { get { var dim = BoltCore.Configuration.dimInactiveNodes && !unit.Analysis(context).isEntered; if (unitWidget.isMouseOver || unitWidget.isSelected) { dim = false; } if (BoltCore.Configuration.dimIncompatibleNodes && canvas.isCreatingConnection) { dim = canvas.connectionSource != port && !canvas.connectionSource.CanValidlyConnectTo(port); } return dim; } } public override void DrawBackground() { } public override void DrawForeground() { if (BoltCore.Configuration.developerMode && BoltCore.Configuration.debug) { EditorGUI.DrawRect(clippingPosition, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1f)); } BeginDim(); DrawHandle(); if (showIcon) { DrawIcon(); } if (showLabel) { DrawLabel(); } if (showInspector && graph.zoom >= FlowCanvas.inspectorZoomThreshold) { DrawInspector(); } EndDim(); } public override void DrawOverlay() { base.DrawOverlay(); var surroundFromPort = canvas.isCreatingConnection && isMouseOver && canvas.connectionSource.CanValidlyConnectTo(port); var surroundFromUnit = canvas.isCreatingConnection && unitWidget.isMouseOver && canvas.connectionSource.CompatiblePort(unit) == port; if (surroundFromPort || surroundFromUnit) { DrawSurround(); } if (canvas.connectionSource == port) { DrawConnectionSource(); } } private void GetConnectionsNoAlloc(HashSet connections) { connections.Clear(); var graph = unit.graph; // Unit might have been removed from graph, but still drawn this frame. if (graph == null) { return; } var controlInput = port as ControlInput; var controlOutput = port as ControlOutput; var valueInput = port as ValueInput; var valueOutput = port as ValueOutput; var input = port as IUnitInputPort; var output = port as IUnitOutputPort; if (controlInput != null) { foreach (var connection in graph.controlConnections.WithDestinationNoAlloc(controlInput)) { connections.Add(connection); } } if (controlOutput != null) { foreach (var connection in graph.controlConnections.WithSourceNoAlloc(controlOutput)) { connections.Add(connection); } } if (valueInput != null) { foreach (var connection in graph.valueConnections.WithDestinationNoAlloc(valueInput)) { connections.Add(connection); } } if (valueOutput != null) { foreach (var connection in graph.valueConnections.WithSourceNoAlloc(valueOutput)) { connections.Add(connection); } } if (input != null) { foreach (var connection in graph.invalidConnections.WithDestinationNoAlloc(input)) { connections.Add(connection); } } if (output != null) { foreach (var connection in graph.invalidConnections.WithSourceNoAlloc(output)) { connections.Add(connection); } } } private void DrawHandle() { // Trying to be very speed / memory efficient in this method if (!e.IsRepaint) { return; } var color = Color.white; var highlight = false; var invalid = false; var willDisconnect = false; var connections = HashSetPool.New(); GetConnectionsNoAlloc(connections); var isConnected = connections.Count > 0; if (isConnected) { foreach (var connection in connections) { if (connection is InvalidConnection) { invalid = true; } var sourceWidget = canvas.Widget(connection.source); var destinationWidget = canvas.Widget(connection.destination); if (sourceWidget.isMouseOver || destinationWidget.isMouseOver) { highlight = true; } if (sourceWidget.willDisconnect || destinationWidget.willDisconnect) { willDisconnect = true; } } } if (isMouseOver) { highlight = true; } if (willDisconnect) { color = UnitConnectionStyles.disconnectColor; } else if (highlight) { color = UnitConnectionStyles.highlightColor; } else if (invalid) { color = UnitConnectionStyles.invalidColor; } else if (canvas.isCreatingConnection && (canvas.connectionSource == port || canvas.connectionSource.CanValidlyConnectTo(port))) { color = this.color; } else if (isConnected) { Color? resolvedColor = null; foreach (var connection in connections) { var connectionColor = canvas.Widget(connection).color; if (resolvedColor == null) { resolvedColor = connectionColor; } else if (resolvedColor != connectionColor) { resolvedColor = this.color; break; } } color = resolvedColor.Value; } if (colorIfActive) { foreach (var connection in connections) { var connectionEditorData = reference.GetElementDebugData(connection); if (EditorApplication.isPaused) { if (EditorTimeBinding.frame == connectionEditorData.lastInvokeFrame) { color = UnitConnectionStyles.activeColor; break; } } else { color = Color.Lerp(UnitConnectionStyles.activeColor, color, (EditorTimeBinding.time - connectionEditorData.lastInvokeTime) / UnitWidget.Styles.invokeFadeDuration); } } } var handlePosition = this.handlePosition; if (highlight) { var widthExpansion = handlePosition.width * (Styles.highlightScaling - 1); var heightExpansion = handlePosition.height * (Styles.highlightScaling - 1); handlePosition.width += widthExpansion; handlePosition.height += heightExpansion; handlePosition.x -= widthExpansion / 2; handlePosition.y -= heightExpansion / 2; } if (highlight || isConnected || canvas.connectionSource == port || canvas.isCreatingConnection && canvas.connectionSource.CanValidlyConnectTo(port)) { using (LudiqGUI.color.Override(color.WithAlphaMultiplied(LudiqGUI.color.value.a * 0.85f))) // Full color is a bit hard on the eyes { if (handleTextureConnected != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(handlePosition, handleTextureConnected); } } } else { if (handleTextureUnconnected != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(handlePosition, handleTextureUnconnected); } } HashSetPool.Free(connections); } private void DrawIcon() { if (description != null && description.icon[Styles.iconSize]) { GUI.DrawTexture(iconPosition, description.icon?[Styles.iconSize]); } } private void DrawLabel() { GUI.Label(labelPosition, description.label, Styles.label); } private void DrawInspector() { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); using (LudiqGUIUtility.currentInspectorWidth.Override(inspectorPosition.width)) using (Inspector.adaptiveWidth.Override(true)) { inspector.Draw(inspectorPosition, GUIContent.none); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { unitWidget.Reposition(); } } private void DrawConnectionSource() { var start = handlePosition.GetEdgeCenter(edge); if (window.IsFocused()) { canvas.connectionEnd = mousePosition; } GraphGUI.DrawConnection ( color, start, canvas.connectionEnd, edge, null, handleTextureConnected, Styles.handleSize, UnitConnectionStyles.relativeBend, UnitConnectionStyles.minBend ); } private void DrawSurround() { if (e.controlType == EventType.Repaint) { Styles.surround.Draw(surroundPosition, false, false, false, false); } } #endregion public static class Styles { private static byte[] t; private static Texture2D tx; static Styles() { label = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); label.wordWrap = false; label.imagePosition = ImagePosition.TextOnly; label.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0); TextureResolution[] textureResolution = { 2 }; surround = new GUIStyle { normal = { background = BoltCore.Resources.LoadTexture($"Surround.png", textureResolution, CreateTextureOptions.Scalable).Single() } }; } public const float highlightScaling = 1f; public static readonly Vector2 handleSize = new Vector2(9, 12); public static readonly float spaceBetweenEdgeAndHandle = 5; public static readonly float spaceAfterEdge = 5; public static readonly float spaceBetweenIconAndLabel = 5; public static readonly float spaceBetweenIconAndInspector = 5; public static readonly float spaceBetweenLabelAndInspector = 5; public static readonly float labellessInspectorMinWidth = 75; public static readonly float maxInspectorWidth = 200; public static readonly float maxLabelWidth = 150; public static readonly int iconSize = IconSize.Small; public static readonly GUIStyle label; public static readonly GUIStyle surround; public static readonly RectOffset easierGrabOffset = new RectOffset(5, 5, 4, 4); public static readonly RectOffset surroundPadding = new RectOffset(3, 3, 2, 2); } } }