using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Timeline; using UnityObject = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEditor.Timeline { class TimelineMarkerGUI : TimelineItemGUI, ISnappable, IAttractable { public event System.Action onStartDrag; int m_ProjectedClipHash = -1; int m_MarkerHash; bool m_Selectable; MarkerDrawOptions m_MarkerDrawOptions; MarkerEditor m_Editor; IMarker marker { get; } bool selectable { get { return m_Selectable; } } public double time { get { return marker.time; } } public override double start { get { return time; } } public override double end { get { return time; } } public override void Select() { zOrder = zOrderProvider.Next(); SelectionManager.Add(marker); TimelineWindowViewPrefs.GetTrackViewModelData(parent.asset).markerTimeStamps[m_MarkerHash] = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; } public override bool IsSelected() { return SelectionManager.Contains(marker); } public override void Deselect() { SelectionManager.Remove(marker); } public override ITimelineItem item { get { return ItemsUtils.ToItem(marker); } } IZOrderProvider zOrderProvider { get; } public TimelineMarkerGUI(IMarker theMarker, IRowGUI parent, IZOrderProvider provider) : base(parent) { marker = theMarker; m_Selectable = marker.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(UnityObject)); m_MarkerHash = 0; var o = marker as object; if (!o.Equals(null)) m_MarkerHash = o.GetHashCode(); zOrderProvider = provider; zOrder = zOrderProvider.Next(); ItemToItemGui.Add(marker, this); m_Editor = CustomTimelineEditorCache.GetMarkerEditor(theMarker); } int ComputeDirtyHash() { return time.GetHashCode(); } static void DrawMarker(Rect drawRect, Type type, bool isSelected, bool isCollapsed, MarkerDrawOptions options) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { bool hasError = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.errorText); var style = StyleManager.UssStyleForType(type); style.Draw(drawRect, GUIContent.none, false, false, !isCollapsed, isSelected); // case1141836: Use of GUI.Box instead of GUI.Label causes desync in UI controlID if (hasError) GUI.Label(drawRect, String.Empty, DirectorStyles.Instance.markerWarning); var tooltip = hasError ? options.errorText : options.tooltip; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip) && drawRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { GUIStyle.SetMouseTooltip(tooltip, drawRect); } } } void UpdateDrawData() { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { try { m_MarkerDrawOptions = m_Editor.GetMarkerOptions(marker); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); m_MarkerDrawOptions = CustomTimelineEditorCache.GetDefaultMarkerEditor().GetMarkerOptions(marker); } } } public override void Draw(Rect trackRect, bool trackRectChanged, WindowState state) { UpdateDrawData(); // compute marker hash var currentMarkerHash = ComputeDirtyHash(); // update the clip projected rectangle on the timeline CalculateClipRectangle(trackRect, state, currentMarkerHash, trackRectChanged); var isSelected = selectable && SelectionManager.Contains(marker); var showMarkers = parent.showMarkers; QueueOverlay(treeViewRect, isSelected, !showMarkers); DrawMarker(treeViewRect, marker.GetType(), isSelected, !showMarkers, m_MarkerDrawOptions); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && showMarkers && !parent.locked) state.spacePartitioner.AddBounds(this, rect); } public void QueueOverlay(Rect rect, bool isSelected, bool isCollapsed) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && m_Editor.supportsDrawOverlay) { rect = GUIClip.Unclip(rect); TimelineWindow.instance.AddUserOverlay(marker, rect, m_Editor, isCollapsed, isSelected); } } public override void StartDrag() { if (onStartDrag != null) onStartDrag.Invoke(); } void CalculateClipRectangle(Rect trackRect, WindowState state, int projectedClipHash, bool trackRectChanged) { if (m_ProjectedClipHash == projectedClipHash && !trackRectChanged) return; m_ProjectedClipHash = projectedClipHash; treeViewRect = RectToTimeline(trackRect, state); } public override Rect RectToTimeline(Rect trackRect, WindowState state) { var style = StyleManager.UssStyleForType(marker.GetType()); var width = style.fixedWidth; var height = style.fixedHeight; var x = ((float)marker.time * state.timeAreaScale.x) + state.timeAreaTranslation.x + trackRect.xMin; x -= 0.5f * width; return new Rect(x, trackRect.y, width, height); } public IEnumerable SnappableEdgesFor(IAttractable attractable, ManipulateEdges manipulateEdges) { var edges = new List(); var attractableGUI = attractable as TimelineMarkerGUI; var canAddEdges = !(attractableGUI != null && attractableGUI.parent == parent); if (canAddEdges) edges.Add(new Edge(time)); return edges; } public bool ShouldSnapTo(ISnappable snappable) { return snappable != this; } } }