<#/*THIS IS A T4 FILE - see t4_text_templating.md for what it is and how to run codegen*/#> <#@ template debug="True" #> <#@ output extension=".gen.cs" #> <#@ assembly name="System.Core" #> using System; using NUnit.Framework; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using Unity.Collections.Tests; internal class NativeHashSetTestsGenerated : CollectionsTestFixture { <# { foreach (var ContainerType in new[] { ( "NativeHashSet" ), ( "UnsafeHashSet" ), }) { #> static void ExpectedCount(ref <#=ContainerType#> container, int expected) where T : unmanaged, IEquatable { Assert.AreEqual(expected == 0, container.IsEmpty); Assert.AreEqual(expected, container.Count()); } <# foreach (var OtherContainerType in new[] { ( "NativeHashSet" ), ( "UnsafeHashSet" ), ( "NativeList" ), ( "UnsafeList" ), }) { #> [Test] public void <#=ContainerType#>_<#=OtherContainerType#>_EIU_ExceptWith_Empty() { var container = new <#=ContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { }; var other = new <#=OtherContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { }; container.ExceptWith(other); ExpectedCount(ref container, 0); container.Dispose(); other.Dispose(); } [Test] public void <#=ContainerType#>_<#=OtherContainerType#>_EIU_ExceptWith_AxB() { var container = new <#=ContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var other = new <#=OtherContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; container.ExceptWith(other); ExpectedCount(ref container, 3); Assert.True(container.Contains(0)); Assert.True(container.Contains(1)); Assert.True(container.Contains(2)); container.Dispose(); other.Dispose(); } [Test] public void <#=ContainerType#>_<#=OtherContainerType#>_EIU_IntersectWith_Empty() { var container = new <#=ContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { }; var other = new <#=OtherContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { }; container.IntersectWith(other); ExpectedCount(ref container, 0); container.Dispose(); other.Dispose(); } [Test] public void <#=ContainerType#>_<#=OtherContainerType#>_EIU_IntersectWith() { var container = new <#=ContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var other = new <#=OtherContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; container.IntersectWith(other); ExpectedCount(ref container, 3); Assert.True(container.Contains(3)); Assert.True(container.Contains(4)); Assert.True(container.Contains(5)); container.Dispose(); other.Dispose(); } [Test] public void <#=ContainerType#>_<#=OtherContainerType#>_EIU_UnionWith_Empty() { var container = new <#=ContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { }; var other = new <#=OtherContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { }; container.UnionWith(other); ExpectedCount(ref container, 0); container.Dispose(); other.Dispose(); } [Test] public void <#=ContainerType#>_<#=OtherContainerType#>_EIU_UnionWith() { var container = new <#=ContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var other = new <#=OtherContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; container.UnionWith(other); ExpectedCount(ref container, 9); Assert.True(container.Contains(0)); Assert.True(container.Contains(1)); Assert.True(container.Contains(2)); Assert.True(container.Contains(3)); Assert.True(container.Contains(4)); Assert.True(container.Contains(5)); Assert.True(container.Contains(6)); Assert.True(container.Contains(7)); Assert.True(container.Contains(8)); container.Dispose(); other.Dispose(); } <#}#> <# foreach (var OtherContainerType in new[] { ( "FixedList32Bytes" ), ( "FixedList64Bytes" ), ( "FixedList128Bytes" ), ( "FixedList512Bytes" ), ( "FixedList4096Bytes" ), }) { #> [Test] public void <#=ContainerType#>_<#=OtherContainerType#>_EIU_ExceptWith_Empty() { var container = new <#=ContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { }; var other = new <#=OtherContainerType#>() { }; container.ExceptWith(other); ExpectedCount(ref container, 0); container.Dispose(); } [Test] public void <#=ContainerType#>_<#=OtherContainerType#>_EIU_ExceptWith_AxB() { var container = new <#=ContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var other = new <#=OtherContainerType#>() { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; container.ExceptWith(other); ExpectedCount(ref container, 3); Assert.True(container.Contains(0)); Assert.True(container.Contains(1)); Assert.True(container.Contains(2)); container.Dispose(); } [Test] public void <#=ContainerType#>_<#=OtherContainerType#>_EIU_IntersectWith_Empty() { var container = new <#=ContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { }; var other = new <#=OtherContainerType#>() { }; container.IntersectWith(other); ExpectedCount(ref container, 0); container.Dispose(); } [Test] public void <#=ContainerType#>_<#=OtherContainerType#>_EIU_IntersectWith() { var container = new <#=ContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var other = new <#=OtherContainerType#>() { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; container.IntersectWith(other); ExpectedCount(ref container, 3); Assert.True(container.Contains(3)); Assert.True(container.Contains(4)); Assert.True(container.Contains(5)); container.Dispose(); } [Test] public void <#=ContainerType#>_<#=OtherContainerType#>_EIU_UnionWith_Empty() { var container = new <#=ContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { }; var other = new <#=OtherContainerType#>() { }; container.UnionWith(other); ExpectedCount(ref container, 0); container.Dispose(); } [Test] public void <#=ContainerType#>_<#=OtherContainerType#>_EIU_UnionWith() { var container = new <#=ContainerType#>(8, CommonRwdAllocator.Handle) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var other = new <#=OtherContainerType#>() { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; container.UnionWith(other); ExpectedCount(ref container, 9); Assert.True(container.Contains(0)); Assert.True(container.Contains(1)); Assert.True(container.Contains(2)); Assert.True(container.Contains(3)); Assert.True(container.Contains(4)); Assert.True(container.Contains(5)); Assert.True(container.Contains(6)); Assert.True(container.Contains(7)); Assert.True(container.Contains(8)); container.Dispose(); } <#}}}#> }