Shader "Hidden/Universal Render Pipeline/PaniniProjection" { HLSLINCLUDE #pragma exclude_renderers gles #pragma multi_compile_local _GENERIC _UNIT_DISTANCE #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/Runtime/Utilities/Blit.hlsl" float4 _Params; // Back-ported & adapted from the work of the Stockholm demo team - thanks Lasse float2 Panini_UnitDistance(float2 view_pos) { // Given // S----------- E--X------- // | ` . /,´ // |-- --- Q // 1 | ,´/ ` // | ,´ / ´ // | ,´ / ` // | ,´ / . // O` / . // | / ` // | / ´ // 1 | / ´ // | / ´ // |/_ . ´ // P // // Have E // Want to find X // // First apply tangent-secant theorem to find Q // PE*QE = SE*SE // QE = PE-PQ // PQ = PE-(SE*SE)/PE // Q = E*(PQ/PE) // Then project Q to find X const float d = 1.0; const float view_dist = 2.0; const float view_dist_sq = 4.0; float view_hyp = sqrt(view_pos.x * view_pos.x + view_dist_sq); float cyl_hyp = view_hyp - (view_pos.x * view_pos.x) / view_hyp; float cyl_hyp_frac = cyl_hyp / view_hyp; float cyl_dist = view_dist * cyl_hyp_frac; float2 cyl_pos = view_pos * cyl_hyp_frac; return cyl_pos / (cyl_dist - d); } float2 Panini_Generic(float2 view_pos, float d) { // Given // S----------- E--X------- // | ` ~. /,´ // |-- --- Q // | ,/ ` // 1 | ,´/ ` // | ,´ / ´ // | ,´ / ´ // |,` / , // O / // | / , // d | / // | / , // |/ . // P // | ´ // | , ´ // +- ´ // // Have E // Want to find X // // First compute line-circle intersection to find Q // Then project Q to find X float view_dist = 1.0 + d; float view_hyp_sq = view_pos.x * view_pos.x + view_dist * view_dist; float isect_D = view_pos.x * d; float isect_discrim = view_hyp_sq - isect_D * isect_D; float cyl_dist_minus_d = (-isect_D * view_pos.x + view_dist * sqrt(isect_discrim)) / view_hyp_sq; float cyl_dist = cyl_dist_minus_d + d; float2 cyl_pos = view_pos * (cyl_dist / view_dist); return cyl_pos / (cyl_dist - d); } half4 FragPaniniProjection(Varyings input) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(input); float2 view_pos = (2.0 * input.texcoord - 1.0) * _Params.xy * _Params.w; #if _GENERIC float2 proj_pos = Panini_Generic(view_pos, _Params.z); #else // _UNIT_DISTANCE float2 proj_pos = Panini_UnitDistance(view_pos); #endif float2 proj_ndc = proj_pos / _Params.xy; float2 coords = proj_ndc * 0.5 + 0.5; return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, coords); } ENDHLSL SubShader { Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline"} LOD 100 ZTest Always ZWrite Off Cull Off Pass { Name "Panini Projection" HLSLPROGRAM #pragma vertex Vert #pragma fragment FragPaniniProjection ENDHLSL } } }