using Unity.Burst; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Jobs; using Unity.Mathematics; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { [BurstCompile] struct LightMinMaxZJob : IJobFor { public Fixed2 worldToViews; [ReadOnly] public NativeArray lights; public NativeArray minMaxZs; public void Execute(int index) { var lightIndex = index % lights.Length; var light = lights[lightIndex]; var lightToWorld = (float4x4)light.localToWorldMatrix; var originWS =; var viewIndex = index / lights.Length; var worldToView = worldToViews[viewIndex]; var originVS = math.mul(worldToView, math.float4(originWS, 1)).xyz; originVS.z *= -1; var minMax = math.float2(originVS.z - light.range, originVS.z + light.range); if (light.lightType == LightType.Spot) { // Based on var angleA = math.radians(light.spotAngle) * 0.5f; float cosAngleA = math.cos(angleA); float coneHeight = light.range * cosAngleA; float3 spotDirectionWS =; var endPointWS = originWS + spotDirectionWS * coneHeight; var endPointVS = math.mul(worldToView, math.float4(endPointWS, 1)).xyz; endPointVS.z *= -1; var angleB = math.PI * 0.5f - angleA; var coneRadius = light.range * cosAngleA * math.sin(angleA) / math.sin(angleB); var a = endPointVS - originVS; var e = math.sqrt(1.0f - a.z * a.z /, a)); // `-a.z` and `a.z` is `dot(a, {0, 0, -1}).z` and `dot(a, {0, 0, 1}).z` optimized // `cosAngleA` is multiplied by `coneHeight` to avoid normalizing `a`, which we know has length `coneHeight` if (-a.z < coneHeight * cosAngleA) minMax.x = math.min(originVS.z, endPointVS.z - e * coneRadius); if (a.z < coneHeight * cosAngleA) minMax.y = math.max(originVS.z, endPointVS.z + e * coneRadius); } minMax.x = math.max(minMax.x, 0); minMax.y = math.max(minMax.y, 0); minMaxZs[index] = minMax; } } }