using System; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RenderGraphModule; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { internal enum TemporalAAQuality { VeryLow = 0, Low, Medium, High, VeryHigh } // Temporal AA data that persists over a frame. (per camera) sealed internal class TaaPersistentData { private static GraphicsFormat[] formatList = new GraphicsFormat[] { GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat, GraphicsFormat.B10G11R11_UFloatPack32, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, GraphicsFormat.B8G8R8A8_UNorm, }; RenderTextureDescriptor m_RtDesc; RTHandle m_AccumulationTexture; RTHandle m_AccumulationTexture2; int m_LastAccumUpdateFrameIndex; int m_LastAccumUpdateFrameIndex2; public RenderTextureDescriptor rtd => m_RtDesc; public RTHandle accumulationTexture(int index) => index != 0 ? m_AccumulationTexture2 : m_AccumulationTexture; public int GetLastAccumFrameIndex(int index) => index != 0 ? m_LastAccumUpdateFrameIndex2 : m_LastAccumUpdateFrameIndex; public void SetLastAccumFrameIndex(int index, int value) { if (index != 0) m_LastAccumUpdateFrameIndex2 = value; else m_LastAccumUpdateFrameIndex = value; } public TaaPersistentData() { } public void Init(int sizeX, int sizeY, int volumeDepth, GraphicsFormat format, VRTextureUsage vrUsage, TextureDimension texDim) { if ((m_RtDesc.width != sizeX || m_RtDesc.height != sizeY || m_RtDesc.volumeDepth != volumeDepth || m_AccumulationTexture == null) && (sizeX > 0 && sizeY >0)) { RenderTextureDescriptor desc = new RenderTextureDescriptor(); const bool enableRandomWrite = false; // aka UAV, Load/Store FormatUsage usage = enableRandomWrite ? FormatUsage.LoadStore : FormatUsage.Render; desc.width = sizeX; desc.height = sizeY; desc.msaaSamples = 1; desc.volumeDepth = volumeDepth; desc.mipCount = 0; desc.graphicsFormat = CheckFormat(format, usage); desc.sRGB = false; desc.depthBufferBits = 0; desc.dimension = texDim; desc.vrUsage = vrUsage; desc.memoryless = RenderTextureMemoryless.None; desc.useMipMap = false; desc.autoGenerateMips = false; desc.enableRandomWrite = enableRandomWrite; desc.bindMS = false; desc.useDynamicScale = false; m_RtDesc = desc; DeallocateTargets(); } GraphicsFormat CheckFormat(GraphicsFormat format, FormatUsage usage) { // Should do query per usage, but we rely on the fact that "LoadStore" implies "Render" in the code. bool success = SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported(format, usage); if (!success) return FindFormat(usage); // Fallback return format; } GraphicsFormat FindFormat( FormatUsage usage ) { for (int i = 0; i < formatList.Length; i++) if (SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported(formatList[i], usage)) { return formatList[i]; } return GraphicsFormat.B8G8R8A8_UNorm; } } public bool AllocateTargets(bool xrMultipassEnabled = false) { bool didAlloc = false; // The rule is that if the target needs to be reallocated, the m_AccumulationTexture has already been set to null. // So during allocation, the logic is as simple as allocate it if it's non-null. if (m_AccumulationTexture == null) { m_AccumulationTexture = RTHandles.Alloc(m_RtDesc, FilterMode.Bilinear, TextureWrapMode.Clamp, name:"_TaaAccumulationTex"); didAlloc = true; } // Second eye for XR multipass (the persistent data is shared, for now) if (xrMultipassEnabled && m_AccumulationTexture2 == null) { m_AccumulationTexture2 = RTHandles.Alloc(m_RtDesc, FilterMode.Bilinear, TextureWrapMode.Clamp, name:"_TaaAccumulationTex2"); didAlloc = true; } return didAlloc; } public void DeallocateTargets() { m_AccumulationTexture?.Release(); m_AccumulationTexture2?.Release(); m_AccumulationTexture = null; m_AccumulationTexture2 = null; m_LastAccumUpdateFrameIndex = -1; m_LastAccumUpdateFrameIndex2 = -1; } }; // All of TAA here, work on TAA == work on this file. static class TemporalAA { static internal class ShaderConstants { public static readonly int _TaaAccumulationTex = Shader.PropertyToID("_TaaAccumulationTex"); public static readonly int _TaaMotionVectorTex = Shader.PropertyToID("_TaaMotionVectorTex"); public static readonly int _TaaFilterWeights = Shader.PropertyToID("_TaaFilterWeights"); public static readonly int _TaaFrameInfluence = Shader.PropertyToID("_TaaFrameInfluence"); public static readonly int _TaaVarianceClampScale = Shader.PropertyToID("_TaaVarianceClampScale"); } [Serializable] internal struct Settings { public TemporalAAQuality quality; public float frameInfluence; public float jitterScale; public float mipBias; public float varianceClampScale; public float contrastAdaptiveSharpening; [NonSerialized] public int resetHistoryFrames; // Number of frames the history is reset. 0 no reset, 1 normal reset, 2 XR reset, -1 infinite (toggle on) [NonSerialized] public int jitterFrameCountOffset; // Jitter "seed" == Time.frameCount + jitterFrameCountOffset. Used for testing determinism. public static Settings Create() { Settings s; s.quality = TemporalAAQuality.High; s.frameInfluence = 0.1f; s.jitterScale = 1.0f; s.mipBias = 0.0f; s.varianceClampScale = 0.9f; s.contrastAdaptiveSharpening = 0.0f; // Disabled s.resetHistoryFrames = 0; s.jitterFrameCountOffset = 0; return s; } } static internal Matrix4x4 CalculateJitterMatrix(ref CameraData cameraData) { Matrix4x4 jitterMat = Matrix4x4.identity; bool isJitter = cameraData.IsTemporalAAEnabled(); if (isJitter) { int taaFrameCountOffset = cameraData.taaSettings.jitterFrameCountOffset; int taaFrameIndex = Time.frameCount + taaFrameCountOffset; float actualWidth = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.width; float actualHeight = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.height; float jitterScale = cameraData.taaSettings.jitterScale; var jitter = CalculateJitter(taaFrameIndex) * jitterScale; float offsetX = jitter.x * (2.0f / actualWidth); float offsetY = jitter.y * (2.0f / actualHeight); jitterMat = Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(offsetX, offsetY, 0.0f)); } return jitterMat; } static internal Vector2 CalculateJitter(int frameIndex) { // The variance between 0 and the actual halton sequence values reveals noticeable // instability in Unity's shadow maps, so we avoid index 0. float jitterX = HaltonSequence.Get((frameIndex & 1023) + 1, 2) - 0.5f; float jitterY = HaltonSequence.Get((frameIndex & 1023) + 1, 3) - 0.5f; return new Vector2(jitterX, jitterY); } private static readonly Vector2[] taaFilterOffsets = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f), new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(-1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(0.0f, -1.0f), new Vector2(-1.0f, 1.0f), new Vector2(1.0f, -1.0f), new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f), new Vector2(-1.0f, -1.0f) }; private static readonly float[] taaFilterWeights = new float[taaFilterOffsets.Length + 1]; static internal float[] CalculateFilterWeights(float jitterScale) { // Based on HDRP // Precompute weights used for the Blackman-Harris filter. float totalWeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { Vector2 jitter = CalculateJitter(Time.frameCount) * jitterScale; // The rendered frame (pixel grid) is already jittered. // We sample 3x3 neighbors with int offsets, but weight the samples // relative to the distance to the non-jittered pixel center. // From the POV of offset[0] at (0,0), the original pixel center is at (-jitter.x, -jitter.y). float x = taaFilterOffsets[i].x - jitter.x; float y = taaFilterOffsets[i].y - jitter.y; float d2 = (x * x + y * y); taaFilterWeights[i] = Mathf.Exp((-0.5f / (0.22f)) * d2); totalWeight += taaFilterWeights[i]; } // Normalize weights. for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { taaFilterWeights[i] /= totalWeight; } return taaFilterWeights; } static internal string ValidateAndWarn(ref CameraData cameraData) { string warning = null; if (cameraData.taaPersistentData == null) { warning = "Disabling TAA due to invalid persistent data."; } if (warning == null && cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.msaaSamples != 1) { if (cameraData.xr != null && cameraData.xr.enabled) warning = "Disabling TAA because MSAA is on. MSAA must be disabled globally for all cameras in XR mode."; else warning = "Disabling TAA because MSAA is on."; } if(warning == null && var additionalCameraData)) { if (additionalCameraData.renderType == CameraRenderType.Overlay || additionalCameraData.cameraStack.Count > 0) { warning = "Disabling TAA because camera is stacked."; } } if (warning == null && warning = "Disabling TAA because camera has dynamic resolution enabled. You can use a constant render scale instead."; if(warning == null && !cameraData.postProcessEnabled) warning = "Disabling TAA because camera has post-processing disabled."; const int warningThrottleFrames = 60 * 1; // 60 FPS * 1 sec if(Time.frameCount % warningThrottleFrames == 0) Debug.LogWarning(warning); return warning; } internal static void ExecutePass(CommandBuffer cmd, Material taaMaterial, ref CameraData cameraData, RTHandle source, RTHandle destination, RenderTexture motionVectors) { using (new ProfilingScope(cmd, ProfilingSampler.Get(URPProfileId.TemporalAA))) { int multipassId = 0; #if ENABLE_VR && ENABLE_XR_MODULE multipassId = cameraData.xr.multipassId; #endif bool isNewFrame = cameraData.taaPersistentData.GetLastAccumFrameIndex(multipassId) != Time.frameCount; RTHandle taaHistoryAccumulationTex = cameraData.taaPersistentData.accumulationTexture(multipassId); taaMaterial.SetTexture(ShaderConstants._TaaAccumulationTex, taaHistoryAccumulationTex); // On frame rerender or pause, stop all motion using a black motion texture. // This is done to avoid blurring the Taa resolve due to motion and Taa history mismatch. // // Taa history copy is in sync with motion vectors and Time.frameCount, but we updated the TAA history // for the next frame, as we did not know that we're going render this frame again. // We would need history double buffering to solve this properly, but at the cost of memory. // // Frame #1: MotionVectors.Update: #1 Prev: #-1, Taa.Execute: #1 Prev: #-1, Taa.CopyHistory: #1 Prev: #-1 // Frame #2: MotionVectors.Update: #2 Prev: #1, Taa.Execute: #2 Prev #1, Taa.CopyHistory: #2 // // Frame #2: MotionVectors.Update: #2, Taa.Execute: #2 prev #2 (Ooops! Incorrect history for frame #2!) taaMaterial.SetTexture(ShaderConstants._TaaMotionVectorTex, isNewFrame ? motionVectors : Texture2D.blackTexture); ref var taa = ref cameraData.taaSettings; float taaInfluence = taa.resetHistoryFrames == 0 ? taa.frameInfluence : 1.0f; taaMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderConstants._TaaFrameInfluence, taaInfluence); taaMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderConstants._TaaVarianceClampScale, taa.varianceClampScale); if(taa.quality == TemporalAAQuality.VeryHigh) taaMaterial.SetFloatArray(ShaderConstants._TaaFilterWeights, CalculateFilterWeights(taa.jitterScale)); Blitter.BlitCameraTexture(cmd, source, destination, RenderBufferLoadAction.DontCare, RenderBufferStoreAction.Store, taaMaterial, (int)taa.quality); if (isNewFrame) { int kHistoryCopyPass = taaMaterial.shader.passCount - 1; Blitter.BlitCameraTexture(cmd, destination, taaHistoryAccumulationTex, RenderBufferLoadAction.DontCare, RenderBufferStoreAction.Store, taaMaterial, kHistoryCopyPass); cameraData.taaPersistentData.SetLastAccumFrameIndex(multipassId, Time.frameCount); } } } private class TaaPassData { internal TextureHandle dstTex; internal TextureHandle srcColorTex; internal TextureHandle srcDepthTex; internal TextureHandle srcMotionVectorTex; internal TextureHandle srcTaaAccumTex; internal Material material; internal int passIndex; internal float taaFrameInfluence; internal float taaVarianceClampScale; internal float[] taaFilterWeights; } internal static void Render(RenderGraph renderGraph, Material taaMaterial, ref CameraData cameraData, ref TextureHandle srcColor, ref TextureHandle srcDepth, ref TextureHandle srcMotionVectors, ref TextureHandle dstColor) { int multipassId = 0; #if ENABLE_VR && ENABLE_XR_MODULE multipassId = cameraData.xr.multipassId; #endif ref var taa = ref cameraData.taaSettings; bool isNewFrame = cameraData.taaPersistentData.GetLastAccumFrameIndex(multipassId) != Time.frameCount; float taaInfluence = taa.resetHistoryFrames == 0 ? taa.frameInfluence : 1.0f; TextureHandle srcAccumulation = renderGraph.ImportTexture(cameraData.taaPersistentData.accumulationTexture(multipassId)); // On frame rerender or pause, stop all motion using a black motion texture. // This is done to avoid blurring the Taa resolve due to motion and Taa history mismatch. // The TAA history was updated for the next frame, as we did not know yet that we're going render this frame again. // We would need to keep the both the current and previous history (double buffering) in order to resolve // either this frame (again) or the next frame correctly, but it would cost more memory. TextureHandle activeMotionVectors = isNewFrame ? srcMotionVectors : renderGraph.defaultResources.blackTexture; using (var builder = renderGraph.AddRenderPass("Temporal Anti-aliasing", out var passData, ProfilingSampler.Get(URPProfileId.TemporalAA))) { passData.dstTex = builder.UseColorBuffer(dstColor, 0); passData.srcColorTex = builder.ReadTexture(srcColor); passData.srcDepthTex = builder.ReadTexture(srcDepth); passData.srcMotionVectorTex = builder.ReadTexture(activeMotionVectors); passData.srcTaaAccumTex = builder.ReadTexture(srcAccumulation); passData.material = taaMaterial; passData.passIndex = (int)taa.quality; passData.taaFrameInfluence = taaInfluence; passData.taaVarianceClampScale = taa.varianceClampScale; if(taa.quality == TemporalAAQuality.VeryHigh) passData.taaFilterWeights = CalculateFilterWeights(taa.jitterScale); else passData.taaFilterWeights = null; builder.SetRenderFunc((TaaPassData data, RenderGraphContext context) => { data.material.SetFloat(ShaderConstants._TaaFrameInfluence, data.taaFrameInfluence); data.material.SetFloat(ShaderConstants._TaaVarianceClampScale, data.taaVarianceClampScale); data.material.SetTexture(ShaderConstants._TaaAccumulationTex, data.srcTaaAccumTex); data.material.SetTexture(ShaderConstants._TaaMotionVectorTex, data.srcMotionVectorTex); data.material.SetTexture("_CameraDepthTexture", data.srcDepthTex); // TODO: Use a constant for the name. if(passData.taaFilterWeights != null) data.material.SetFloatArray(ShaderConstants._TaaFilterWeights, passData.taaFilterWeights); Blitter.BlitTexture(context.cmd, data.srcColorTex,, data.material, data.passIndex); }); } if (isNewFrame) { int kHistoryCopyPass = taaMaterial.shader.passCount - 1; using (var builder = renderGraph.AddRenderPass("Temporal Anti-aliasing Copy History", out var passData, new ProfilingSampler("TemporalAAHistoryCopy"))) { passData.dstTex = builder.UseColorBuffer(srcAccumulation, 0); passData.srcColorTex = builder.ReadTexture(dstColor); // Resolved color is the new history passData.material = taaMaterial; passData.passIndex = kHistoryCopyPass; builder.SetRenderFunc((TaaPassData data, RenderGraphContext context) => { Blitter.BlitTexture(context.cmd, data.srcColorTex,, data.material, data.passIndex); }); } } } } }