namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { /// /// Utility class for post processing effects. /// public static class PostProcessUtils { /// /// Configures the blue noise dithering used. /// /// The PostProcessData resources to use. /// The current array index to the Blue noise textures. /// The camera using the dithering effect. /// The material used with the dithering effect. /// The new array index to the Blue noise textures. [System.Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use ConfigureDithering override that takes camera pixel width and height instead.")] public static int ConfigureDithering(PostProcessData data, int index, Camera camera, Material material) { return ConfigureDithering(data, index, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight, material); } /// /// Configures the blue noise dithering used. /// /// The PostProcessData resources to use. /// The current array index to the Blue noise textures. /// The camera pixel width. /// The camera pixel height. /// The material used with the dithering effect. /// The new array index to the Blue noise textures. public static int ConfigureDithering(PostProcessData data, int index, int cameraPixelWidth, int cameraPixelHeight, Material material) { var blueNoise = data.textures.blueNoise16LTex; if (blueNoise == null || blueNoise.Length == 0) return 0; // Safe guard #if LWRP_DEBUG_STATIC_POSTFX // Used by QA for automated testing index = 0; float rndOffsetX = 0f; float rndOffsetY = 0f; #else if (++index >= blueNoise.Length) index = 0; Random.InitState(Time.frameCount); float rndOffsetX = Random.value; float rndOffsetY = Random.value; #endif // Ideally we would be sending a texture array once and an index to the slice to use // on every frame but these aren't supported on all Universal targets var noiseTex = blueNoise[index]; material.SetTexture(ShaderConstants._BlueNoise_Texture, noiseTex); material.SetVector(ShaderConstants._Dithering_Params, new Vector4( cameraPixelWidth / (float)noiseTex.width, cameraPixelHeight / (float)noiseTex.height, rndOffsetX, rndOffsetY )); return index; } /// /// Configures the Film grain shader parameters. /// /// The PostProcessData resources to use. /// The Film Grain settings. /// The camera using the dithering effect. /// The material used with the dithering effect. [System.Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use ConfigureFilmGrain override that takes camera pixel width and height instead.")] public static void ConfigureFilmGrain(PostProcessData data, FilmGrain settings, Camera camera, Material material) { ConfigureFilmGrain(data, settings, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight, material); } /// /// Configures the Film grain shader parameters. /// /// The PostProcessData resources to use. /// The Film Grain settings. /// The camera pixel width. /// The camera pixel height. /// The material used with the dithering effect. public static void ConfigureFilmGrain(PostProcessData data, FilmGrain settings, int cameraPixelWidth, int cameraPixelHeight, Material material) { var texture = settings.texture.value; if (settings.type.value != FilmGrainLookup.Custom) texture = data.textures.filmGrainTex[(int)settings.type.value]; #if LWRP_DEBUG_STATIC_POSTFX float offsetX = 0f; float offsetY = 0f; #else Random.InitState(Time.frameCount); float offsetX = Random.value; float offsetY = Random.value; #endif var tilingParams = texture == null ? : new Vector4(cameraPixelWidth / (float)texture.width, cameraPixelHeight / (float)texture.height, offsetX, offsetY); material.SetTexture(ShaderConstants._Grain_Texture, texture); material.SetVector(ShaderConstants._Grain_Params, new Vector2(settings.intensity.value * 4f, settings.response.value)); material.SetVector(ShaderConstants._Grain_TilingParams, tilingParams); } internal static void SetSourceSize(CommandBuffer cmd, RenderTextureDescriptor desc) { float width = desc.width; float height = desc.height; if (desc.useDynamicScale) { width *= ScalableBufferManager.widthScaleFactor; height *= ScalableBufferManager.heightScaleFactor; } cmd.SetGlobalVector(ShaderConstants._SourceSize, new Vector4(width, height, 1.0f / width, 1.0f / height)); } // Precomputed shader ids to same some CPU cycles (mostly affects mobile) static class ShaderConstants { public static readonly int _Grain_Texture = Shader.PropertyToID("_Grain_Texture"); public static readonly int _Grain_Params = Shader.PropertyToID("_Grain_Params"); public static readonly int _Grain_TilingParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_Grain_TilingParams"); public static readonly int _BlueNoise_Texture = Shader.PropertyToID("_BlueNoise_Texture"); public static readonly int _Dithering_Params = Shader.PropertyToID("_Dithering_Params"); public static readonly int _SourceSize = Shader.PropertyToID("_SourceSize"); } } }