using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Mathematics; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using UnityEngine.Jobs; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { internal class DecalEntityIndexer { public struct DecalEntityItem { public int chunkIndex; public int arrayIndex; public int version; } private List m_Entities = new List(); private Queue m_FreeIndices = new Queue(); public bool IsValid(DecalEntity decalEntity) { if (m_Entities.Count <= decalEntity.index) return false; return m_Entities[decalEntity.index].version == decalEntity.version; } public DecalEntity CreateDecalEntity(int arrayIndex, int chunkIndex) { // Reuse if (m_FreeIndices.Count != 0) { int entityIndex = m_FreeIndices.Dequeue(); int newVersion = m_Entities[entityIndex].version + 1; m_Entities[entityIndex] = new DecalEntityItem() { arrayIndex = arrayIndex, chunkIndex = chunkIndex, version = newVersion, }; return new DecalEntity() { index = entityIndex, version = newVersion, }; } // Create new one { int entityIndex = m_Entities.Count; int version = 1; m_Entities.Add(new DecalEntityItem() { arrayIndex = arrayIndex, chunkIndex = chunkIndex, version = version, }); return new DecalEntity() { index = entityIndex, version = version, }; } } public void DestroyDecalEntity(DecalEntity decalEntity) { Assert.IsTrue(IsValid(decalEntity)); m_FreeIndices.Enqueue(decalEntity.index); // Update version that everything that points to it will have outdated version var item = m_Entities[decalEntity.index]; item.version++; m_Entities[decalEntity.index] = item; } public DecalEntityItem GetItem(DecalEntity decalEntity) { Assert.IsTrue(IsValid(decalEntity)); return m_Entities[decalEntity.index]; } public void UpdateIndex(DecalEntity decalEntity, int newArrayIndex) { Assert.IsTrue(IsValid(decalEntity)); var item = m_Entities[decalEntity.index]; item.arrayIndex = newArrayIndex; item.version = decalEntity.version; m_Entities[decalEntity.index] = item; } public void RemapChunkIndices(List remaper) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Entities.Count; ++i) { int newChunkIndex = remaper[m_Entities[i].chunkIndex]; var item = m_Entities[i]; item.chunkIndex = newChunkIndex; m_Entities[i] = item; } } public void Clear() { m_Entities.Clear(); m_FreeIndices.Clear(); } } internal struct DecalEntity { public int index; public int version; } /// /// Contains and shared material. /// internal class DecalEntityChunk : DecalChunk { public Material material; public NativeArray decalEntities; public DecalProjector[] decalProjectors; public TransformAccessArray transformAccessArray; public override void Push() { count++; } public override void RemoveAtSwapBack(int entityIndex) { RemoveAtSwapBack(ref decalEntities, entityIndex, count); RemoveAtSwapBack(ref decalProjectors, entityIndex, count); transformAccessArray.RemoveAtSwapBack(entityIndex); count--; } public override void SetCapacity(int newCapacity) { decalEntities.ResizeArray(newCapacity); ResizeNativeArray(ref transformAccessArray, decalProjectors, newCapacity); ArrayExtensions.ResizeArray(ref decalProjectors, newCapacity); capacity = newCapacity; } public override void Dispose() { if (capacity == 0) return; decalEntities.Dispose(); transformAccessArray.Dispose(); decalProjectors = null; count = 0; capacity = 0; } } /// /// Manages lifetime between and . /// Contains all . /// internal class DecalEntityManager : IDisposable { public List entityChunks = new List(); public List cachedChunks = new List(); public List culledChunks = new List(); public List drawCallChunks = new List(); public int chunkCount; private ProfilingSampler m_AddDecalSampler; private ProfilingSampler m_ResizeChunks; private ProfilingSampler m_SortChunks; private DecalEntityIndexer m_DecalEntityIndexer = new DecalEntityIndexer(); private Dictionary m_MaterialToChunkIndex = new Dictionary(); private struct CombinedChunks { public DecalEntityChunk entityChunk; public DecalCachedChunk cachedChunk; public DecalCulledChunk culledChunk; public DecalDrawCallChunk drawCallChunk; public int previousChunkIndex; public bool valid; } private List m_CombinedChunks = new List(); private List m_CombinedChunkRemmap = new List(); private Material m_ErrorMaterial; public Material errorMaterial { get { if (m_ErrorMaterial == null) m_ErrorMaterial = CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial(Shader.Find("Hidden/InternalErrorShader")); return m_ErrorMaterial; } } private Mesh m_DecalProjectorMesh; public Mesh decalProjectorMesh { get { if (m_DecalProjectorMesh == null) m_DecalProjectorMesh = CoreUtils.CreateCubeMesh(new Vector4(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f), new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f)); return m_DecalProjectorMesh; } } public DecalEntityManager() { m_AddDecalSampler = new ProfilingSampler("DecalEntityManager.CreateDecalEntity"); m_ResizeChunks = new ProfilingSampler("DecalEntityManager.ResizeChunks"); m_SortChunks = new ProfilingSampler("DecalEntityManager.SortChunks"); } public bool IsValid(DecalEntity decalEntity) { return m_DecalEntityIndexer.IsValid(decalEntity); } public DecalEntity CreateDecalEntity(DecalProjector decalProjector) { var material = decalProjector.material; if (material == null) material = errorMaterial; using (new ProfilingScope(null, m_AddDecalSampler)) { int chunkIndex = CreateChunkIndex(material); int entityIndex = entityChunks[chunkIndex].count; DecalEntity entity = m_DecalEntityIndexer.CreateDecalEntity(entityIndex, chunkIndex); DecalEntityChunk entityChunk = entityChunks[chunkIndex]; DecalCachedChunk cachedChunk = cachedChunks[chunkIndex]; DecalCulledChunk culledChunk = culledChunks[chunkIndex]; DecalDrawCallChunk drawCallChunk = drawCallChunks[chunkIndex]; // Make sure we have space to add new entity if (entityChunks[chunkIndex].capacity == entityChunks[chunkIndex].count) { using (new ProfilingScope(null, m_ResizeChunks)) { int newCapacity = entityChunks[chunkIndex].capacity + entityChunks[chunkIndex].capacity; newCapacity = math.max(8, newCapacity); entityChunk.SetCapacity(newCapacity); cachedChunk.SetCapacity(newCapacity); culledChunk.SetCapacity(newCapacity); drawCallChunk.SetCapacity(newCapacity); } } entityChunk.Push(); cachedChunk.Push(); culledChunk.Push(); drawCallChunk.Push(); entityChunk.decalProjectors[entityIndex] = decalProjector; entityChunk.decalEntities[entityIndex] = entity; entityChunk.transformAccessArray.Add(decalProjector.transform); UpdateDecalEntityData(entity, decalProjector); return entity; } } private int CreateChunkIndex(Material material) { if (!m_MaterialToChunkIndex.TryGetValue(material, out int chunkIndex)) { var propertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); // In order instanced and non instanced rendering to work with _NormalToWorld // We need to make sure array is created with maximum size propertyBlock.SetMatrixArray("_NormalToWorld", new Matrix4x4[250]); entityChunks.Add(new DecalEntityChunk() { material = material }); cachedChunks.Add(new DecalCachedChunk() { propertyBlock = propertyBlock, }); culledChunks.Add(new DecalCulledChunk()); drawCallChunks.Add(new DecalDrawCallChunk() { subCallCounts = new NativeArray(1, Allocator.Persistent) }); m_CombinedChunks.Add(new CombinedChunks()); m_CombinedChunkRemmap.Add(0); m_MaterialToChunkIndex.Add(material, chunkCount); return chunkCount++; } return chunkIndex; } public void UpdateAllDecalEntitiesData() { foreach (var entityChunk in entityChunks) { for (int i = 0; i < entityChunk.count; ++i) { var decalProjector = entityChunk.decalProjectors[i]; if (decalProjector == null) continue; var entity = entityChunk.decalEntities[i]; if (!IsValid(entity)) continue; UpdateDecalEntityData(entity, decalProjector); } } } public void UpdateDecalEntityData(DecalEntity decalEntity, DecalProjector decalProjector) { var decalItem = m_DecalEntityIndexer.GetItem(decalEntity); int chunkIndex = decalItem.chunkIndex; int arrayIndex = decalItem.arrayIndex; DecalCachedChunk cachedChunk = cachedChunks[chunkIndex]; cachedChunk.sizeOffsets[arrayIndex] = Matrix4x4.Translate(decalProjector.decalOffset) * Matrix4x4.Scale(decalProjector.decalSize); float drawDistance = decalProjector.drawDistance; float fadeScale = decalProjector.fadeScale; float startAngleFade = decalProjector.startAngleFade; float endAngleFade = decalProjector.endAngleFade; Vector4 uvScaleBias = decalProjector.uvScaleBias; int layerMask = decalProjector.gameObject.layer; ulong sceneLayerMask = decalProjector.gameObject.sceneCullingMask; float fadeFactor = decalProjector.fadeFactor; cachedChunk.drawDistances[arrayIndex] = new Vector2(drawDistance, fadeScale); // In the shader to remap from cosine -1 to 1 to new range 0..1 (with 0 - 0 degree and 1 - 180 degree) // we do 1.0 - (dot() * 0.5 + 0.5) => 0.5 * (1 - dot()) // we actually square that to get smoother result => x = (0.5 - 0.5 * dot())^2 // Do a remap in the shader. 1.0 - saturate((x - start) / (end - start)) // After simplification => saturate(a + b * dot() * (dot() - 2.0)) // a = 1.0 - (0.25 - start) / (end - start), y = - 0.25 / (end - start) if (startAngleFade == 180.0f) // angle fade is disabled { cachedChunk.angleFades[arrayIndex] = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); } else { float angleStart = startAngleFade / 180.0f; float angleEnd = endAngleFade / 180.0f; var range = Mathf.Max(0.0001f, angleEnd - angleStart); cachedChunk.angleFades[arrayIndex] = new Vector2(1.0f - (0.25f - angleStart) / range, -0.25f / range); } cachedChunk.uvScaleBias[arrayIndex] = uvScaleBias; cachedChunk.layerMasks[arrayIndex] = layerMask; cachedChunk.sceneLayerMasks[arrayIndex] = sceneLayerMask; cachedChunk.fadeFactors[arrayIndex] = fadeFactor; cachedChunk.scaleModes[arrayIndex] = decalProjector.scaleMode; cachedChunk.renderingLayerMasks[arrayIndex] = RenderingLayerUtils.ToValidRenderingLayers(decalProjector.renderingLayerMask); cachedChunk.positions[arrayIndex] = decalProjector.transform.position; cachedChunk.rotation[arrayIndex] = decalProjector.transform.rotation; cachedChunk.scales[arrayIndex] = decalProjector.transform.lossyScale; cachedChunk.dirty[arrayIndex] = true; } public void DestroyDecalEntity(DecalEntity decalEntity) { if (!m_DecalEntityIndexer.IsValid(decalEntity)) return; var decalItem = m_DecalEntityIndexer.GetItem(decalEntity); m_DecalEntityIndexer.DestroyDecalEntity(decalEntity); int chunkIndex = decalItem.chunkIndex; int arrayIndex = decalItem.arrayIndex; DecalEntityChunk entityChunk = entityChunks[chunkIndex]; DecalCachedChunk cachedChunk = cachedChunks[chunkIndex]; DecalCulledChunk culledChunk = culledChunks[chunkIndex]; DecalDrawCallChunk drawCallChunk = drawCallChunks[chunkIndex]; int lastArrayIndex = entityChunk.count - 1; if (arrayIndex != lastArrayIndex) m_DecalEntityIndexer.UpdateIndex(entityChunk.decalEntities[lastArrayIndex], arrayIndex); entityChunk.RemoveAtSwapBack(arrayIndex); cachedChunk.RemoveAtSwapBack(arrayIndex); culledChunk.RemoveAtSwapBack(arrayIndex); drawCallChunk.RemoveAtSwapBack(arrayIndex); } public void Update() { using (new ProfilingScope(null, m_SortChunks)) { for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; ++i) { if (entityChunks[i].material == null) entityChunks[i].material = errorMaterial; } // Combine chunks into single array for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; ++i) { m_CombinedChunks[i] = new CombinedChunks() { entityChunk = entityChunks[i], cachedChunk = cachedChunks[i], culledChunk = culledChunks[i], drawCallChunk = drawCallChunks[i], previousChunkIndex = i, valid = entityChunks[i].count != 0, }; } // Sort m_CombinedChunks.Sort((a, b) => { if (a.valid && !b.valid) return -1; if (!a.valid && b.valid) return 1; if (a.cachedChunk.drawOrder < b.cachedChunk.drawOrder) return -1; if (a.cachedChunk.drawOrder > b.cachedChunk.drawOrder) return 1; return a.entityChunk.material.GetHashCode().CompareTo(b.entityChunk.material.GetHashCode()); }); // Early out if nothing changed bool dirty = false; for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; ++i) { if (m_CombinedChunks[i].previousChunkIndex != i || !m_CombinedChunks[i].valid) { dirty = true; break; } } if (!dirty) return; // Update chunks int count = 0; m_MaterialToChunkIndex.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; ++i) { var combinedChunk = m_CombinedChunks[i]; // Destroy invalid chunk for cleanup if (!m_CombinedChunks[i].valid) { combinedChunk.entityChunk.currentJobHandle.Complete(); combinedChunk.cachedChunk.currentJobHandle.Complete(); combinedChunk.culledChunk.currentJobHandle.Complete(); combinedChunk.drawCallChunk.currentJobHandle.Complete(); combinedChunk.entityChunk.Dispose(); combinedChunk.cachedChunk.Dispose(); combinedChunk.culledChunk.Dispose(); combinedChunk.drawCallChunk.Dispose(); continue; } entityChunks[i] = combinedChunk.entityChunk; cachedChunks[i] = combinedChunk.cachedChunk; culledChunks[i] = combinedChunk.culledChunk; drawCallChunks[i] = combinedChunk.drawCallChunk; if (!m_MaterialToChunkIndex.ContainsKey(entityChunks[i].material)) m_MaterialToChunkIndex.Add(entityChunks[i].material, i); m_CombinedChunkRemmap[combinedChunk.previousChunkIndex] = i; count++; } // In case some chunks where destroyed resize the arrays if (chunkCount > count) { entityChunks.RemoveRange(count, chunkCount - count); cachedChunks.RemoveRange(count, chunkCount - count); culledChunks.RemoveRange(count, chunkCount - count); drawCallChunks.RemoveRange(count, chunkCount - count); m_CombinedChunks.RemoveRange(count, chunkCount - count); chunkCount = count; } // Remap entities chunk index with new sorted ones m_DecalEntityIndexer.RemapChunkIndices(m_CombinedChunkRemmap); } } public void Dispose() { CoreUtils.Destroy(m_ErrorMaterial); CoreUtils.Destroy(m_DecalProjectorMesh); foreach (var entityChunk in entityChunks) entityChunk.currentJobHandle.Complete(); foreach (var cachedChunk in cachedChunks) cachedChunk.currentJobHandle.Complete(); foreach (var culledChunk in culledChunks) culledChunk.currentJobHandle.Complete(); foreach (var drawCallChunk in drawCallChunks) drawCallChunk.currentJobHandle.Complete(); foreach (var entityChunk in entityChunks) entityChunk.Dispose(); foreach (var cachedChunk in cachedChunks) cachedChunk.Dispose(); foreach (var culledChunk in culledChunks) culledChunk.Dispose(); foreach (var drawCallChunk in drawCallChunks) drawCallChunk.Dispose(); m_DecalEntityIndexer.Clear(); m_MaterialToChunkIndex.Clear(); entityChunks.Clear(); cachedChunks.Clear(); culledChunks.Clear(); drawCallChunks.Clear(); m_CombinedChunks.Clear(); chunkCount = 0; } } }