# Controls * [Hierarchies](#control-hierarchies) * [Types](#control-types) * [Usages](#control-usages) * [Paths](#control-paths) * [State](#control-state) * [Actuation](#control-actuation) * [Noisy Controls](#noisy-controls) * [Synthetic Controls](#synthetic-controls) * [Performance Optimization](#performance-optimization) An Input Control represents a source of values. These values can be of any structured or primitive type. The only requirement is that the type is [blittable](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/interop/blittable-and-non-blittable-types). >__Note__: Controls are for input only. Output and configuration items on Input Devices are not represented as Controls. Each Control is identified by a name ([`InputControl.name`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_name)) and can optionally have a display name ([`InputControl.displayName`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_displayName)) that differs from the Control name. For example, the right-hand face button closest to the touchpad on a PlayStation DualShock 4 controller has the control name "buttonWest" and the display name "Square". Additionally, a Control might have one or more aliases which provide alternative names for the Control. You can access the aliases for a specific Control through its [`InputControl.aliases`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_aliases) property. Finally, a Control might also have a short display name which can be accessed through the [`InputControl.shortDisplayName`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_shortDisplayName) property. For example, the short display name for the left mouse button is "LMB". ## Control hierarchies Controls can form hierarchies. The root of a Control hierarchy is always a [Device](Devices.md). The setup of hierarchies is exclusively controlled through [layouts](Layouts.md). You can access the parent of a Control using [`InputControl.parent`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_parent), and its children using [`InputControl.children`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_children). To access the flattened hierarchy of all Controls on a Device, use [`InputDevice.allControls`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputDevice.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputDevice_allControls). ## Control types All controls are based on the [`InputControl`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html) base class. Most concrete implementations are based on [`InputControl`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl-1.html). The Input System provides the following types of controls out of the box: |Control Type|Description|Example| |------------|-----------|-------| |[`AxisControl`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.AxisControl.html)|A 1D floating-point axis.|[`Gamepad.leftStick.x`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.Vector2Control.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_Controls_Vector2Control_x)| |[`ButtonControl`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.ButtonControl.html)|A button expressed as a floating-point value. Whether the button can have a value other than 0 or 1 depends on the underlying representation. For example, gamepad trigger buttons can have values other than 0 and 1, but gamepad face buttons generally can't.|[`Mouse.leftButton`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_Mouse_leftButton)| |[`KeyControl`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.KeyControl.html)|A specialized button that represents a key on a [`Keyboard`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Keyboard.html). Keys have an associated [`keyCode`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.KeyControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_Controls_KeyControl_keyCode) and, unlike other types of Controls, change their display name in accordance to the currently active system-wide keyboard layout. See the [Keyboard](Keyboard.md) documentation for details.|[`Keyboard.aKey`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Keyboard.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_Keyboard_aKey)| |[`Vector2Control`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.Vector2Control.html)|A 2D floating-point vector.|[`Pointer.position`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Pointer.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_Pointer_position)| |[`Vector3Control`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.Vector3Control.html)|A 3D floating-point vector.|[`Accelerometer.acceleration`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Accelerometer.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_Accelerometer_acceleration)| |[`QuaternionControl`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.QuaternionControl.html)|A 3D rotation.|[`AttitudeSensor.attitude`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.AttitudeSensor.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_AttitudeSensor_attitude)| |[`IntegerControl`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.IntegerControl.html)|An integer value.|[`Touchscreen.primaryTouch.touchId`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.TouchControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_Controls_TouchControl_touchId)| |[`StickControl`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.StickControl.html)|A 2D stick control like the thumbsticks on gamepads or the stick control of a joystick.|[`Gamepad.rightStick`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Gamepad.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_Gamepad_rightStick)| |[`DpadControl`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.DpadControl.html)|A 4-way button control like the D-pad on gamepads or hatswitches on joysticks.|[`Gamepad.dpad`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Gamepad.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_Gamepad_dpad)| |[`TouchControl`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls.TouchControl.html)|A control that represents all the properties of a touch on a [touch screen](Touch.md).|[`Touchscreen.primaryTouch`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Touchscreen.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_Touchscreen_primaryTouch)| You can browse the set of all registered control layouts in the [input debugger](Debugging.md#debugging-layouts). ## Control usages A Control can have one or more associated usages. A usage is a string that denotes the Control's intended use. An example of a Control usage is `Submit`, which labels a Control that is commonly used to confirm a selection in the UI. On a gamepad, this usage is commonly found on the `buttonSouth` Control. You can access a Control's usages using the [`InputControl.usages`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_usages) property. Usages can be arbitrary strings. However, a certain set of usages is very commonly used and comes predefined in the API in the form of the [`CommonUsages`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.CommonUsages.html) static class. Check out the [`CommonUsages` scripting API page](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.CommonUsages.html) for an overview. ## Control paths >Example: `/leftStick/x` means "X Control on left stick of gamepad". The Input System can look up Controls using textual paths. [Bindings](ActionBindings.md) on Input Actions rely on this feature to identify the Control(s) they read input from. However, you can also use them for lookup directly on Controls and Devices, or to let the Input System search for Controls among all devices using [`InputSystem.FindControls`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputSystem.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputSystem_FindControls_System_String_). ```CSharp var gamepad = Gamepad.all[0]; var leftStickX = gamepad["leftStick/x"]; var submitButton = gamepad["{Submit}"]; var allSubmitButtons = InputSystem.FindControls("*/{Submit}"); ``` Control paths resemble file system paths. Each path consists of one or more components separated by a forward slash: component/component... Each component uses a similar syntax made up of multiple fields. Each field is optional, but at least one field must be present. All fields are case-insensitive. {usageName}controlName#(displayName) The following table explains the use of each field: |Field|Description|Example| |-----|-----------|-------| |``|Requires the Control at the current level to be based on the given layout. The actual layout of the Control may be the same or a layout *based* on the given layout.|`/buttonSouth`| |`{usageName}`|Works differently for Controls and Devices.

When used on a Device (the first component of a path), it requires the device to have the given usage. See [Device usages](Devices.md#device-usages) for more details.

For looking up a Control, the usage field is currently restricted to the path component immediately following the Device (the second component in the path). It finds the Control on the Device that has the given usage. The Control can be anywhere in the Control hierarchy of the Device.|Device:



`/{Submit}`| |`controlName`|Requires the Control at the current level to have the given name. Takes both "proper" names ([`InputControl.name`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_name)) and aliases ([`InputControl.aliases`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_aliases)) into account.

This field can also be a wildcard (`*`) to match any name.|`MyGamepad/buttonSouth`

`*/{PrimaryAction}` (match `PrimaryAction` usage on Devices with any name)| |`#(displayName)`|Requires the Control at the current level to have the given display name (i.e. [`InputControl.displayName`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_displayName)). The display name may contain whitespace and symbols.|`/#(a)` (matches the key that generates the "a" character, if any, according to the current keyboard layout).

`/#(Cross)`| You can access the literal path of a given control via its [`InputControl.path`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_path) property. If needed, you can manually parse a control path into its components using the [`InputControlPath.Parse(path)`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControlPath.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControlPath_Parse_System_String_) API. ```CSharp var parsed = InputControlPath.Parse("{LeftHand}/trigger").ToArray(); Debug.Log(parsed.Length); // Prints 2. Debug.Log(parsed[0].layout); // Prints "XRController". Debug.Log(parsed[0].name); // Prints an empty string. Debug.Log(parsed[0].usages.First()); // Prints "LeftHand". Debug.Log(parsed[1].layout); // Prints null. Debug.Log(parsed[1].name); // Prints "trigger". ``` ## Control state Each Control is connected to a block of memory that is considered the Control's "state". You can query the size, format, and location of this block of memory from a Control through the [`InputControl.stateBlock`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_stateBlock) property. The state of Controls is stored in unmanaged memory that the Input System handles internally. All Devices added to the system share one block of unmanaged memory that contains the state of all the Controls on the Devices. A Control's state might not be stored in the natural format for that Control. For example, the system often represents buttons as bitfields, and axis controls as 8-bit or 16-bit integer values. This format is determined by the combination of platform, hardware, and drivers. Each Control knows the format of its storage and how to translate the values as needed. The Input System uses [layouts](Layouts.md) to understand this representation. You can access the current state of a Control through its [`ReadValue`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl-1.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_1_ReadValue) method. ```CSharp Gamepad.current.leftStick.x.ReadValue(); ``` Each type of Control has a specific type of values that it returns, regardless of how many different types of formats it supports for its state. You can access this value type through the [`InputControl.valueType`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputControl.html#UnityEngine_InputSystem_InputControl_valueType) property. Reading a value from a Control might apply one or more value Processors. See documentation on [Processors](Processors.md) for more information. [//]: # (#### Default State - TODO) [//]: # (#### Reading State vs Reading Values - TODO) #### Recording state history You might want to access the history of value changes on a Control (for example, in order to compute exit velocity on a touch release). To record state changes over time, you can use [`InputStateHistory`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel.InputStateHistory.html) or [`InputStateHistory`](../api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel.InputStateHistory-1.html). The latter restricts Controls to those of a specific value type, which in turn simplifies some of the API. ```CSharp // Create history that records Vector2 control value changes. // NOTE: You can also pass controls directly or use paths that match multiple // controls (e.g. "/