#if !UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace Cinemachine.Utility
/// Manages onscreen positions for Cinemachine debugging output
public class CinemachineDebug
static HashSet mClients;
/// Release a screen rectangle previously obtained through GetScreenPos()
/// The client caller. Used as a handle.
public static void ReleaseScreenPos(Object client)
if (mClients != null && mClients.Contains(client))
/// Reserve an on-screen rectangle for debugging output.
/// The client caller. This is used as a handle.
/// Sample text, for determining rectangle size
/// What style will be used to draw, used here for
/// determining rect size
/// An area on the game screen large enough to print the text
/// in the style indicated
public static Rect GetScreenPos(Object client, string text, GUIStyle style)
if (mClients == null)
mClients = new HashSet();
if (!mClients.Contains(client))
var pos = Vector2.zero;
Vector2 size = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text));
if (mClients != null)
foreach (var c in mClients)
if (c == client)
pos.y += size.y;
return new Rect(pos, size);
/// Delegate for OnGUI debugging.
/// This will be called by the CinemachineBrain in its OnGUI (editor only)
public delegate void OnGUIDelegate();
/// Delegate for OnGUI debugging.
/// This will be called by the CinemachineBrain in its OnGUI (editor only)
public static OnGUIDelegate OnGUIHandlers;
private static List mAvailableStringBuilders;
/// Get a preallocated StringBuilder from the pool
/// The preallocated StringBuilder from the pool.
/// Client must call ReturnToPool when done
public static StringBuilder SBFromPool()
if (mAvailableStringBuilders == null || mAvailableStringBuilders.Count == 0)
return new StringBuilder();
var sb = mAvailableStringBuilders[mAvailableStringBuilders.Count - 1];
mAvailableStringBuilders.RemoveAt(mAvailableStringBuilders.Count - 1);
sb.Length = 0;
return sb;
/// Return a StringBuilder to the preallocated pool
/// The string builder object to return to the pool
public static void ReturnToPool(StringBuilder sb)
if (mAvailableStringBuilders == null)
mAvailableStringBuilders = new List();