using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Unity.Burst; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using Unity.Jobs; using Unity.Mathematics; using UnityBenchShared; namespace Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests { internal class Pointers { [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(4)] [TestCompiler(5)] public static int CheckAddressOf(int a) { var value = new MyIntValue(a); ref int intValue = ref value.GetValuePtr(); return intValue * 10 + 1; } public struct MyIntValue { public MyIntValue(int value) { Value = value; } public int Value; public unsafe ref int GetValuePtr() { fixed (void* ptr = &this) { return ref *(int*) ptr; } } } [TestCompiler(0, MyCastEnum.Value2)] [TestCompiler(1, MyCastEnum.Value0)] [TestCompiler(2, MyCastEnum.Value3)] public static unsafe MyCastEnum PointerCastEnum(int value, MyCastEnum newValue) { var ptvalue = new IntPtr(&value); var pEnum = (MyCastEnum*) ptvalue; *pEnum = newValue; return *pEnum; } [TestCompiler(0, 0)] [TestCompiler(0, 1)] [TestCompiler(1, 0)] public static unsafe bool PointerCompare(IntPtr a, IntPtr b) { return a == b; } [TestCompiler(0)] [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(2)] public static unsafe bool RawPointerCompare(IntPtr value) { return (void*)value == (void*)1; } [TestCompiler(0)] [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(42424242)] [TestCompiler(0xC0FFEE4DEADBEEF)] public static unsafe int PointerHash(IntPtr value) { return value.GetHashCode(); } [TestCompiler(0)] [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(42424242)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerToPointer(IntPtr value) { return new IntPtr(value.ToPointer()); } [TestCompiler(0, ExpectCompilerException = true, ExpectedDiagnosticId = DiagnosticId.ERR_CallingManagedMethodNotSupported)] public static unsafe int PointerToString(IntPtr value) { return value.ToString().Length; } [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(255)] [TestCompiler(12351235)] public static unsafe int PointerAdd(int a) { var pA = (byte*)&a; var pDest = pA + 3; *pDest = (byte)a; return a; } [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(255)] [TestCompiler(12351235)] public static unsafe int PointerSub(int a) { var pA = (byte*)&a; var pDest = pA + 3; *(pDest - 1) = (byte)a; return a; } [TestCompiler] public static unsafe int PointerPointerSub() { var value = new StructForPointerPointerSub(); int* pa = &value.A; int* pb = &value.B; var auto = (pb - pa); return (int)auto; } [TestCompiler] public static unsafe int WhileWithPointer() { var check = new CheckPointers { X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3, W = 4 }; int* pstart = &check.X; int* pend = &check.W; int result = 0; while (pstart <= pend) { result += *pstart; pstart++; } return result; } struct StructForPointerPointerSub { public int A; public int B; } [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(255)] [TestCompiler(12351235)] public static IntPtr IntPtrConstructor(int a) { return new IntPtr(a); } [TestCompiler(1U)] [TestCompiler(255U)] [TestCompiler(12351235U)] public static UIntPtr UIntPtrConstructor(uint a) { return new UIntPtr(a); } [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(255)] [TestCompiler(12351235)] public static int IntPtrToInt32(int a) { return new IntPtr(a).ToInt32(); } [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(255)] [TestCompiler(12351235)] public static long IntPtrToInt64(int a) { return new IntPtr(a).ToInt64(); } [TestCompiler(OverrideOn32BitNative = 4)] public static int IntPtrSize() { return IntPtr.Size; } // asserted in IntPtrProcessor [TestCompiler(OverrideOn32BitNative = true)] public static bool IntPtrSizeCompared() { return IntPtr.Size == 4; } [TestCompiler] public static IntPtr IntPtrZero() { return IntPtr.Zero; } [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(5)] public static IntPtr IntPtrAdd(IntPtr a) { return IntPtr.Add(a, 1); } [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(5)] public static IntPtr IntPtrAdd2(IntPtr a) { return a + 1; } [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(5)] public static IntPtr IntPtrSub(IntPtr a) { return IntPtr.Subtract(a, 1); } [TestCompiler(1)] [TestCompiler(5)] public static IntPtr IntPtrSub2(IntPtr a) { return a - 1; } [TestCompiler] public static UIntPtr UIntPtrZero() { return UIntPtr.Zero; } [TestCompiler(1U)] [TestCompiler(5U)] public static UIntPtr UIntPtrAdd(UIntPtr a) { return UIntPtr.Add(a, 1); } [TestCompiler(1U)] [TestCompiler(5U)] public static UIntPtr UIntPtrSubstract(UIntPtr a) { return UIntPtr.Subtract(a, 1); } [TestCompiler(1)] public static unsafe int PointerAccess(int a) { var value = a; var pValue = &value; pValue[0] = a + 5; return value; } [TestCompiler(0)] // Keep it at 0 only! public static unsafe int PointerAccess2(int a) { int value = 15; var pValue = &value; pValue[a] = value + 5; return value; } [TestCompiler(0)] // Keep it at 0 only! public static unsafe float PointerAccess3(int a) { float value = 15.0f; var pValue = &value; pValue[a] = value + 5.0f; return value; } [TestCompiler(0)] public static unsafe int PointerCompareViaInt(int a) { int b; if (&a == &b) return 1; else return 0; } [TestCompiler(0)] public static unsafe int IntPtrCompare(int a) { int b; IntPtr aPtr = (IntPtr)(&a); IntPtr bPtr = (IntPtr)(&b); if (aPtr == bPtr) return 1; else return 0; } [TestCompiler(typeof(IntPtrZeroProvider), 1)] [TestCompiler(typeof(IntPtrOneProvider), 2)] public static unsafe int UnsafeCompare(int* a, int b) { if (a == null) { return 1 + b; } return 2 + b; } unsafe struct NativeQueueBlockHeader { #pragma warning disable 0649 public byte* nextBlock; public int itemsInBlock; #pragma warning restore 0649 } [TestCompiler] public static unsafe void PointerCastWithStruct() { byte* currentWriteBlock = null; if (currentWriteBlock != null && ((NativeQueueBlockHeader*) currentWriteBlock)->itemsInBlock == 100) { ((NativeQueueBlockHeader*) currentWriteBlock)->itemsInBlock = 5; } } private class IntPtrZeroProvider : IArgumentProvider { public object Value => IntPtr.Zero; } private class IntPtrOneProvider : IArgumentProvider { public object Value => new IntPtr(1); } [TestCompiler] public static unsafe int FixedField() { var fixedStruct = new MyStructWithFixed(); fixedStruct.Values[0] = 1; fixedStruct.Values[1] = 2; fixedStruct.Values[2] = 3; fixedStruct.Values[9] = 9; int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { result += fixedStruct.Values[i]; } return result; } [TestCompiler(typeof(MyStructWithFixedProvider), 1)] //[TestCompiler(typeof(MyStructWithFixedProvider), 2)] public static unsafe int FixedFieldViaPointer(ref MyStructWithFixed fixedStruct, int i) { fixed (MyStructWithFixed* check = &fixedStruct) { int* data = check->Values; return data[i]; } } [TestCompiler(typeof(MyStructWithFixedProvider))] public static unsafe int FixedInt32AndRefInt32(ref MyStructWithFixed fixedStruct) { fixed (int* data = &fixedStruct.Value) { // We do a call to ProcessInt after with a ref int // to check that we don't collide with the PinnedType introduced by the previous // fixed statement ProcessInt(ref *data); } return fixedStruct.Value; } private static void ProcessInt(ref int value) { value += 5; } public unsafe struct ConditionalTestStruct { public void* a; public void* b; } public unsafe struct PointerConditional : IJob, IDisposable { public ConditionalTestStruct* t; public void Execute() { t->b = t->a != null ? t->a : null; } public struct Provider : IArgumentProvider { public object Value { get { var value = new PointerConditional(); value.t = (ConditionalTestStruct*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf(), 4, Allocator.Persistent); value.t->a = (void*)0x12345678; value.t->b = null; return value; } } } public void Dispose() { UnsafeUtility.Free(t, Allocator.Persistent); } } [TestCompiler(typeof(PointerConditional.Provider))] public static unsafe bool TestConditionalPointer([NoAlias] ref PointerConditional job) { job.Execute(); return job.t->a == job.t->b; } #if BURST_TESTS_ONLY [TestCompiler] public static int TestFieldOffset() { var t = default(StructWithFields); return (int)Unsafe.ByteOffset(ref Unsafe.As(ref t.a), ref t.d); } #endif public struct StructWithFields { public int a; public int b; public bool c; public bool d; public bool e; public bool f; } public unsafe struct MyStructWithFixed { public fixed int Values[10]; public int Value; } private struct MyStructWithFixedProvider : IArgumentProvider { public unsafe object Value { get { var field = new MyStructWithFixed(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { field.Values[i] = (i + 1) * 5; } field.Value = 1235; return field; } } } [TestCompiler(0)] public static unsafe void TestCellVisibleInternal(int length) { int3* cellVisibleRequest = (int3*)0; bool*cellVisibleResult = (bool*)0; int3* visibleCells = (int3*)0; IsCellVisibleInternal(cellVisibleRequest, cellVisibleResult, visibleCells, length, length); } static unsafe void IsCellVisibleInternal(int3* cellVisibleRequest, bool* cellVisibleResult, int3* visibleCells, int requestLength, int visibleCellsLength) { for (int r = 0; r < requestLength; r++) { cellVisibleResult[r] = false; for (int i = 0; i < visibleCellsLength; i++) { if (visibleCells[i].x == cellVisibleRequest[r].x && visibleCells[i].y == cellVisibleRequest[r].y && visibleCells[i].z == cellVisibleRequest[r].z) { cellVisibleResult[r] = true; break; } } } } public enum MyCastEnum { Value0 = 0, Value1 = 1, Value2 = 2, Value3 = 3, } public struct CheckPointers { public int X; public int Y; public int Z; public int W; } // From [TestCompiler] public static unsafe int InitialiseViaCastedPointer() { int value = 0; void* ptr = &value; byte* asBytePtr = (byte*)ptr; ((int*)asBytePtr)[0] = -1; return value; } [TestCompiler(1)] public static unsafe int PointerWriteArg(int a) { return (int)TestPointerAndGeneric((int*) a); } private static unsafe int* TestPointerAndGeneric(int* p) where T : struct { p = (int*)(IntPtr)26; return p; } [TestCompiler(ExpectedDiagnosticId = DiagnosticId.WRN_ExceptionThrownInNonSafetyCheckGuardedFunction)] public static void TestBlobAssetReferenceData() { var blob = new BlobAssetReferenceData(IntPtr.Zero); blob.Validate(); } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 16)] internal unsafe struct BlobAssetHeader { [FieldOffset(0)] public void* ValidationPtr; [FieldOffset(8)] public int Length; [FieldOffset(12)] public Allocator Allocator; } internal unsafe struct BlobAssetReferenceData { [NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] public byte* _ptr; public BlobAssetReferenceData(IntPtr zero) { _ptr = (byte*)zero; } internal BlobAssetHeader* Header => ((BlobAssetHeader*)_ptr) - 1; public void Validate() { if (_ptr != null) if (Header->ValidationPtr != _ptr) throw new InvalidOperationException("The BlobAssetReference is not valid. Likely it has already been unloaded or released"); } } internal unsafe struct StackAllocCheck { public int* ptr; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public void AddToPtr(int* otherPtr) { *otherPtr = 42; *ptr += 1; *ptr += *otherPtr; } public class Provider : IArgumentProvider { public object Value => new StackAllocCheck(); } } [TestCompiler(typeof(StackAllocCheck.Provider))] public static unsafe bool StackAllocAliasCheck([NoAlias] ref StackAllocCheck stackAllocCheck) { int* ptr = stackalloc int[1]; *ptr = 13; stackAllocCheck.ptr = ptr; stackAllocCheck.AddToPtr(ptr); if (*ptr != 86) { return false; } *stackAllocCheck.ptr = -4; *ptr += 1; *ptr += *stackAllocCheck.ptr; if (*ptr != -6) { return false; } return true; } [TestCompiler(1)] public static unsafe int NativeIntAddCheck(int a) { return (int)(&a + 1) - (int)&a; } public unsafe struct PointerArithmetic : IJob, IDisposable { [NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] public int** pointers; public void Execute() { pointers[10] = pointers[10] + +1; pointers[20] = pointers[20] - +1; pointers[30] = pointers[30] - -1; pointers[40] = pointers[40] + -1; } public struct Provider : IArgumentProvider { public object Value { get { var value = new PointerArithmetic(); value.pointers = (int**)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(1000*sizeof(int*), 8, Allocator.Persistent); UnsafeUtility.MemClear(value.pointers, 1000 * sizeof(int*)); return value; } } } public void Dispose() { UnsafeUtility.Free(pointers, Allocator.Persistent); } } // The arithmetic test has been split to make it easier to see the mismatched value (rather than true!=false) // According to : // Conversion between pointers and integrals is "Implementation Defined". [TestCompiler(typeof(PointerArithmetic.Provider))] public static unsafe Int64 TestArithmeticPointerA(ref PointerArithmetic job) { job.Execute(); if (sizeof(int*) == 4) return (Int64)(UInt32)(job.pointers[10]); // Workaround IL2CPP 32bit Bug : return (Int64)job.pointers[10]; } [TestCompiler(typeof(PointerArithmetic.Provider))] public static unsafe Int64 TestArithmeticPointerB(ref PointerArithmetic job) { job.Execute(); if (sizeof(int*) == 4) return (Int64)(UInt32)(job.pointers[20]); // Workaround IL2CPP 32bit Bug : return (Int64)job.pointers[20]; } [TestCompiler(typeof(PointerArithmetic.Provider))] public static unsafe Int64 TestArithmeticPointerC(ref PointerArithmetic job) { job.Execute(); if (sizeof(int*) == 4) return (Int64)(UInt32)(job.pointers[30]); // Workaround IL2CPP 32bit Bug : return (Int64)job.pointers[30]; } [TestCompiler(typeof(PointerArithmetic.Provider))] public static unsafe Int64 TestArithmeticPointerD(ref PointerArithmetic job) { job.Execute(); if (sizeof(int*) == 4) return (Int64)(UInt32)(job.pointers[40]); // Workaround IL2CPP 32bit Bug : return (Int64)job.pointers[40]; } private struct TestData { public int3 Min; public int Size; } [TestCompiler] public static unsafe int TestPointerWithIn() { var foo = stackalloc TestData[1]; *foo = new TestData { Min = new int3(0, 1, 2), Size = 3 }; return SubFunctionWithInPointer(in foo); } private static unsafe int SubFunctionWithInPointer(in TestData* node) { int3 data = node->Min; return node->Size + data.x + data.y + data.z; } [TestCompiler] public static unsafe int TestSystemBufferMemoryCopy() { var a = stackalloc int[2]; a[0] = 42; System.Buffer.MemoryCopy(a + 0, a + 1, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf(), UnsafeUtility.SizeOf()); return a[1]; } [TestCompiler(0ul, byte.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, byte.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathAddPNTypesByte(UInt64 p,byte a) { var pointer = (byte*)p; return new IntPtr(pointer + a); // Pointer LHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, byte.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, byte.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathAddNPTypesByte(UInt64 p,byte a) { var pointer = (byte*)p; return new IntPtr(a + pointer); // Pointer RHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, byte.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, byte.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathSubPNTypesByte(UInt64 p,byte a) { var pointer = (byte*)p; return new IntPtr(pointer - a); // Pointer LHS (no RHS since not legal in C#) } [TestCompiler(0ul, sbyte.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, sbyte.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathAddPNTypesSByte(UInt64 p,sbyte a) { var pointer = (sbyte*)p; return new IntPtr(pointer + a); // Pointer LHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, sbyte.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, sbyte.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathAddNPTypesSByte(UInt64 p,sbyte a) { var pointer = (sbyte*)p; return new IntPtr(a + pointer); // Pointer RHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, sbyte.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, sbyte.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathSubPNTypesSByte(UInt64 p,sbyte a) { var pointer = (sbyte*)p; return new IntPtr(pointer - a); // Pointer LHS (no RHS since not legal in C#) } [TestCompiler(0ul, short.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, short.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathAddPNTypesShort(UInt64 p,short a) { var pointer = (short*)p; return new IntPtr(pointer + a); // Pointer LHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, short.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, short.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathAddNPTypesShort(UInt64 p,short a) { var pointer = (short*)p; return new IntPtr(a + pointer); // Pointer RHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, short.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, short.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathSubPNTypesShort(UInt64 p,short a) { var pointer = (short*)p; return new IntPtr(pointer - a); // Pointer LHS (no RHS since not legal in C#) } [TestCompiler(0ul, ushort.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, ushort.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathAddPNTypesUShort(UInt64 p,ushort a) { var pointer = (ushort*)p; return new IntPtr(pointer + a); // Pointer LHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, ushort.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, ushort.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathAddNPTypesUShort(UInt64 p,ushort a) { var pointer = (ushort*)p; return new IntPtr(a + pointer); // Pointer RHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, ushort.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, ushort.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathSubPNTypesUShort(UInt64 p,ushort a) { var pointer = (ushort*)p; return new IntPtr(pointer - a); // Pointer LHS (no RHS since not legal in C#) } [TestCompiler(0ul, int.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, int.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathAddPNTypesInt(UInt64 p,int a) { var pointer = (int*)p; return new IntPtr(pointer + a); // Pointer LHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, int.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, int.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathAddNPTypesInt(UInt64 p,int a) { var pointer = (int*)p; return new IntPtr(a + pointer); // Pointer RHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, int.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, int.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathSubPNTypesInt(UInt64 p,int a) { var pointer = (int*)p; return new IntPtr(pointer - a); // Pointer LHS (no RHS since not legal in C#) } [TestCompiler(0ul, uint.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, uint.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathAddPNTypesUInt(UInt64 p,uint a) { var pointer = (uint*)p; return new IntPtr(pointer + a); // Pointer LHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, uint.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, uint.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathAddNPTypesUInt(UInt64 p,uint a) { var pointer = (uint*)p; return new IntPtr(a + pointer); // Pointer RHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, uint.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, uint.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PointerMathSubPNTypesUInt(UInt64 p,uint a) { var pointer = (uint*)p; return new IntPtr(pointer - a); // Pointer LHS (no RHS since not legal in C#) } [TestCompiler(0ul, long.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, long.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PolongerMathAddPNTypesLong(UInt64 p,long a) { var polonger = (long*)p; return new IntPtr(polonger + a); // Polonger LHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, long.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, long.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PolongerMathAddNPTypesLong(UInt64 p,long a) { var polonger = (long*)p; return new IntPtr(a + polonger); // Polonger RHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, long.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, long.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PolongerMathSubPNTypesLong(UInt64 p,long a) { var polonger = (long*)p; return new IntPtr(polonger - a); // Polonger LHS (no RHS since not legal in C#) } [TestCompiler(0ul, ulong.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, ulong.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PolongerMathAddPNTypesULong(UInt64 p,ulong a) { var polonger = (ulong*)p; return new IntPtr(polonger + a); // Polonger LHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, ulong.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, ulong.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PolongerMathAddNPTypesULong(UInt64 p,ulong a) { var polonger = (ulong*)p; return new IntPtr(a + polonger); // Polonger RHS } [TestCompiler(0ul, ulong.MinValue)] [TestCompiler(0ul, ulong.MaxValue)] public static unsafe IntPtr PolongerMathSubPNTypesULong(UInt64 p,ulong a) { var polonger = (ulong*)p; return new IntPtr(polonger - a); // Polonger LHS (no RHS since not legal in C#) } } }