# Animated Tile
__Contribution by:__ MahdiMahzuni
An Animated Tile runs through and displays a list of Sprites in sequence to create a frame-by-frame animation.
Animated Tile editor window
### Properties
| Property | Function |
| ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| __Number of Animated Sprites__ | Number of Animated Sprites in the Animated Tile. |
| __Sprite list__ | The list displaying the current order of Sprites for this Animated Tile’s animation which plays in sequence. Set a Sprite by selecting the **Select** button at the bottom right of the Sprite preview, then choosing the Sprite from the dialog box. Select and hold the **=** next to each Sprite to reorder their place in the animation sequence. |
| __Minimum Speed__ | The minimum possible speed at which the Animation of the Tile is played. A speed value will be randomly chosen between the minimum and maximum speed. |
| __Maximum Speed__ | The maximum possible speed at which the Animation of the Tile is played. A speed value will be randomly chosen between the minimum and maximum speed. |
| __Start Time__ | The starting time of this Animated Tile. This allows you to start the Animation from a particular time. |
| __Start Frame__ | The starting frame of this Animated Tile. This allows you to start the Animation from a particular Sprite in the list of Animated Sprites. |
| __Collider Type__ | The [Collider](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Collider2D.html) shape generated by the Tile. |
| __Flags__ | The Flags which control the Tile Animation. |
| Loop Once | The Tile Animation will loop through once and stop at the last Sprite of the animation. |
| Pause Animation | The Tile Animation will pause and not run. |
| Update Physics | The Tile Animation will update the Physics Shape in the TilemapCollider2D whenever it switches to the next Sprite in the animation. |
### Usage
Create the Animated Tile by selecting and ordering the Sprites that makes up its animation sequence in the Animated Tile editor, then paint the Animated Tile with the [Tile Palette tools](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Tilemap-Painting.html).
Game view, painted with the [Group Brush](GroupBrush.md).